
"Up"--2010 years Chinese contemporary art power list

"Up"-2010 years of contemporary art of China's power, ZhangXiuJuan/February 21, 2011 late, "art financial magazine joined again BMW, held the" 2010 years of Chinese contemporary art power list "awards presentation ceremony. "Art financial magazine power of Chinese contemporary art list contest has held for four years, the" up "festival more brilliant. In 2010, the Chinese contemporary art list of keywords is power "up", is actively adjust the art world and face the future embodiment is 2010 China art market to force the cleopatra; Is big auction company constantly improving clinch a deal amount; Is "one hundred million yuan times" to break out the fact that living; The artists, art galleries,baseball hats and the curators and art critics value get more approval; Is contemporary China's collectors to create the world record collection of heroic, is the courage to splurge on overseas markets; Is an artist to update itself the practical requirements, is more of a younger generation of MaoTou constantly presents of active atmosphere; In 2010 China the portrayal of the art world, but also all of the heart of the art world a vision. 2010 power list issued by professionals jury out of 18 award, given this year's constantly the positive enterprising art characters and art organizations. The layout of the awards do not provide craftsmanship, present guest sign in east took a similar traditional wishing tree form, both to the prosperous development of the art world good wishes, and let every guest can feel more active up atmosphere. Artist xiao yu creation by thousands of a device works of tubes, from the activity at the site of the place to extend the set, with bright lights and fuzzy tires of irregular traces, the gathering admission. In the centre of the awards design T stage, above the same of the lofty and forceful with tubes the image of palm trees, "up" form and spirit get perfect embodiment. The selection and sina.com has held the cooperation online, by online voted out of this year's most popular network of art institutions also awarded the prize. At the same time, in order to let more people participate in and understand the process, and also with sina micro bo synchronous interaction. List the award ceremony power stars gathered, artist representative have fang lijun, zhang xiaogang, zeng fanzhi, zhou chunya, yue minjun, wang guangyi etc, from Beijing poly, Chinese fine heart, Beijing, Shanghai and HanHai hongji's, and the pace gallery Beijing, the ullens center for contemporary art, modern art museum, the people's livelihood from a space for the three places of cross-strait important art officials also gather for the sponsor activities-more than the BMW competent, and focus on contemporary art,NFL hats xiao ke, meng jinghui's WangXiaoShuai, LiuZhenYun, ma and celebrities such as elite culture, for a total of nearly one thousand guests with many event. At the same time, BMW in the year that night still auction found artists of the device LiGongJun work "empty". This work has finally with 100000 yuan price is annual collectors on wang wei, proceeds donated to the BMW love fund to support young artists.

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54 th Venice biennale exhibition for hot

Ramshackle Libyan sovereign wealth funds

In the UN security council sanctions resolution through Libya, Libya's Sovereign Wealth funds (Sovereign Wealth Fund) Libya investment agency (LibyaInvestmentAuthority) had the challenge. First is the has 3.27% of the shares which publishing company's (Pearson, the financial times newspaper publishers) refused to pay dividends, and the British government announced in the frozen Libya investment agency $3.2 billion of investment, the United States has previously announced the freeze as much as $30 billion in the property of Libya (part property between Libya and Libya by the central bank has). Once in the capital market scene infinite Libya investment agency has been precarious. In 2006, Libya government put several state-owned investment agency integration into a single Libya investment agency,soccer jerseys the original capital source for Libya's oil revenue, the current management assets estimate that up to 70 billion dollars in the world, 50 sovereign wealth funds in the 14, but the consideration to Libya less than $80 billion GDP, asset scale nearly 90% of GDP, in the country's sovereign-wealth fund is ranked eighth name (the exception is the people/Norway). A part of the national wealth were packed into Libya investment agency the carrier. Data comparison are listed in the table below. Although Libya investment agency declared its investment is based on the commercial principle, but the data have been called into question. The table below is can track the number of investments by sovereign wealth funds, and each of the average investment amount. In the sovereign wealth fund, the most transparent, the most standard is Norway's sovereign wealth funds (government pension funds), it completely take portfolio investment (PortfolioInvestment) strategy, average every investment was only us $12 million, other sovereign wealth funds have to take large equity investment strategies, while large investment easily on the influence by the investor, including Libya investment agency piece investment is 127 million dollars. Other evidence seems to have to "Libya investment agency according to commercial operation principle" view adverse, such as: the chairman of the board of the Libyan investment agency for the prime minister BaghdadiMahmudi (recently according to the report, the real power figure for ever is card of the students study abroad in Austria colonel, deputy CEO MustafaZarti); In early 2008, card colonel had threatened to Libya investment agency from an African countries exiting the investment, the reason is the country's card colonel "strengthen the African union" the proposal is not positive. Libya investment agency and the famous card as colonel mystery, the outside world to its hostels. According to Linaburg-Maduell sovereign wealth fund transparent index (index includes: whether history and equity structure are introduced; the independent audit financial report; the main investment, asset combination of market value, return and management personnel salary, moral and investment style are introduced; the strategy and target; external fund managers, etc), Libya investment agency in global 41 sovereign wealth funds, transparency row 35. The $70 billion in capital disposal only a few people in authority of the hands, Libya investment agency to attract worldwide, the government of three times the business elite, but a lot of people now face trouble. These elite including: roth began family (Rothschildfamily, home should be familiar!) And Britain's Prince Andrew (Prince Andrew ofBritain), former European Union trade commissioner Peter mandelson (PeterMandelson, who was a British business minister, visited China many times), the us private equity company black stone (Blackstone, in home should be well known) chairman and founder of the joint StephenA. Schwarzman, another famous private equity company Carlyle (work in China also has the investment) joint founder David M.R ubenstein (2008 Forbes list of the richest americans 155th), and recently resigned in the London School of economics (London School ofEconomics), and the financial supervision bureau first chairman Howard Davies. Libya investment agency portfolio is not known to the outside world, if the reference with pan-arab is within the scope of the united Arab emirates and Kuwait sovereign wealth fund asset combination of the regional distribution, see table 1: Libya investment agency $70 billion of assets, the most will have 42 billion-$60.2 billion of assets by the United States and European authorities freeze.MLB hats Of course, it is reported, Libya investment agency most of the assets are stuck colonel hid in the domestic. However, once scene infinite sovereign wealth fund--Libya investment agency seems to have the crumbling. If subsequent ownership structure change, and how will?

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As the football association CAI zhenhua executives is a gamble

In China, CAI zhenhua is household names. Many years of hard work, he will take the Chinese table tennis team the palace of god in the world, such as into the territory of no one, a a table tennis match, the top three or five basic be before China won (or in limiting the number of premise), this let table tennis sports become more and more vapid, let foreign players spend how many energy, are hard to shake the Chinese table tennis strong position. Key. CAI zhenhua as the Chinese football association executives to (total helmsman). I'm afraid that this is a global people avoid them like the plague of a position. CAI zhenhua NHL Jerseys executives or oneself is to challenge, so far there are no information flow out. I'm interested in, he should serve as the football association executive position. If it is the will, his natural can't evade, after all this "stubborn", only more hard to chew to chew have to move, and the leadership of the state general administration of sports are perhaps it is "malicious hard" CAI zhenhua this. Think that year, table tennis own backyard, most of the national "escape" choice, to expose the table tennis kingdom of many of the unspoken rules: such as relationship does not reach the designated position, played again good also to participate in the Olympic Games not; The bad temper, listening to the leadership of words, will also no Olympic...... But these unspoken rules hinder the Chinese table tennis power status, after all, is the sport. This "play brain" ball, other countries player never got the message, natural difficult into their physical appearances. In this sense, CAI zhenhua as fa chairman executives there is a huge risk: first Mr. Tsai and no football field experience, this from his personal CV is easy to be found. He doesn't understand football, see no see football, we don't know, but a little, "an interlacing as foster", don't see Mr. CAI in the table tennis world by but for Chinese football, a muddy water pool, I'm afraid he cannot have every confidence. Second, football than table tennis but far more, in all the world to have enough market, only by transplantation table tennis successful experience, I'm afraid it is difficult to reality the rapid development of China's football. At present in the most important job before Mr Tsai should be domestic league, don't talk to me about four years after the World Cup. Domestic league now the biggest confusion is no one look, and occasionally to expose exit league and terrible reality. Mr. Tsai on management don't no doubt, status are high, the prestige, the possibility of a house divided against itself cannot stand will be small, but if mention professional level, it estimated the: non-professional administration has any professional for many years, in football is such a mess New Era Hats of the tube again only, bricks all over the place is sooner or later. Of course I will be very happy to see four years later, China football glaring Brazil, just don't like north Korea can be awkward. If really that one day, Mr. Tsai can tap into the economy, and I thought of GDP growth will appear more significant change, who knows?

Individual and system

Last Friday a domestic scholars from renmin in preparation for its "with a fully independent intellectual property rights" of a new generation of emu train in the United States to apply for a patent, the news caused uproar in dong ying, the China news again on dong ying mainstream media headlines, local media have accused China of company infringement of intellectual property rights, this is a typical "export turns sale in domestic market" news, fry in foreign news, domestic water wave not jing. I began to contact the scholars from renmin vice minister of propaganda department, mentioned what she started to say after I expected in the polite, patience, after hearing after, I asked: "before the company when publicize emphasis on a new generation of emu is a completely independent intellectual property rights, are you said China company has already mastered the propaganda of high iron before nine core technology, I have the ability to design and system integration of?" Telephone that suddenly was silent for a moment, she suddenly and very excited to say "I'm just a little leader of the propaganda department,baseball hats the leadership let we said what we said, let us do what we can do, I which know exactly which son? You don't have the skill to media I find fault, go and ask the leadership ah, I a batman easy to me..." I suddenly some awkward, also very accident, I feel I didn't ask what problem out of bounds, dealing with before a intuitive she's gentle one, interview results very natural, I was hanged a telephone. Friday night online met university classmate A friend A, talking about the classmate B, A recent everyone said are worried B if you are free, and B more call, chat, don't let him die-hard. Classmate B can say is we university department of 10 boys lucky, after graduation by yourself into a powerful department, almost every one of the university's graduates are ready to go to the department to work. Graduate less than 3 years, B place unit is the most developed in the south of the capital city of the center of new employees to buy a house, down 60000 yuan, after the mortgage unit subsidies reimbursement, at that time, the house prices rose to a flat already 25000 level, B into a comprehensive well-off society, last year the B get leadership appreciation, in a group of young people into the unit in the first match of the car enjoy the treatment. In our university students in these hard and shall not do mortgage slave, B is undoubtedly the most is the envy of everyone. And strangers imagine different, B's work can't make him feel happy or a sense of achievement, but always felt guilty and unrest, always think of what you have done against conscience. As one of the most mysterious domestic department, where the strong department general B stranger is difficult to become aware, many have never heard of the existence of this department. In the few chat after graduation, about his work appeared in the description of the most vocabulary is to monitor, monitor, and long-term detention, torture...... And in his view, some people itself is doing nothing wrong, some just does odd rights, have a plenty of for their own rights, some just published some "democratic free" speech, and these in the leadership appeared to be unstable not the harmonious factor... In a and B in the chat, he said was troubled times, feel that they do "one day was karma". Many times B mention work are all faltered, and outsiders do not know exactly what he daily work, can make a simple peasant originally bright to be like this. Sometimes some things the contact between the it is hard to say. B it seems he may have been worry about things that happen eventually. In April this year, since the B can remember in the country has been run by XiaoMai spread his family's father in a night stock on the way home killed, the eent when nearly 10 p.m., highway driving much, had been unable to find witnesses and driver. In the stranger things seem capable of accident, seems to have become god in B to his reward. In B opinion, he became a department for evil helper, god is in use this method to alert him. As a party member, after the incident he QQ signature turned into "I now believe special life". B arrange the past his father to resign after, out of the system inside,sunglasses shop but by their strong opposition, after all in others, it seems, the future work and now B is bright, how many are elusive. On Friday evening A chat with A and B city university students work A says the state is very bad B now, "like A changed man," perhaps in other people's eyes B is just A batman, he was just complete the system gives his work, and the system has given him A lot, he has the obligation to do to his content distribution system. Sometimes I want to B is probably think too many, in some place to work without their ideas or no self can perhaps any easier. Lenovo up in the day of the state-owned enterprises, because often deal with leadership, every day is trembled with fear. Ability to work hard in there or is not important, it is important to consider the mind of the leadership, is like an old colleagues say it was "to serve good leadership, and all else is like hell", after all system inside each person's fate is held in the hand of your leadership, no matter you are the clerk, vice minister or a party rulers. "Want to know what's in leadership, you want to what is not important, the key is leadership think what" until now I remember just into the office of a old colleagues taught earnestly. Leadership also has the leadership, the system of everyone has their sorrow. Evil system, personal find it hard to resist, more can only flow. Maybe B is wrong at too have self, or think too many, after all this is a it rich era.

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Jin yong, apple, gem and state-owned enterprises

Forget GDP, remember the history

China's booming for Japan is the good news. May sound strange, but Beijing health is beneficial to Tokyo. The other side of the yellow sea lies Japanese investment and export of the biggest target countries. The prosperity of the Japanese islands of China is very important. Therefore,MLB hats if China surpassed Japan to become the world's largest economy, don't worried, although the relaxed and comfortable cannot close the wounds of the past. Hatred of the two countries began at the beginning of the last century from Japan to China brutal invasion and occupation. Chinese believe that, only for the Japanese China suffer for minimal responsibility. In addition to expressing regret, the Japanese government has not had any other said, this is not enough to comfort wounds of China. Japan has never fully admit its responsibility, no such as Germany after world war ii, as it was in the collective apologize. And, the Japanese textbooks to this historical period with the description of the Chinese are completely different. Therefore, the two countries still lack and love each other. Recently the relationship between France and Germany is quite the opposite,Discount sunglasses the two countries post-war summit Mitterrand (Mitterrand) and cole (Kohl) are buried in the two countries millions of soldiers battle of verdun handshake for ten minutes hands. Two Asian neighbours between what seemed to lack.

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"Depression" is not suicide officials of the shroud

29, the civil aeronautics administration official website the LiuYaJun sudden accident is caused by depression." The agency says, 24, guangshen railway, died in a car crash in aviation regulator said ZhongNaJu director, secretary of the party committee LiuYaJun choice for depression caused by suicide is, through consultation with the relevant authorities, not found LiuYaJun incorruptness individual exists. And for the migrant workers to jump off a building paid social strange phenomenon, committed suicide in recent years officials also emerge in endlessly, from the provincial or ministerial level, to XianChuJi, at the related, from the party committees and governments to finance, education, taxation, public security, from jump off a building, shot, WoGui, against the wall to cut wrist, commit suicide by hanging... Only six months happened a few cases. Officials cheap nfl jerseys suicide phenomenon increasingly fierce, the official conclusion "suicide" cause but more and more homogeneity. Have you noticed, officials after a suicide, was soon the relevant departments on the bag a "depression" shroud, and then the undertaker write "was not found to corruption" in the coffin, a high standard of funeral, family members to a pension, things even if it. But, common people is not easy to deceive, we doubt that, officials lucrative, well-dressed, frequently chariots and horses, eight noodles scenery, why the birthday girl and commit suicide by hanging--don't think life long? Whether there is to hide behind the right? Officials also is a person, if work, life pressure is too great, and spiritual long-term depression, didn't get timely treatment and to dissolve, also will have a problem. Such as sichuan wenchuan after the earthquake, the earthquake many officials have committed suicide. For this kind of officials, the public not only don't doubt, still send to sympathy. More officials suicide, obviously not "depression" can explain. Now local officials have formed a strong interest groups, interest union, of which "eldest brother," "second" class and clear, and the small government official, the small officer the boss, level 1 the level 1, complicated, entanglements into a tree. When a officials out problems, may be affected whole interest chain, he could "be suicide", DiuZuBaoChe, sacrifice "the ego". Last November, the nfl hats former chongqing higher people's court trial committee members in the XiaoQing a pair hall class the heavily fortified in the detention house, "MianMaoKu waistband with rope success commit suicide by hanging suicide", give social leave a big question mark. And civil aeronautics administration bureau chief, party secretary of central LiuYaJun suicide is what? He was important and powerful, to wind in the wind, rain in the rain, no pressure? Depression? "Depression" and choose WoGui suicide, be like not credible, difficult to take all the. If again pull LiuYaJun office as the people of the ZhongNaJu recent "very"-June 9, ZhongNaJu within their respective jurisdiction, China southern airlines seven senior management personnel were hunan procuratorate away survey; 

Banking regulatory commission (CBRC) said the banking industry can withstand the house prices fall into five

Here is the news the banking regulatory commission (CBRC) : banking can withstand the house prices fall into this words very key 5: "banking regulatory commission chairman yesterday in an interview mingkang CCTV first revealed, the pressure test result shows that, even if house prices fell fifty percent, also can bear, the banking industry does not exist banking is in real estate business enveloped said Monday." Because this at least shows that 1. The banking regulatory commission (CBRC) think real estate loans should be the risk assessment of the pressure test (stress testscenario) should be a 50% fall,baseball hats rather than the commonly used 30%; 2. Real estate loans that the main banking risk from lenders the credit risk of default, and the risk is mainly due to falling house prices cause. But we should not only ask, that falling house prices to what extent, banking is not inherit? This involves the pressure test of sensitivity analysis of the problem, the reporter didn't ask, chairman liu and no answer. This not only makes me want to explore the banking regulatory commission to pressure test it is how do. Generally speaking, can have two kinds of pressure test method: set pressure situation (set the stress scenario) and the simulation method (MonteCarlosimulation). The so-called set scene, is as indicated above, the assumption that house prices falling certain scope, see how many bad loans will be/default, every breach will bring many losses. The simulation of law is a variety of uncertain factors (such as interest rates and house prices) to a random simulation, and then take the worst as a pressure situation, this method to interest rates and house prices prediction model of the demand is higher, stability is poor, so the bank generally be using the set pressure situation. But whether that approach, need to use the econometrics model of consumers' behavior, also is the statistical model. And the statistical model, the basic assumption is that if events in situation happened under A B, if appear again scene B, the event A is likely to happen again. Make me confused problems arise in here,sunglasses shop if scene B never happened, how can we according to A statistical model to predict events A the probability of occurrence in A? In other words, if house prices never fall 50%, that how can we know the banking industry can bear? We can't help but to cross-examine, the pressure test is it with what method, what statistical model? If it is you, do you believe? I hope we get the answer is not "whether you believe it or not, anyway I believe in".

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By "fed" of Chinese science and technology

Who is the housing bubble of the biggest losers

The national development and reform commission of experts and Andy xie debate: house prices drop half is the national disaster? First statement, I don't agree with any side of the issue, although the argument by Andy xie more spectrum some, but it is difficult to predict prices, prediction of the price of the house made it even harder to turn, predict China house prices inflection point is brutally hard, for a variety of reasons. Don't dwell on, you know... But house prices halved the definition of national disaster, apparently some alarming. Let's analyze this is who of the disaster:. 1. Developers: come out to mix sooner or later will have to be, use of monopoly resources,MLB hats bank lever, price discrimination (and a variety of other gray means) from the low technology industry grab excess profit, it is not normal; 2. Local government: not the land, but had to sell finished, they also should look at the local government, no income will cut spending it, civil servants the industry also is not born should low risk, high return; 3. Construction, decoration, cement, steel, and so on related industry: the world has not the end, this why and why go to, the market economy is supposed to have periodic, the market heartless, but fair; 4. The original cheap house buyers: these people may be half have paid the loans, so no effect. House prices up and down, as long as don't buy don't sell, is just floating clouds; 5. High homeowners: good ah, owe the bank money need not return, the United States the poor is so dry, the bank still have to reduce the interest on loans, cut loan; 6. Bank: miserable, a large number of mortgage defaults, can't, who call didn't put the pressure test well, also didn't like Wall Street these mortgages as all packed and sell, risk shifting? 7. The ChaoFang: unless the house is timely sold all, or maybe wu wear, but rich people should be able to pay their game; 8. Homeowners has not been looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, looking forward to the mountains the sun is out, and the world is the poor liberated, just wait till this day! 9. The motherland the huaguduo: I hope they don't have to be two chi bitter, were two chi sin, need not put most of the income every month to a developer, local government, bank, can have more freedom to choose the occupation, this is the future of China's economy: creativity! Young people's creative! 10. GDP: there is no doubt that short-term must be losers, but a bigger question is: what is the purpose of economic development? What is the purpose of real estate development? Only to the GDP 8? Are we completely put the cart before the horse? I'm not going to sing failure of China real estate, but this a few ideas I always adhere to: 1. House prices should and income consistent, while the national income is only one over ten of the United States, and house prices even more than the United States, this is not what to be proud of,Discount sunglasses 2. Monetary policy can change in the short-term financing costs, but in the long run, the impact is not big to the house; 3. Use of administrative means prices are very dangerous intervention, use tax means to regulate the demand, to the local government to provide a stable financial income, is in the long run. Lin Lin always a words, the carnivore don't know could hear?

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Students go to school desks and chairs to bring their own obligations education to shame

And to a year begins. While some cities like promoting "desk revolution" for compulsory education phase-children to provide new comfortable, can the desks and chairs and the, henan province MengJinXian luoyang some of the small and medium-sized school, the children had to bring their own tables and chairs to go to school. Bring a desk and chair, in the MengJinXian became a unique landscape. The beginning of the year to take parents bench of desk and chair, or walk, or riding a motorcycle, or drive to send their children to school. Don't bring their own tables and chairs, always can't stand class every day? Reports said, the village in a peasant dc hats small yard, and grandma life together left-behind children small red, are to a set of old family borrowed sulks desks and chairs. The economy is not very bounteous little red grandma think, not to go to school than bench of desk and chair, mainly than study results. 13 the little red think, old desk desktop rough, writing assignments, recorded the paper for carelessly scratched. And the village went to school with all the playmate bought new desk and chair, he didn't want to give than go down. Like little red, Massachusetts town this year in tuen mun junior and the second junior high school of the nearly 600 seven freshman, when registering in addition to take notice, but also bring their own tables and chairs. Or he'd stand in class. Bring a desk and chair, in our hometown have had, but it is several decades ago. Reform and opening up 30 years, this kind of bring their own tables and chairs already disappeared, MengJinXian zha to bring their own tables and chairs? Is it the government did not arrange capital, or local financial stress? Henan provincial can work personnel introduces said, as early as in 2008, the provincial government put $600 million to fund the desk specifically addressing problems, and requires all truthful declaration, with each unit price desks and chairs, the standard of 160 yuan, for the shortage of rural primary and secondary school desks and chairs unified configuration, to use fixed number of year in 5 years already broken on the desks and update and maintenance, completely settled the province rural middle and primary school desks and chairs broken problems. It shows that the government has arranged for funds to solve tables and chairs, and so the money where to go? The relevant departments might as well look it up. The government is not stir the money, MengJinXian also should solve this problem, also have financial resources to solve this problem. Because branches is a gross domestic product, the social fixed assets investment both at the provincial level exceeding RMB ten billion counties. MengJinXian has more than 50000 students in middle and polarized sunglasses primary schools, obligation education section 9 a year, on average, each year in more than 5500 people, according to new estimates the number to calculate in 11000 or so, desk and chair in more than 170 ten thousand money is the yuan, the county is more than 50000 primary and middle school students change all the desks and chairs new, just also more than 800 yuan. In the profile from branches can see, is not short of millions of yuan branches tables and chairs money, the county is investment in recent years is of more than, 1 billion yuan, 430 million yuan of branches steel branches, $390 million power plant coking plant, 600 million yuan of branches branches coal mine... 

VIE was official part of the negative

There has been a lot about VIE problem dispute, basic is a gray area. But recently, the ministry of commerce of the public announcement no. 53 released this year may clarify the nature of gray. The ministry of commerce of the People's Republic in 2011 08 January 25, released the 2011 no. 53 announcement, the cloud: according to the office of the state council on the establishment of a foreign investor merges a domestic enterprise security censorship announcement "(countries hair [2011] no. 6) and foreign investment related laws and regulations,NFL hats asked for a wide range of public opinion, and on the basis of our ministry to the implementation of the ministry of commerce of a foreign investor merges a domestic enterprise security matters related to the system of review of the interim provisions on (the ministry of commerce in 2011 announcement no. 8) perfect, formed" the implementation of the ministry of commerce of a foreign investor merges a domestic enterprise security censorship regulations. Now be released, since September 1,, to implement. "The rules" article 9 content as follows: article 9 for a foreign investor merges a domestic enterprise, should the essential contents of the transaction and actual effect to judge whether the merger belongs to the scope of the merger safety review; Foreign investors may not, by any means, essence avoid mergers and acquisitions safety review,NBA hats including but not limited to the generation, trust, multi-level and investment, lease, loans, agreement, foreign trading way control. This at least means, in the determination of m&a safety review within the scope of the operation, including VIE way, avoid is void. The rules or more or less be wavering in China within the validity of the common VIE? To be seen.

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One hundred years of the same person

Economists is what things?

Australia has a "economic Society" (Economics Society ofAustralia), it in July this year to members economists have a survey (577 in total, the number of specific members should not so much, but considering the American economists number also their early 10000 s, like a small countries like Australia with 1000 or so economists about the same also), some information to answer "economists is what" the question is a reference significance. First is education degree. The home economics in Australia, with a master's degree at 29.2%, and has a doctorate degree of artificial 37.4%,MLB hats 19.1% of people have left honor degree (senior undergraduate course, if is a first-class honours the very ox nose, such as Australian prime minister Kevin rudd is the Chinese before a first-class honours bachelor's), or general undergraduate (12.9%), there are several middle school. In short, to become a economists, generally need to pass strict training, and the concrete is a higher degree in economics about. A lot of the work required to do economic forecast and analysis, the need to establish metrological model, such as you look at the fed's economists wrote articles and built the model, I think a lot of people are difficult to read. But there are also some demand is low economists, such as Bloomberg of some economists, may request was economic on TV blow hot cowhide, don't do what measurement analysis. In addition, according to the survey, 81.2% of Australia home economics for male, female proportion of economists to very low. This and measurement and logic thinking about the requirements? Or because Australia married women a lot of choices at home with the children? In addition, work distribution. Australia's economists have 37% distribution in university, 35.5% work in a government office, 25.7% in the private sector. In Australia, economists basically distribution in academia, government, and in the business world. The situation in China plus, China's enterprises most do not belong to the private sector, the school as independent of government entity would have a problem. The most interesting is that economists point of view. Some problems in economic circle to broad agreement, such as: 71.6% of the respondents economists agree that the government should an economic cycle balance financial budget; 75.6% of the people agree with economic recession large-scale financial expenditure; 75.9% of the people agree with economic recession loose monetary policy; 73.8% of the people think that the Australian government microeconomic management's main goal should be to correct market failures; 75.7% of the people think, to participate in the company management price monopoly sentenced to life in prison punishment is the right; 84.9% of the people think that, in any major infrastructure projects before commencement, should have the independent third party cost effectiveness analysis, and the analysis report all over. But there are also many problems no consensus. For example: about lower minimum wage can improve employment, 37.6% of the people don't agree with, 45.1% agreed with, and 17.3% of people can't say agree or don't agree; About with massive tax cuts to deal with the economic crisis, 35.5% of the people don't agree with this kind of practice, has 42.6% of the people agree with this kind of practice, and 21.9% for the people; About whether inflation mainly by the money supply influence,New Era Hats 39.2% of the people don't agree with, and 39.5% agreed that, 21.2% of the people ambiguous, this once again proved "economists in inflation of the source analysis twittering"; About individual income tax should be based on the family income, not just personal income, 28% of the people don't agree with, and 38.2% agreed that, 21.2% of the people did not know; Trade deficit has negative effect on the economy, 37.9% of the people don't agree with, and 33.1% agreed that, 29% of the people not sure, this is a no solution; Enhance the federal government relative to the power of the state can improve economic efficiency, 35.1% of the people don't agree with, and 31.7% agreed that, 33.3% of the people don't know, the questions and answers are very interesting. In short, economists on many issues will reach a consensus, but also in many divided on issues. Another question is very interesting, 45.1% of those polled economists think they in Australia in society respected degree than before the poor, only 23.6% of the people don't agree with this statement, I don't know that this problem is to point to the beginning to the 2007 years? Or the last decade even decades of trend? In China?

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Sing praises to the China banking regulatory commission


According to the golden boy feet

The following is a young women by foot words, you can have it as a joke look, also be to classical look, I find it interesting, so special down: I like to do the work by foot, than do before work much better factory, one is to do the IQ will not reduce, because you are to the living, the living will talk big, and can learn many things, the somebody else to talk about can learn something, the light will look guess progress. In the factory see machine won't, how again see also is like that, a long time people will numb, and would be foolish. 2 it is income are more flexibility, you service do well, somebody else perhaps will give you some tips, and big; and But in the factory owner has put your work to the basic calculation of normal time, there may not be more to increase the baseball hats income of the space, to increase the income only working overtime, exploitation, and you still can't get the bonus carelessly. Three is in a place like this can't tube very dead, change a place difficult to have that kind of feeling; In the big factory is a little bit like in a limbo, oneself feel so small, also didn't say, all day to training inferiority desperately, saying loudly all someone training you; According to the place that the foot a lot more freedom, as long as the hand a bit technology, to where you please, and skilled to you the boss better, easy to have a sense of achievement, also easy to express your ideas. You see I wear clothes, appearance and university students do not have what distinction, I chat on the Internet or by mobile phone text message, I think college students learn in school something, after examination is basic forget, they know that something didn't what competitiveness, but at least I'm in a bit of a live, and know how to service people, know how to let a guest happy, so I am a professional service consciousness professional. College students is unlikely to have this, so so, I comparable college students to have a competitive. And I'll save some money, I also can baseball sunglasses go to learn some training, actually do office receptionist, cashier, secretary, administrative those things, to really let me do, to do better than a metalloid college students good, you would like to change they all difficult, I this you need not reform.

Who drove wenzhou boss to jump off a building

Older Chinese people have seen the ballet white-haired girl ", the story is the heroine of the father YangBaiLao you unable to pay usury, so HuangShiRen will take you owe, you are forced to run to the mountains. Because of lack of salt, the more you QingSi became white hair, become a savage white-haired girl. This story tell us, death usury. The story is very far away from our s. China's reform and opening up, lending relationship also changed a lot. In normal capital market, often appear the debtor of debt phenomenon, make creditors to do, once a debtor bankrupt, but cause systemic financial risk. And in the folk lending market, the possibility of debt greatly reduced,NFL Jerseys both strong human relationship, but also because of debt collection methods and let all cost increase in debt. QianZhaiHaiQian, perfectly justified, but still don't pay? One is run road, you like that to HuangShiRen find hiding place. Or with its life, an. Recently some corporation boss because capital wenzhou chain rupture, unable to pay usury, had to run road, even commit suicide. According to reports, at least in wenzhou of more than 80 business owners fled or enterprise collapse, which occurred on September 26. September 22,, since, more have three boss jumped off a building suicide, two died a wound. The plight of the wenzhou businessmen to SOB. Wenzhou people can endure hardships, keep promise, and to pay attention to the person of hometown relationship, not absolutely necessary, wenzhou businessmen will not choose to run the road and jump off a building. Wenzhou emotions in man again, the folk rich, private economy developed, civil lending is also very active, my friend in wenzhou family are all involved in the activities of the folk lending. The economic boom times, folk lending to small and medium-sized enterprise saved nasty, also let the rich fund got effective use, but funds, folk borrowing costs could significantly improve. China's inflation this year is serious, tightening policy was implemented, the market funds, small businesses is financing difficulties. Necessary, a few small enterprise can only seek usury. Though usury can solve the enterprise short-term money problems, but high borrowing costs also let enterprise to bear. Wenzhou folk lending interest as much as 3-5 points, individual or even to six points to 1 Angle, this means that the highest interest rate you borrow-and that is per month is equivalent to the 10% usury, if by compounding, as high as 214% annual interest. In such a high interest rates, the borrower can only use usury solve a rainy day, if their too rely on, the reimbursement of pressure. Wenzhou boss run road after suicide, the local government has adopted a series of measures, in an effort to ease enterprise money trouble. Government measures can alleviate wenzhou enterprise debt crisis remains to be seen, but caused by usury enterprise credit and survival but should pay high attention to the government. On the one hand, reflects life difficult for small businesses, on the other hand reflects the financial system has deficiencies. Lead to wenzhou boss credit is the main reason for the tragedy has two, one is the policy, and the second is system. The discrimination of corporation policy has led to small businesses have to use usury. In addition to industry admittance system discrimination, macroeconomic regulation also add to corporation damage. The government to stimulate the economy, will turn to financial resources to the state sector. The state-owned enterprise funds rich, seeks for excess profit, wantonly in resources and land acquisition activity and pushing prices up. And when to restrain inflation in the government, the corporation credit limit,NBA Jerseys make corporation financing environment dramatically worse. Small businesses in order to survive, on the one hand, to deal with rising cost pressure, on the one hand, had to borrow usury. Wenzhou is more and more big jump off a building boss in the production cost pressure, lost the ability to service its debt. And in a system level, due to the lack of financial system, and the financing difficulties in small businesses. In developed markets, to solve the difficult problem of financing for small businesses, the government hand to encourage the development of community bank, on the one hand, protect folk raise money. In China, the folk raise money belong to illegal activity, and community Banks to build just start, folk lending has not yet the sunshine. Practice and theory prove, rely on large Banks to small business loans is not realistic, China now will solve difficult financing for small businesses to encourage large Banks in question bets on the development of credit for small businesses. Desire is very good, but wrong direction. Short-term administrative measures or can alleviate wenzhou debt crisis, but small businesses facing the predicament and long-term policy discrimination is small business credit expedites the root cause of the crisis. Only in a system level and reform policy aspect, can solve small businesses survival problems. Persecute you become white-haired girl is not the HuangShiRen, but "the evil old society". Also, lead to wenzhou boss and the real problem is not enterprise tragedy usury, but not fair economic policy and unreasonable financial system.

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Take what rescue you, corporation operators

Because financial chain rupture, zhejiang and other folk capital active region now filled with a terrorist breath. Some private business owners of suicide, flee, intensified the spread of the breath. In the capital chain rupture, enterprises financing increasingly difficult days, corporation and entrepreneurs personal how to tide over the difficulties? This is a civilian to prime minister from is thinking about the problem. Chinese traditional ideas, "kill people pay with life, QianZhaiHaiQian", this is part of the natural order of things. This is "equality" concept in the social life of the a implement and reflection. Even in GDP, market economic concept already thorough popular feeling today,sunglasses shop this idea for most people still believe in. < hr / > on the other hand, in the reality of domestic economic conditions, many private enterprise in financing process, business owners personal social credit and its assets, in many cases, still regarded as folk lending has the role of guarantee a factor. When enterprise capital chain rupture, enterprise insolvency, business owners personal reputation will encounter an unprecedented crisis. In extreme cases, because the credit value greatly reduce, its myself life even threatened. Deeply rooted river's lake consciousness never completely out of our economic life. For insolvency and mess up private employers for, at present, the legislation, does not appear to have a system can be "in the direction of the individual, the life to the necessary security. For most people, they faced a by power organs, competition is consisting of a mysterious river's lake, to fight the mentality of the risk to wealth, may only in an hour, will turn to dust. "Come out to mix, sooner or later, will also", in infernal affairs said not just lines, but also many corporation operators voice. Some people, after business failure, would rather choose the end life or flee refuge, to escape from reality, in order to preserve their own credit and honor. The private enterprise financing difficult problem how to solve? How to let those who because of capital chain rupture into management difficult to enterprise can survive, or at least not be suicide this extreme events? These problems, starting from the system needs to thoroughly solved. You said this is a "kingdom into people retreat" or the consequences of, you said this is a "power and wealth of capitalism" or the victims of, and, in the end, from the settlement of the system, the "system" may include can you imagine all of the system. I think, the most direct way to do that is to give certain in legislation, the consideration. Even if the legislation imperfect, but at least to avoid legislation too lag. The direct consequence of backward legislation is make originally simple problem becomes more and more complicated. At present, China's mainland did not set up a "personal bankruptcy system", making some for insolvency and in financial trouble can neither through certain system ensure his ordinary citizens position, is also the cause the whole social credit system collapse into the driving factors. For the mainland for, establish and perfect the "personal bankruptcy system" is to avoid more enterprise debt situation and cause the necessary legislation of suicide attempt, perhaps this system can't solve all the problems, but, if not the system, the mainland corporation operators difficult to say whether it was a bright future. Establish a "personal bankruptcy system" has two functions: one is to let those in the debt crisis of the natural person, through this system guarantee citizenship status is not affected, guarantee the law the basic rights enjoyed by the free exercise of,MLB Jerseys because the market without abandoned togetherness; 2 it is through the strict implementation of the system, and avoid some people use the legal loophole violated the interest of creditor, through the life of certain limits to ensure that the interests of creditors get certain security. A not established or though was not effective implement established "personal bankruptcy system" area, neither to ensuring honest, unable to guarantee citizens' lives.

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The high speed has 7 days hiding behind the traffic jam

The hidden in hebei, besides the direction of Inner Mongolia in the territory of the situation is still spreads in heavy, congestion in the seventh day. Beijing is a lifeline hidden high speed, seven days bring immeasurable loss of congestion. The reporter to interview, the answer is because cheap oakley sunglasses 110 national highway construction territory, in and out of the vehicle to Beijing crisscross control, a word is caused because of the Beijing not release such large-scale traffic jam. In fact, this large DuSaiDian not congestion in Inner Mongolia, but in hebei east garden of the first FenDao mouth. Straight from here is the badaling high speed, road is the 110 national highway linking Beijing. Last August 31, the author and hide during the day in Beijing area highway pulls stuck four hours. The cause of the accident is not traffic congestion, but in the east garden of the export of the single word set up ahead of the release of the card, because the single word release, cart to difficult, so extremely slowly, and not the police to congestion of persuation and the police just sit in his police car looking at people's congestion, no exercise police ensure smooth traffic duty. And after this man after the back of the throat, the hidden in front of the Beijing YiMaPingChuan for high speed, those who have set up a passenger on the Beijing road separation facilities no vehicles. Hidden from the highway snapback hats before breakthrough, hebei pulls traffic congestion has for many years the hugeness, ten to seven plugging, and each time it has been to a few hours of a car, the traffic jam was already seven days to, this is the national any a high-speed could not have occurred the special phenomenon, ask freight driver pulls all talk about the color change. Some say the local police to cause is offers traffic jams. From I for, including a personal experience is stuck in traffic for 12 hours. Ask the police that pulls Beijing traffic, but the past 2 km then found a few strong man in hebei is article with a car territory almost all sealed off the road, fundamental and Beijing no relationship. Each offers drives past blocked by found that not all because accident, it was artificially set obstacles. Not only is the performers vehicles, sometimes out of Beijing will also pulls vehicle caused major congestion, a return of the late at night, see the opposite a cart to stand against the pulls section expressway central, next to the car can only to extremely slow speed to trickle through. Beijing a few tens of kilometers stretching behind the traffic jam. A explained that this jam is due to the high speed hidden the flow of traffic in big. A reporter from changping traffic team understands, at present the hidden high-speed traffic flow in the peak day reach about 17000 cars. People think that the far more than its can load level. But at the same time we also want to ask: is this the highway traffic will more than the northern shandongreninsular? We know few northern similar traffic, even if the accident will soon be ruled out, how may often lasted for several hours stuck in traffic? And northern highway traffic will reach the peak 670 thousand measurements for every day, is the hidden 4 times of high-speed flow. Also, to the south of the shanghai-nanjing expressway company 09 quarter report, 1-march, shanghai-nanjing expressway traffic of jiangsu section on more than 49000 vehicles, it is the hidden three times the speed flow. With what only a quarter of the northern high-speed flow, and 110 national highway of high speed will hide the shunt so regular congestion!

The backbone of the marginalized

Last week in a fund of the small conference, the main issue was discussed how to use the European debt crisis, help domestic several private enterprise to creditor's rights the way for equity, into the industry in the high-end market. Relate to the somebody else's business secrets, not talk about it. Several of the private enterprise is the representative, is worth mentioning. Four young man, all is 30 s, everyone is natural and graceful, at least in the fund some of the "devil" please before a bit not trivial.MLB Jerseys Their background is not the same: a is commonly known as the "rich the second generation", in charge of finance for torre; From a university degree will work in enterprise of "senior"; The other two are "turtle" origin and enterprise infiltration in years. In the process of the discussion, they neither "out of the country and win honor for the country" impetuous frivolous, no "for me what to do first, I will do for you?" ShuDuJiChang of, but very stringent and pragmatic to concentrate on the details of the business. In talking about the whole scheme of the overall design, several people have shown for international business prevailing rules of familiarity, and toward all talked to "respect" and "credit" words, self-confidence and the atmosphere between laughing freely flowed. After the meeting and fund friends talked about this a few young man's performance, we couldn't help but gave clap sticks: let's China someone! Over more than thirty years since the reform and opening up, Chinese private enterprise as the economic development of the most powerful engine, but has been a kinky a group of: the first twenty years is "my body is unknown," political status and legal status are not clear; After more than ten years position is clear, but it is really true to as "bend sinister", not "long office". Was the "bend sinister" for China contributed to a 78% of the employment rate, 63% of the tax (2009 statistical data). The most important is, the "bend sinister" for China made huge professional managers group, this group comes at a time when most green prime, have or are become the country the backbone of the middle class, it is also the Chinese social strata of the most dynamic in a group. And the proportion of state-owned enterprise in tiny system of the same crowd, compared to their sense of superiority no "state-owned enterprises elite" are so strong, appear more pragmatic; No "state-owned enterprises elite" are necessary in the face of organization fetters and personnel bondage, goal more clear, value orientation more pure; Based on the pressure of survival, their ability to learn and stronger, more good mimic and innovation; Especially in investment and trade with foreign enterprises in the process, they all have no "socialist struggle of care, more focused on the business itself, more easily integrated into the global economy and the general rule of common values. And their boss and the first generation than professional managers, most of them received a good education, more good at to mining business opportunities, and not to drill policy laws; The same is no rules by the baptism of the market, but in the lead of the predecessors, they better squeezed for space, seek a compromise in the standoff; Their growth at the rise of the Internet age, abundant information and convenient communication way to make their vision is more open, more internationalization; They pay more attention to the quality of life, not will work as life of all,MLB hats this makes them in international communication there was more common topic. More important, with foreign enterprises in business activity, they don't want to, or to the predecessor to disdain to take history as the or the country's "burden" (I have firsthand experience a rather large scale of the private business owners, for foreign partners not ascend the Chinese flag to meet him, and refused to enter each other enterprise gate thing), to the more relaxed, more calm, more pure and enjoy the fun of business transactions. According to the 2010 05 May 19, Chinese human resource and social security ministry released data show that by the end of 2009, the national employment more than 779.95 million people. The private enterprise of employment should be more than 610 million. According to the professional managers accounted for 5% of the total number of private enterprise employment to conservative estimate, the scale of this group should be at least more than 30 million. Interesting is, this is a huge group of marginalization a group of-don't have their own organization: "federations of industry and commerce" is to return to their boss, "union" is more for workers vulnerable groups such as the service; Mainstream society does not represent themselves: people's congresses, the Chinese people's political consultative conference rarely their shadow; The mainstream media didn't have his own voice: "the long office" comments also busy, where round up "bend sinister" kid junior noise. However, this is to pay attention to their time- -they will make a big action, do a big nature!

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S&p children

Since the standard PuDiao drop us long-term sovereignty credit rating since, the analysis of the market have a tendency, that is the national debt even again relegation, nothing is less safe investment, therefore, relegation just a political show, is a republican support for Mr Obama XiaBanZi political show. This kind of analysis not wrong, but don't underestimate the s&p of the children don't intention, also don't just stay on the attention of U.S. debt. "The skin not kept MaoJiangYanFu". Since the United States national credit rating is lower, so domestic companies,Cheap sunglasses local government rating decreases and, of course, now, the s&p is doing such thing, the Goldman sachs big financial company debt, Los Angeles and local debt, fannie mae and Freddie MAC, and municipal bonds 11 is reduced, and the Treasury was come down to that of the influence of the financial market is big difference. Why do you say so, because there is a international Basel agreement, according to commercial Banks, including such terms, if Treasury triple from? A double as well? A +, it doesn't matter, provision of capital ratio not change, that is not to raise money can meet the agreement requirements. However, if it's a financial company debts, municipal bonds is a class down, I'm sorry, provision of capital ratio increased accordingly. Give A simple example, suppose A bank to hold A JinRongZhai 1 million yuan, in the three A level, you need to plan carry capital of RMB 100000. But if A JinRongZhai been transferred to AA +, embarrassed, needs to improve the provision for capital to 200000 yuan, the bank needs to raise an additional $100000, or sell part of holding bonds, and that is the whole financial market now faces big problem. It means that, DiaoJi make whole financial market 360 degrees turn, before this, the market has been faced with is the flood of liquidity problems, but DiaoJi incident, the whole market is facing the situation of lack of funds. Lack of money to do, to sell assets the most simple, so DiaoJi to the financial markets will form a selling pressure, this is the s&p DiaoJi events of children in real influence, you don't just look at in national debt rating. After all, the s&p children is really shameless, the subprime before the tsunami, the plight of the lehman brothers has is at stake, but even in collapse before, has not made any risk warnings, harm a Russian bank collapse in the day also buy $1 billion of lehman JinRongZhai, can be imagined, the Russian bank spirit to and s&p rating company such as law, and finally dropped. At present, the s&p behavior is obviously not his conscience found that he doesn't GuJinRong market safety, slow economic recovery, give Obama re-elected makes trouble is his true purpose. Clearly, the market very much pay attention to this rating, but if the company in rating on rating made some moral error, so for a long time, the market is still really not the rating seriously, it certainly is his own hit him his job. This thing has happened in China, why is private equity funds were springing up appear, is because we often talk of the cemetery fund people. Because the cemetery is relatively income fund play, even if profit is very poor, but relative to the whole market quite good, fund managers often self-complacent, although is negative income, but ended up more market, but the fund manager forget, common people's real gold and silver do less, they never think about this, the final results can be imagined, common people on the cemetery of the trust fund gradually reduce,New Era Hats the market is voting with their feet, they turn to private equity fund, because private fund is absolute returns, people don't make money very clear, this is really playing. Therefore, plus, to do the same for the financial management, don't forget to cut through our service, the common people's purse is drum or again? The follow-up: November 11,, in "bachelor" the day of the day, the s&p children and rob foot the limelight, first, A reduction in France 3 A credit rating, cause turmoil in financial markets, 2 hours and reduction claim is A technical error, reiterated that the French 3 A rating and "stability" in the future. For two hours before and after the change, apparently with a technical error to explain is illogical. We know, any major rating of news about market release, as an influential company, be sure to pass examination and approval issued by the layer can, not may appear a series of error, this is a common sense. But from the United States to France, all these shows, the s&p children have before them all off light, you can still don't know what the people want shame?

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The European Union summit interpretation

The European Union summit finished open, made a lot of achievements, leaving the more problems. Short-term measures have two main. One is as high as 700 billion euros ($) rescue city funds, including 500 billion European Union interior through the European financial stability fund and European stability mechanism (ESM) to use, 200 billion through bilateral loans into the international monetary fund (IMF). Another measure is Greek bonds reiterated that the decision of the writedowns are the exception, will not apply to ESM and new euro government bonds. This is important for Greece opened writedowns precedent difficult to assess other bond market after the reduced risk,dc hats which leads to the eurozone government bond yields higher. The price is to get aid to give up sovereignty. This summit in political progress is apart from the UK other European Union countries agree to outside of treaties make "European finance ministry", coordinating fiscal policy, and will try to realize the unification of economic policy. This makes the power to the European Union on further level. The Italian government total debts of about 1.6 trillion euros, compared with 700 billion help city really not a small number, but can be recognized by the market remains to be seen. The consensus view is that if the European central bank (ECB) willing to buy an unlimited government debt, it will completely out of the market for the risk of default concerns. But Della has said this is less auspicious possible, so the market will focus on after the summit, more stringent financial discipline could let ECB increases in the market to buy the strength of the bonds. From the summit would rather give up their sovereignty or to retain the attitude of the euro on see, countries together for ShiJian determination is great, and also increase when Italy, Spain and other countries debt problems worsen the European Union increase the probability of relief efforts. And if the euro collapse, the European central bank has also lost the existing infrastructure, believe the central bank will not sitting idly by. All of these can say is good. However the debt market size huge, no investors worried about basic fundamentals when suddenly improved when can't buy the debt, so while the debt yields rising high, and very few people were willing to in order to higher interest rates and assume bond prices further downside risk. General attitude is watching, the most secure way is the European central bank such strength institutions strong buying, confirm that a policy again after the order. Another strength organization is IMF, the European Union also hope to 200 billion euros ($) loan can attract other countries through the IMF to help. But there is no country made it clear that support, instead the United States has made it clear that won't put more a penny. For other countries, through this channel capital injection can increase in the influence of the IMF, but the European Union countries people's standard of living quite high, and any aid actions could inherit from domestic political pressure. So can become the IMF rescue Europe's lead the eldest brother is still not clear. If no policy bottom, only have to wait for the bottom of the market, as enough investors to pursue more than the rate of return to the risk of default concerns, bond yields would rise stabilising. The latest news is soros fund has bought $2 billion of European bonds, can inspire people follow suit, perhaps next week can see some rapist. Even if the policy and market the walk not to come out, the euro is not collapse. After all, this is most people are not willing to see the results. But the continuing crisis state promotes the eu centralized process, also accord with Germany, France and other countries to the long-term interests of the core. Let the default risk persist, the European Union was slightly worse when lend a helping hand, in exchange for crisis countries guaranteed sovereignty, improve the fiscal contraction, let the market concerns recession risks, in this equilibrium, the debt problems will long-term influence international financial markets. Finally consider factors of Britain. Just after world war ii, in Europe in these countries a base of Britain best, so for a long time for the eu is not the most active. In 1985, when Britain sign the schengen didn't attend, 1992 euro signing the treaty and not join. As a member of the European Union,mlb jerseys the British basic is hold over the mentality of a rip-off to come to the meeting: hope with their domestic veto-proof for more loose financial supervision, and allow the British financial industry in the European Union in the unity of the market has the advantage of the system. Unfortunately other European Union countries to Britain as a nation of long-term make the specialization of dissatisfaction at the summit concentrated broke out, decided to sign the treaty left England itself. Britain also won't bolt, has already said that the eu institutions is for all the countries of the European Union set up, could harm other countries use the internal mechanism to realize the eu fiscal unity. The future how Britain aggravating, the evolution of the European Union to also can have long-term and far-reaching influence.

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From CCTV annual economic figures see state-owned enterprises and economic changes corporation

Recent economic figures were announced the CCTV selection, miss li selected has caused some controversy. I took a look at 2000 years of annual economic panel CCTV all characters, and the character of the nature of the representative offices as a classified, again is compared,new era hats see what's the feature of this among them. The list of CCTV the rules is not openly, and each year the prize in addition to send ten annual economic figures besides, often send some "special award", what public figures, innovation, investment China prize award, public welfare prize, xinrui prize, the nomination and the like. In 2008 a person of the year hair two awards, were China Eastern electric group company general manager, captains of jersey? And jiangsu huangpu renewable resource utilization of President of limited company of ChenGuangBiao, looks very outstanding. Personal guess these special award may be in no judge on annual economic figures custom, so, of course, there might not be. No matter how, these analysis out all the special award, only for the year ten annual economic figures, comparable relatively strong point. The following is the list: (if there is wrong, please timely remind me) crossing a simple chart is as follows: we can see from the above graph, corporation represents only in 2006, 2009 more than the number of representatives than state-owned enterprises, 2003, 2005 and 2008 of to a half, big division years, state-owned enterprises and representative government representatives in the relative advantage position. In recent five years, state-owned enterprises and government representatives in the three years in the years obvious advantage, however, corporation representative in 2008 and 2009, the two economic crisis in the larger seems to have won the recognition, don't know why. In recent two years, on behalf of the advantages of the state-owned enterprises is quite obvious.baseball sunglasses 12 years, only seven year appeared on behalf of scholars, and WuJingLian alone accounted for two people. At the same time, the government officials elected people number are also not much, only eight people. Officials in the official, annual economic figures title should not have any effect.

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Yuanmingyuan disaster of the 150th anniversary of the torture

After 150 years to build yuanmingyuan, on October 18, 1860 by the English law after coalition forces looted Friday. So far this year, is a 150. Time doesn't heal the wounds of the Chinese people. In recent years, as long as the touch of yuanmingyuan and news, and they cause greatly small controversy, as the lake bottom laid seepage control film, the first auction, hengdian reconstruction beast of new yuan Ming park, and to the memorial to politicians and the Spring Festival of yuanmingyuan do temple fair, and so on. A century MLB Jerseys and a half in the past, many historical facts but the public don't know much. And in front of people, not just a how to commemorate the disaster, is more about the "reduction memory and looking to the future", "historical stub and garden reengineering", "true education and national Renaissance" and so on a series of torture. The destruction of the summer was described as a "a dynasty QiChuang figure", is defined as the Chinese nation great shame in modern history. The site of the residual carrying a true education course of function, however, the real yuanmingyuan for the Chinese nation of the value and significance of only is this? If you know the history of yuanmingyuan, if you of ancient Chinese architecture and landscape culture remain a little interest, you must answer is "no". From this period geographic observe the yuanmingyuan doom "in the article, and it is easy to know, from the destroyed in British law yuanmingyuan coalition" to fire site into ruins ", in addition to the main "fire disaster" is what western invaders outside, the rest of the "wood disaster" and then "stone disaster", "soil disaster", basically we americans do it on his own. If the former is the Chinese nation great shame in modern history, then the latter more were sorrows and helpless. If want to make Chinese people remember true countries hate it, should in fact is 1860 ~ 1900 this forty years of yuanmingyuan site, then three park in ruins, a fruit peels off the tablet Jie after sight. If, say, today's repair or reconstruction appropriate can destroy the evidence of imperialism, so and actually, the so-called imperialism in the evidence of early americans "wood disaster", "stone disaster", "soil disaster" process destroy it completely. Fortunately, there's several residue remains, as later generations bard sad the place of hate. Someone said "ruins is also beautiful", someone against the site, claims the same reserves, saying that people actually on the true education base is residue that part. He probably won't know, 2001 years ago, a village in or yuanmingyuan inhabited, the cultivation of farmers New Era Hats scene, the end of 2000 the government put a great idea to get 785 homes, 13 residents in garden unit migration out. If the same reserves, it is neither possible is true education land, also can't be "the ruins". The burned is the royal private backyard, the residual is the people's education bases, the restoration of the garden is a public leisure park. In fact, today again to see yuanmingyuan, use has undergone a fundamental change, the three positioning should not have the debate in principle. To say the stub history, the national memory, actually should be more to the teaching material, the exhibition, interpretation, the publication of form for public understanding of historical facts, interpretation of history. True education sites in not so large area, it is hard to imagine, a bunch of don't know much of the historical facts of the so-called public face the same reserves yuanmingyuan ruins, facing a big holes, a Wolf land, they can understand how much, feeling? 

Limit to buy the inflation

Inflation is the essence of too much money in circulation. But expression comes out and attract the public attention, is the rise in prices. This can be a problem: how to deal with what the price question, can more effectively curb inflation? Obviously, to set limit to suppress certain commodities price, although at that time limit can achieve purpose, but it doesn't mean so pinned the inflation. Maybe, a wave of not flat, unusual, and rising prices from a commodity "out" to another commodity. Inflation is because of too much money circulation. People driven by inflation expectations, the currency in the hand, and the desire to buy goods and assets to hedge, from the loss of inflation. There behavior logic as hard as iron, is not easy to abolish. The government has to buy a ban on content restrictions,nfl hats of course, can "stable", a price. But people monetary assets is, the market is still in the purchasing power of the money, not bought a thing, the somebody else will return to buy b content. You buy or limit the again buy b content, the somebody else turned again and buy c content. Move around, the purchasing power of the money in the market "roaming", rising prices dropped, a series of barred from buying make might become the general level of commodity prices rising actively push. Can a different perspective. Given the wide circulation, currency rates and not one pace reachs the designated position of reality, higher market clinch a deal valence not only "reflect" inflation, its itself can also be "release" part of the inflationary pressure. For instance people spend money to buy rice, buy the surface, or buy a car, bought a house, this part of the flowers out of money into physical commodities, or to physical assets. Our rice, noodles, car, house of course can sell it, once again, to monetary assets and the purchasing power of the money, but are not so easy, because commodity or need immediate consumption, or assets and deformation of the trouble with transaction costs. More important, since because negative on currency value function just joined the ranks of the money, this part of the buyer is no longer a currency preferences, and prefer to hold goods and physical assets. This way, the original armed with liquidity nature is "persist". On this point, also can use I experience of a story to illustrate. In the 1960 s, I was in Shanghai primary school, litre middle school, on the way to school every day is subject to the temptation of delicious food. That's "three years difficult time", food and fusi supply strain, the government loose policy and allowed "free market" open. So both sides of the street to the school, filled up with all kinds of food stalls. What to eat, is expensive, under this plan than the supply of the expensive many times. But my mother never give money, and only she think reasonable need to deliberate appropriations. So, I'm inviting food needs of course the road "rigid for zero". At home and bend the place, is my mother bought a large jar of Iraq jujube, locked in the big wardrobe, every once in a while to send children take out a few a smash. At that time the Iraq jujube, import, every jin to sell 5 yuan. Then read the Chen yun thought of political don't know this is deal with the 1960 s one of the measures of inflation. Chen yun said, "the 1962 currency 1 freefloat reached thirteen billion yuan, and social 1 freefloat only $seven billion, and another six billion yuan? Be make several higher priced goods at six billion yuan, back, the market price is stable." (the Chen yun no.3 (people's press, 1995), p. 377). Here the "several higher priced goods", also including I that year had a will always remember the names of the Iraq jujube in that country. Under the planned economy also have inflation, cause is the same, "money hair too much, lead to inflation". At the time of the multiple money reason is "four years since 1958 (national finance) book collecting from more than a digital 'apparently has false", in fact,' four years has a great deficit countries'. 'preliminary estimate, there may be two hundred yuan, or some more billions. "among them, 1961 national deficit $five billion seven hundred and seventy million. In 1962,...... in fact have a fairly large deficit, $five billion project" (see "the ChenYunChuan",cheap nfl jerseys the central literature press, 2005), p. 1300). As a result, "this years dug business inventory, a price, with the help of a big part of gold, silver and foreign exchange reserves, in foreign trade on the debt, and still owe more 67 billion yuan ticket to make up for the deficit, these are all inflation performance". "The reason is very simple: on one hand, spending more money; on the other hand, agriculture, light industry, the state of the goods production to less, these two aspects can't balance". Permanent cure, of course, is to increase the supply of agricultural products and light industry products, and the control of the money supply, and try to have the money in circulation stock back. Here is very important lesson is must not think all price freezes up, is to control inflation. To clear, stabilize prices do not be equal to a stable inflation, as under control is not equal to the thermometer under control the temperature. That each jins 5 RMB yuan of Iraq jujube in price index measure the temperature of the price-- of course will improve price is reading, but experience said, that it is one of the effective measures to inflation. The key is, this part of the price index with high commodity prices, isn't like WenDian on to it, the seller back more than the amount of money sloshing, spend less money out? If do get, inflation period part of rising prices, is also likely to avoid price impact society more sensitive areas, until finally put too much has been made of the currency to eradicate inflation in the right direction.

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Professional investment and beauty contest game

This paper is to a log on "how to rational irrationality-2012 annual meeting one of American economist notes of the last game of the detailed answers. This kind of guess the game and say average pageant game, from Keynes in its well-known "obtain employment, interest and money general theory, and so murphy teacher called it" Keynes beauty "game. < p style = "text-align: center;" > John Maynard Keynes said: "professional investment about may be compared to the match held by newspaper, the newspaper published one hundred photographs, participants to choose one of the most beautiful,cheap new era hats the choice of six who take part in the competition and the results of the average preference similarity, who possibly winning, in this case, every one of them in a contest not choose his own believe that the most beautiful six, and choose others believe that the most beautiful six. Use intelligence, speculation that most people the most beautiful." One of the kind of don't guess averages, and guess digits, is usually close to two-thirds of the average, RosemarieNagel first put forward this a game problem: let all the students in class between 0 to 100 choose any a number, if you select several, including you, and all the candidates, the average number of two-thirds of the most close, then you are a winner. More varieties can see the following documents: http://www.stanford.edu/~niederle/GuessingGames.pdf the experiment was repeated many times, but with criticism that the result does not represent the people are really deliberate answer, because it is not good, so maybe you just teasing them. In order to verify whether people really is "play" bounded rationality, or in the economic interests in a completely rational when, London's financial times once had a questionnaire survey, and prizes from London to New York for two business-class tickets. A total of 1382 questionnaire received response, on average, the answer is 18.9, so close to the most mean two-thirds of integer for 13, a total of 31 people won the two tickets. But we are interested in is the ultimate "the correct answer", but what is the choice. Thaler professor is very kindly gave me his speech document, the distribution of the plan is the answer. < p style = "text-align: center;" > everybody can see from this map out??????? As dr. GuoJieQun said, in real life, does anyone really completely irrational, any option is higher than 67 of people probably is in effect; And then just a guess, 33 to 67 between probably belongs to effect; Why are there so many of the 33? These people is probably thinking: if people are just a guess, the mean is probably two-thirds of 50, 50, is 33; The help of further reasoning is 33 of 2/3:22, so choose the people also many; Down again, completely rational reasoning will get 0 the Nash equilibrium, this also explains why so many people choose a 0.best sunglasses In between 10 to 15, is probably the teacher says murphy "wise" choice, probably want through the 3-4 rounds of expectations, and it is said in the daily life, you want to think more than ordinary people three or four steps, can lead? Estimate must also see your opponent is who, if contestants are all is the game theory scholars, that estimate is going to have to choose 0.

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"The second generation" madness fierce in tiger

The new campus in hebei university to the supermarket at the door, a car licence for FWE420 ji of black car knocked down two in the business after girls, cause injuring another, the driver not only didn't stop, but continue to go to school dormitory building by his girlfriend. To return to his students and security guards stopped, in be blocked, the high-heeled wrecker said: "have the ability to tell you to go, my father is li gang". The reporter many know, the man's father is really resources city a deputy director of the public security bureau. Think that year, "hangzhou racing case", "rich two generations" hu bin in children after hit-and-run, although appear as if nothing happened, did not care about, but also just was holed up in the car area to wait for the traffic police handle, and not the "official second generation" that not only escape leave the scene, also madness says "have the ability to tell you to go, my father is li gang", visible, "the second generation" than "rich the second generation" NiuQi. "The second NBA Jerseys generation" madness is an example, their parents' generation is so mouth not choice of word." June 11,, anhui province maanshan huashan area tourism bureau chief WangGuoQing drive step to hubei road near big embellish hair stores, and students HuMou altercation disputes, and beat the HuMou, when he called for a way "also overbearingly says" you know who I am? I am a leader! "And in May 19 days afternoon, ChengGuanOu tourism bureau chief in lanzhou city ZhangDeLi together after traffic friction, is also HeWen each other:" do you know who I am? I'm chief! "And these words bearing on the shenzhen maritime bureau party secretary LinJiaXiang" you know who I am? I was sent down the Beijing, level and you as high as the mayor "the words, and display power" very as tiger "imposing manner. They say vomit more bottom spirit. As the saying goes" money talks ", in China the "ranking of nation, that is" a power the devil himself ". Power not only collected a large amount of resources, who decided to how much resources distribution, more can make reverse black and white, let the guilty not guilty, and innocent people guilty, judicial become their slaves." The second generation "li gang's son, probably from the power of the commonplace down and all the power for submission, and in baoding that a mu 3 points to place, accustomed to the apparent pride, for power can deal with all the things a thorough marrow of superstition. So, he didn't dare to own is probably a middle-level officials of torre-li gang carried out, although others even li gang is who is not clear. The master said" cruel fierce in tiger ", today we say "second generation in the fierce tiger", "the second generation" not only use the authority of the fathers up social resources, in all walks of life make monopoly, pimps, opening the current car lived, Shanghai, and full prosperity, also play privilege on the road to tyrannize, apparent pride baseball hats in society. The more frightening, "officer two generations" of power has inherited, have you noticed, 80,, and 90 of those wet behind the ears after the second generation "occupy the bureau chief, the position of the county magistrate," one officer, the whole family into heaven ". If not will QuanLiGuan into the cage, not from officials lay on arrogance, li gang's son madness is not the first one, the more won't be the last. Eyes, from li gang's son, the check li gang exactly is a what person, is the best way.

Out to the charm of

Listen to the friend W talked about yesterday, Mr. HuangTieYing now out of the public speech, appearance fees received fifty thousand yuan. I'm sure, people think "underwater get" far not real submarine remove. Mr. Huang as a former general manager of China resources venture, but are now for the submarine bailing you learn can't "controversial book, became the research experts out. From the enterprise scale, China resources the business about equivalent to the net profit more than ten times get, the former of managers in the latter's story is told. ??????Many enterprise sent out to learn the stores,baseball hats in fact it didn't work. I personally experience store services and read carefully Mr. Huang writings, and with his business and management experience, tell you a liar under the famous submarine remove. ?If to make a simple martial arts, for example, in the Chinese business communities to get the position, as the role of huang rong of "chiang-nan seven strange". Seven strange in the river lake top respected, but their skills but barely squeeze into second-rate ace (boss ke zhen4 wu connected not huang2 rong2 ten recruit), their signs are bright, more is their HangXiaZhangYi and brother feeling, then there is a famous good disciple guo jing. ??????China's catering services, and long "don't put people when people", the people out when the person, that's it. The boss zhang yong startup find later standing deputy chief YangXiaoLi, Yang and bring out later YuanHuaJiang vice-president, YuanHuaJiang again took many regional manager, general manager, again layer upon layer transfer, is behind the old elegant "ChuanBangDai". ?Though zhang had in 2007 of the founding shareholders to divide the equity, good friends ShiYongHong left the company, and not let any ordinary cadre and staff be wronged, about some like a brother of the brothers in a firm, cold, work to the emperor is diligent people, ShenWu wise. ?More important is, remove the have zhang yong, the authority of the executive by tendentiousness influence and curbed. All kinds of "empire", ShangHangXiaXiao model is the most effective enterprise culture, the Chinese have a allusions, says that a woman in the emperor like slender waist,discount nfl jerseys many on the main road to please the emperor and waist starving to death a thin body of a woman. ?I don't value enterprise sent ordinary employees and cadres to remove the study, because the consequences only three: didn't change; Have head but can't, but increase worry; Jump out of the profession or, in the enterprise benefit. Because the service of the wonderful out, not in technology and strategy, but, rather, "(surname family name club" of the enterprise mission problems, must by enterprise boss go to implement understand only useful-and can learn to boss, have long don't have to go on study these other enterprise, outstanding private entrepreneurs have their own sense of mission and clearly going to, power. ?Go to the store experience, the first time it also find everything new and fresh, and officials have enthusiasm. The good service of fame and a pretty basic rules cover ugly, crack and the drama is also quietly spread. But whatever the price a little expensive, and the food generally, he said I met a too cute waitress. ?She's passes is blank, I asked, how are you, do you call? She answer, you guess. I continue to ask, I want to call your name (here's the hope that his guests to the guest name, general meeting of incidental or by his breastplate said, please call me x). She still laugh, and the answer, don't tell you. I vapid, again asked 1, miss, are you to pour the bag? Her eyes she answer, you say? I choose to give up, ambiguous as dozen the feeling scold qiao, too. ?The best example, is zhang yong own fear, he said the current pattern out there are many problems, he sometimes think all feel afraid, a day can't slack. This is the get lucky, founder to stay awake. Chinese food chains "the world no hero". Remove the success, exactly is Chinese food and social consumption inherent shortage, each with the pursuit of the enterprise has increased enormously space. ?To remove the as reflector, this is the only value.

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