
"Limit wide to make" is the plan eggs thinking

The release "limit entertainment to make", the state administration of radio to the punch, offering a "limited to wide to make". Accordingly, since 2012 the New Year's day, all the country broadcast TV, TV episodes of in any form shall not be again by advertisements. Issued by the state administration of radio "limit entertainment make" when, can't help a gossip. I send a micro bo said, related ban and 17 of plenary meeting of the "decision" on see together, to see that one clue. Because the plenum is one of the key words of cultural power construction, of which the socialist core value system is "the soul of the country", so "limit entertainment to" be is to cooperate in order to carry out the decision of a specific measures. Now, this is not kidding. According to "limit wide to make", the state administration of radio news spokesman made clear that the party's 17 of plenary meeting stressed the need to develop public welfare culture enterprise, "limit wide to baseball hats make" meet the people's interests and desires, better able to reflect radio and television public welfare culture service functions. Note, and ever issued by the state administration of radio all kinds of files notice different, the "limit wide to make" with "advertisements on radio and TV broadcast management way" the supplementary provisions of the form of the distributed. "Specification" are not the same, the more we can see its value degree. Both be so, "limit wide to make" policy rationality and the effect was questionable. From the policy itself, the state administration of radio as a national radio and TV industry regulators, of course, can launch the provisions that provision, but whether it has the policy rationality, will have to see whether the related regulations according to the development of the industry rule. It is necessary to learn, the mainland television is a public welfare institution or whether non-profit institutions. The answer is, the mainland television is neither pure public welfare institution, but also is not completely market institutions, but to the "combination". From the social attribute of speaking, television is the social effects in the first place. But this does not interfere with not only, and can also be difficult to curb television pursuing profit impulse. 
Question is very simple, the mainland do not depend on funding support television station, so they must allow the somebody else find market for our daily bread. Besides, focus on reform of the cultural system and depends on the market and assume a public welfare function, this will be the cultural institutions the main development direction of. This means that management department although can requires all television more reflects its public property, but unless the government put the television keep up, or no reason to ban television commercial activities. Here, the problem is relatively clearly. The state administration of radio since not allowed in the TV commercial breaks, so it is necessary to evaluate, relevant policy will give television caused buy sunglasses much economic loss, and whether the loss could endanger their survival. If only rely on compulsory administrative public television improve, but regardless of the television anyway, this policy will be charged by MingLi or a boycott of the community, or management department can only to other compromise or compensation for this interest sacrifice. 

