
Tianjin university: new toilets and inheritance 12 years

Recently, tianjin university of science and technology level 2011 undergraduate 179 classes of 5475 students received on level 1 senior handed mop, ready to mount guard-the next year, these students will take turns responsible for cleaning the two building between the 10 public toilets, on average, are on duty every week. This handle "mop" in tianjin science and technology university students have been passed down in all previous 12 years. Begin from 1999, the school was cleaning the toilet in the newborn compulsory labor, early participants are some students whose families are financially difficult, then, to the outstanding "a house not why he and the significance of education, arrange the school undergraduate students take part in Labour. In newborns for, cleaning the toilet like a college first year a short required courses, if not to participate, even if the study result again good, also do not have the chance to get a scholarship. If someone cleaning the toilet in the class is unqualified, their not eligible excellent class. For students' performance scoring is property company. Every day there are special property standard according to check out the toilet and achievements. Student on sunglasses shop duty every morning at 6:30 to must be in between the cleaning at 7:30, all or regular maintenance. Rating criteria were 7, demand ground neat, without waste, no water, toilet clean and bright and clean partition, then the pond without scale, drainage unblocked, etc. "The whole public toilets cranny of all included." 
Responsible for the job of tianjin university of science and technology of the student financial assistance management center ZhouJiLing teacher said. ZhouJiLing introduction, the school every year when the cleaning the toilet performance of the students and the class, also held a special on the forum and toilet, lets the student exchange experiences. She thought, now more than college students for single children, some students "from childhood didn't swept the ground", let them after admitted to clean the toilet, is a kind of exercise. Tianjin university of science and technology, vice secretary of party PanXiuShan said, and public toilets is trivial, but has become a kind of special education, school moral education is the component. Students in the toilet of the difficult labor experience, feel the labor of value, but also in the Labour of the practice of "suntech is still learn still do the patriotic love lover" school motto. This year, from tianjin science and technology university graduate institute of chemical WangRenFeng still remember the experience of four years ago. She felt for his impressive sweep the toilet, "now say a little excited." At that time, heard that wanted to sweep the toilet, many of her classmates reluctantly. Those who "did not take a broom mop," face the rubber glove, rag, bucket and washing powder is too dirty. A boy in NBA hats the ladies' room to help the garbage, by other boys made fun of "into the ladies room". But the next day, all the boys spontaneous help girl, more harmonious class. After on duty, the students to go to the bathroom and other public occasions, will and maintain the health. WangRenFeng said, the most important is, everyone learned "respect for others, understand other people". After leaving, she for the 12 years of traditional was "particularly proud".

