
25-year-old girl's body several cancers change to contend to create medical science miracle for 17 years

25-year-old Ting Ting and cancer are evil to contend for 17 years this year!Brain cancer, thyroid gland cancer and colon cancer, all having no can strangle her young but stubborn life;Primary school, high school and university, road attends school, her difficulties spends, the ordinary people can not imagine and even be called doctors"medical science miracle", "the miracle of life"!The Ting Ting checks to be from to suffer from a brain cancer at the age of 8 and experienced 4 life-and-death big surgical operations after.Took off in her brain stem the malignant tumor of peach size, the thyroid gland experiences 2 tumors to cut off surgical operation.Because of the cancer, she loses to conclude bowel, even none of water ability is normal to absorb.However she lives down, she still passes adult, Gao Kao, into finance and economics college in Zhejiang and got hold of last year to of the professional B.A. degree certificate of not easy accountancy.Though the cancer relapses of the shadow still cover with her pattern time,she is optimistic and bright, the biggest will is to find out a suitable work, earns one's owns living.Yesterday, this had a liking for text the weak girl related his/her own career and let people thoughted of a phrase that fig uped public:Struggle.Ting Ting says that before finishing university, she consulted companies to once practice in the finance and followed the old accountancy did Zhang and managed Zhang, there are some working experience, but after finishing university, she threw more than 20 resumes, hasn't been finding out a work.At present,where to buy Womens COACH Sunglasses the in home parents' disease back, is unemployeed, the economic condition isn't so good, because she is 8 years old to start getting sick, the mother borns a rightness of twins again at the age of 40, two younger sisters are in the Hang at present two moderate Zhe to greatly attach in study, the result is very good, their family are the difficult families of Hangzhou City."I hope to find out the work of a what lies in one's power, the help father mother eases some burden, because of my disease, they too bitterness." The rare brain tumor shoots 8-year-old I a day in December, 1991, class is over classmate the not intentional collision changed my life destiny:My head hits platform dime.To ordinary people, this also nothing important, but oddness of is henceforth I appeared headache and vomit symptom, even the peacetime's favourite animated cartoon can not also see, a hear an orotund head pain.The parents took me to have a CT check at the hospital.Time of coming out the doctor says "don't make her walk again".I am carried on the back by father that day homing."Small brains mother cell lump, the malignant degree comes out in front in the brain tumor, the then tumor already oppress medium brain stem Shu nerve, even if surgical operation success, relapse to expect can't longer than 2 years."A lot of experts don't advocate to have operation, because the risk is too strong, suggest conservative cure, beat hole infusion medicine but don't cut off tumor.But one in Hangzhou City live the pressure did surgical operation for me, the tumor grew in the brain to do, only remove tumor organization and then will take more than a hour, a little bit on moving, the my breath, heart palpitates immediately descends.At that time I just understand the pressure that the parents bore while signing before surgical operation have much big, in a moment for closing in the operating room door and the mood of a moment again opening is how complicated.In 5 hours, the empress that is endless' surgical operation announces success.Two weeks of Shu empress, I lived into tumor hospital in the province to accept to treat for putting of as long as three monthses.Miracle but disaster having never written as well on the textbook didn't end, the destiny destined the road that I walk far and very the person can thought of of rugged.I check to suffer from a pair of sides thyroid gland cancer at the city one hospital and see from the then CT slice in 1997, the tumor has already squeezed windpipe to transform.Made a double at the city one hospital in September at the same year side thyroid gland to cut off surgical operation.The pathology slice confirms for the nipple-like in shape cancer after the Shu.Junior high school, I once dropped out two, so just take part in in June, 2000 in test. Life in the senior high school makes me substantial, everything all such as what I hope step by step in the realization, but a burst of muffled thunder makes me previous all effort to turn into naught:The thyroid gland cancer again delivered in 2002!And this circumstance is getting more dangerous, 70%ly lose a sound may!70%?I a while Meng.I make a second-time choice of life:Surgical operation.Prove that my choice is right as a result, I another time luckily once escaped and became that a member in 30% and once rushed a third pass.But only is I for the third time after operation the second year, another strokes too late give me one silk breather.Confirm for digest ways the ―― household large intestine polyp that deliver more sex polyp disease through the stomach, bowel mirror check at the hospital disease, the whole stomach body, whole colonses spread all over up to 100 polyps.On September 18, 2003, I 20-year-old birthday.Is also on this day, I knew all these.University dream at anti-cancer in carry out me to take this several hundreds of"time bomb"s of bodies and get hold of college of finance and economics adult, Gao Kao, of Zhejiang to admit notification.Is greatly momentary, I discover those bowel polyps in the check to have already taken place cancer to change at the routine bowel mirror.On October 22, 2004, I walked into operating room for the fourth time.The surgical operation again achieves success, and luckily reserves ass, but the greater test is still in the behind.In order to cutting off whole colonses,Police Sunglasses and Mont blanc Polariscope a great deal of humidity, have no machine salt can not absorb, a day, the bowels number of times 2310 times even more.The number of times causes more ass surroundings the skin flush debauched, drill the pain of heart.I in that greater half year in a night of sleep time can't more than three hours, even can not sleep to feel at all.Majority of time are the small stools that sits on the bedside up doze off, almost every day is bye begin index number to etc. sky to is bright for time, with each passing day crowd through ……February, 2008, I finally got hold of the university undergraduate course diploma, the attending school of more than 10 yearses process finally had a satisfactory result, but all the way walk come really not easy.I once dropped out two, stopped for two years.Primary school, junior high school almost reads along while, the senior high school read a medium plan job Gao.I early should drop out to read in the other people's eyes, but I still kept insisting down, the Ke Ke Ban Ban ground walked to today, walk to finish university.

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