
The swine influenza was near hospital to attack

Yesterday, Korea and Hong Kong reported like the swine influenza case one after another.The reporter learns of ° from health hall in Guangdong province, up to yesterday, my province hasn't discovered a person infection swine influenza case.Saving the health hall has already established two province class expert's teams, appointed people's hospital in the province, medium mountain university subsidiary third hospital, southern hospital for save class fixed-point to save to cure a hospital.Save health hall the representative director introduce, the health section closely pays attention to epidemic situation dynamic state in the world, in time deployment defend to control measure,Fashion hats wholesale strengthen a monitor and meet an emergency a storage, actively develop the knowledge publicity of defending the disease.Yesterday established person in Guangdong province be infected the swine influenza defended control expert's team and medical treatment save cured expert's team, follow and collected international epidemic situation's latest dynamic state, the analytical valuation epidemic situation developed trend and discussed research prevention and cure strategy, strengthen defend control and save cured a technique storage.Save health hall to specify to save a people's hospital, medium mountain university subsidiary third hospital, southern hospital in order to save class fixed-point to save to cure a hospital, request class above city to all specify everywhere a hospital saves to cure for the fixed-point the hospital is infected by accepting a person who cure the possible emergence swine influenza case.Save health hall to strengthen with province agriculture hall, Guangdong immigration examine the communication contact of quarantining the bureau and work well a person to be infected together defending of swine influenza to control a work.Strengthen with HongKong-Macau of information communication and contact, closely follow an epidemic situation dynamic state, control the international epidemic situation development situation in time.Strengthen laboratory to quickly diagnose the examination examination technique storage,best sunglasses work well a related examination to try one preparations like,etc, ensure once discovering that the suspicious patient can do laboratory diagnosis quickly.The organization develops person healthy education of infection swine influenza prevention and cure knowledge and raises consciousness that the crowd defends a disease.

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