
The story of artist and philosopher

Contents: The story of the story philosopher of artist and philosopher contains a well-known philosopher, naturally a special scholar qualities, don't know how much woman the fan pours.One day, a woman to knock the door of philosopher, she says:Let me do your wife!Missed me and then didn't love your person more than me!Although the philosopher also really likes her,still answers:Let I consideration consideration!The after the event, the spirit of philosophy household-use consistent research knowledge, will get married and don't get married of quality difference Luo list,www.yoursunglass.com/Mont-blanc-Sunglasses-AAA-c568.html after discover, does the quality really hard put a choice on an equal footing?Hence, he sinks such as long-term affliction in, whatever he find out again, all just the Tu increase the difficulty of choice.Finally, he gets a conclusion:If the person is facing a choice but can not taking or rejecting of time, should choose oneself didn't°yet experience lead of the.The circumstances that don't get married I am clear, but get married a meeting what kind of circumstance, I still don't know.!I should promise the claim of that woman.The philosopher arrives at that chemisette in home and says to her father:What about your daughter?Please tell her, I thought it over, and I decided to marry her as wife!Chemisette parents apathetic answer:You came to night decade, my daughter was already three kids mama now!The philosopher listenned to, the whole individual almost collapsed, he ten thousand ten thousand have never thought, usually from think the philosophy brains of Ao, change come of unexpectedly is regret.And then, the philosopher suppresses Yu to become a disease, in the article of death front, leave is a to the lives of commentary:If life penny is two, life philosophy of first half segment isn't hesitant, empress life philosophy of the half segment is to don't regret!The artist's story:Renaissance, the rice of one of the triumvirates opens Luo of Lang Qi and one day arrives at an unfamiliar mountain area.He discovers a piece of big rock over there, hence the rice opens Luo of Lang Qi then and constantly and back and forth Chinese foot inch, shape and degree of hardness, structure and surface thick thin etc. of observer piece big rock.At this time, there is an opencast worker in neighborhood and walked over to inquire about:Sir, do you like this big rock?This big rock puts here already for a long time.The rice opens Luo of Lang Qi to inquire about by the tone expecting:Can send to me?Mine for minerals a worker to immediately after say:Does the Sir wantses?This big body rock isn't good-looking, put to in the home pretty have spatial.If you really want, I can be free to send to a home for you.The rice opens Luo of Lang Qi to politely say:Good!So bother you.After mining for minerals a worker to send to big rock the house that the rice opens Luo of Lang Qi, the neighbor curiously asks:Want so big rock to do what?What collect value?The rice that peeps out a mysterious look in the eyes opens Luo of Lang Qi, happy say with smile:This rock can not also collect so far, because the angel in the rock hasn't been born.After neighbor listens to, a face interrogatively says:Is your head getting worse, the rock will be born angel?I see you really should hustle along to go for a doctor.Be familiar with after a few months,www.yoursunglass.com/VERSACE-c550.html this rock is opened Luo of Lang Qi by the rice to carve raise a life time matchless smile Si statue of angel man.See, the artist's life philosophy isn't hesitant don't regret thus.Do you want to do a philosopher still would like to be an artist?If make me do a choice again now, I will say:BE an artist, I will not hesitate don't regret thus.

Article source see more:The night class worker inhales stuffy one person of poisoned collective chest of harmful air death

The dead pork is smoked to make to become for a night a shining cured pork everyday 1 the ton flow into market

