
Day price pickle cost only $4 show?

Fuling pickle day price of misgivings about did not lie, "yangcheng evening news" and aeration yesterday irreparably: price as high as 2200 yuan of aloes pickle, the production site for in a remote small village; Heavy water kimchi place also is not lab wujiang river, but a little seeper pool hobbled horse; Have the villagers calculate a an account, this box of raw materials and artificial cost of Chinese add up to 4 yuan. The fierce anticipate that the "yangcheng evening news" journalists, who traveled to FuLingOu alone for XinCunXiang stars village, the survey included the production of Chinese aloes more than the villagers NHL Jerseys, see day price of Chinese production environment and process.
Unforgettable a scene is: hundreds of size differ soil jug, messy ground puts in the weeds clusters, even a awnings all have no, let the sun night LouFeng blow the rain. These dirty earth filled jug is pickle, threw into the water is day price aloes pickle. 4 dollars cost of ordinary pickle, lost to the "heavy" smelly pool a few years (declared lab, and three years sink sink is three days out?) Add delicate extraordinary packaging, is worth shot up more than 500 times, 2200 yuan! If not by reporters see, and ordinary people how to let go of want to remember the are so appalling big mystery! Commodity economy really make a person dazzling! Fuling pickle is a popular public brand, how many years has been ordinary people love table taste. The road to launch day price products why? The group had such old total explained: "we are as a culture will aloes pickle card to make; at the same time, we also want to put the pickle to fight a high-end products, build the enterprise image. See it like this, the price is in fact is not the problem." Day price unexpectedly in relation to the shaping corporate image, is the enterprise culture value of! ?In order to have the "culture", must let "cabbage" change the gold.
The key to the problem lies not in gold is a lousy cabbage pretend to be, is to dare to lousy cabbage when gold, or dare will make a yellow gold lousy cabbage! Dare, is a "culture", the enterprise image, market position is high, the market was flourishing, make money! Market economy is so something! That's why! I suddenly feel suddenly enlightened, seemed to understand the confusion already a long time of many mystery. For example, there's the rapid development of the brewery, a less than three years, but soccer jerseys introduced a "thirty years in age both tasteful", each bottle price as high as one thousand yuan, incredibly demand exceeds supply. There's cigarette factory production of "1916 acura smoke", price as high as 2000 yuan each, root root into a metal bar! It is said that to brand shop in line to bring ticket just can buy. Penchant for millions of a set of (a) of Da Vinci furniture, it is the dongguan small mill production, turn a curved import brand that is worth to stick a jumped one hundred times! Recently, and $118 for the bottle "edition of set limit to" high mineral water near hangzhou, and sales have also is very good! The original is YouDanYouShi have culture, shape is high-end enterprise image! Find more and: the same medicine, the same formula, change a packing, and then put into a huge advertising, sale price rise a few times very unusual high. You are surrounded the shaman black court it doesn't matter, as long as you are willing to advertising, boast forces, cold water can light a lamp, and the dead can live, and you will have a market, can obtain profits. "The whole of China 1.3 billion, somebody cheated, per capita deceived a time you were completely hair!" An enterprise boss call a spade a spade. Let's this era, some high-end enterprise should be called "high bravery" enterprise, as long as its guts, you will have a cheat not over of money! "High bravery" enterprise, the more active market, the economy more prosperity, it's the public! Why prices rising high? Why someone so rich? Why Chinese luxury purchasing power the world first? Why did the Chinese so blundering mood? The author finally understand! Just, so get down, China's economy can continue? Harmonious society to progress? It makes one wonder.

