
Parable of the stone

"But can hold into immortal" series one? Preface stone YuDingQi array the eighteenth century French philosopher voltaire's a "life is exercise", was regarded as the people of wisdom, spread everywhere. But if we look relax a little, not limited to human body, it is very easy to find another phenomenon: life is to rest. Behold, the earth can make the space motion things, part of the animal kingdom, in the world of fungi, in biology, life is far less than the spatial movement does not make the plant kingdom, the mineral NFL Jerseys kingdoms long; In the animal kingdom, service life long, is good at still dormant tortoise, snake, rather than those who are good at sport of animals and birds. It is said that the longest life-span creature is chopped green line snakes, can live for thousands of years, and may even reach hundreds of thousands of years. 
But, as the CaoCaoShi said, "god of longevity, though turtle have unexpectedly". Compared with the mineral't exercise, such as stone, that is simply not worth mentioning. The ground to pick up a stone, please geological experts to analyze, the age is probably millions of or even hundreds of millions of years. This truth, ancestors knew it. Our country has always take the life and reputation for short, nothing of the traditional reference. The han dynasty in classical Chinese poetry, "good without the rock solid, hollow reputation after works" (" the moon Jiao luminous flowers "), "the life of long life test, or" (" back to CheJia said Wallace "), "life and send, and no JinShiGu such as" (" drove east on "), and other sentences, feeling quite deep. To understand this truth of the let's ancestors, to make their name, deeds as much as possible to artwork, resound through ages, very early began to put their name, carved in stone cut deeds. It is stone tablets, including tombstone, JiGong tablet, monuments, and so on. Although, make written name, remember the history seems to have no stone deeds in the tortoise shell, depicts a long history text on animal bones, but, tablet preserve time must be higher than in the inscriptions on bones or tortoise lettering to long. Seek immortality is for thousands of years of human common wishes, on today's networks also has "river's lake of life than is" view. 
Accordingly, I think, the spirit of the stone can ponder, frankly, and it is worth all don't want their own body and reputation with vegetation of the rot, as people study. Stone have what spirit? There is no doubt that is hold still spirit, the so-called "strong". Stone also is not all can always hold still, stream and beach, coast, the volume of small stone because, as keen on the movement of the ride, be ground became round pebbles, things into paving, suffered abuse of the ten million people. And those who can hold still stone, or stand on the top of the mountain, or outstanding YuHaiZhi Angle, all can win the peoples attention, passed down from generation to generation esteem. Compared to any a stone, the human by the great relish three immortal cause, also it may be said fraction, root nothing. Confucius words without, "a gentleman MeiShi disease and name does not say how"; Sima qian GongXing suffered after living without trial, writing "the historical records", reason is also don't want their own timid to die and "literary grace not table to later generations". Visible, a person with lofty ideals are afraid of unknown to his own death. Justification, not everyone MLB Jerseys is KongShi, SiMaShi that judge of sage, and both have their lofty pursuit of that. But, although cannot to, yearn for it. I dare to assert that have harbor the idea of mark later generations, not a few, they're more or less, but there will be some life pursuit. These people, I think that it is necessary to learn the stone of the spirit. To stick to, would have achievement!

