
Dongfan professor mainland dissected soft rib house prices

Falling house prices who happy who unlucky? This is a matter of subjectivity. House prices go up drop has its objective law, often not to man's will transfer. You happy or not happy, house prices to go up to still have the rose; You bad luck or not unfortunate, house prices this fall or have to fall. But apparently someone really care about this problem. Beijing normal university professor dongfan is one of them. Recently, in his own sina micro bo comment in: "falling house prices to fall mold? Who who happy: no room family, accounts for about 4% of the number of family ~ 6%, but consider the house people unmarried, accounting for about 10% of the population, cities. 86% of the unlucky: a family room (property shrink), local government (financial income down), silver lines (credit income down), finance and tax departments (difficult to collect NBA Jerseys taxes) and industrial chains employed (laid-off), and don't think damaged but will have higher stability threat two big main bodies, you know. The country now has more than 86% family home (not very precise, because every year there are private kitchens were removed, and many bought bridal chamber, the overall number is rising), more than 200 million according to our country the floating population management system are farmers, not a citizen, rural basic have house, not in the list of talking about, floating population in the old city basic also have the house."
Dongfan professor major research fields are real estate, love the industry, doesn't want the industry downhill, see the government's control power than a day for a day tight, under saddened, just throw out the topic, declared that if house prices fall, bad luck is not the developers, but has the room class, local government, Banks and finance and tax department. Subtext is, if the government doesn't take back the housing market control policy, all walks of life will be hot water.
Dongfan professor this recruit, is typical of bluffing tactics, but accidentally exposed the mainland the soft rib of house prices. If the data is professor dongfan really, that's the end of the mainland property. According to professor dongfan provide the data, the mainland has the room family 86%, not in the room of buy sunglasses the family, 4%-6%, and for real estate market for serious problem is: 4%-6% of the no room family, how can the present continents house prices level support how long? This is HeKeng etc of the cause of the professor dongfan.

