
Melamine compensation fund for HeCheng "fan"

The development of the industry of dairy products in China history, melamine is a piece of unable to bypass the "stigma monument"; For ordinary consumers, melamine is a wretched nightmare. Melamine large outbreak of, have to many parents of children's tears, also make domestic consumers in a panic. Three years later, the passage of time not only whisked off people's trauma, but in the endless "legacy" again in heavy nightmares--when temperature melamine "resurgent" is no longer news, we were NHL Jerseys surprised to learn that, that even the melamine of medical treatment compensation fund, have also just else. At the end of 2008, the relevant government departments in leading, China dairy association of 22 led home involving collective enterprise funded by the total 200 million yuan of medical treatment compensation fund, as a poison milk powder that nearly 300000 children identified the rehabilitation measures. The publication of the week looked out on the east of the long-term tracking interview found, after less than LiangBan years, this fund is a mystery, relevant industry organization called "secrets", not suitable for announced. Melamine medical compensation fund origin, is the most children (the infringed party) no way through litigation seek the judicial relief for background, for companies involved, such compensation have apparently was lenient. Just compensation fund for the amount, legal professionals according to the health department confirmed the number released, and the current law is low compensation standard, calculated the total amount of funds for about $3.9 billion, but in practice, and joint venture enterprise involved in the home 1.1 billion multivariate, except when using in the treatment and compensation for the 900 million multivariate cash payments, the establishment of medical treatment compensation fund only 200 million yuan. Although the minimum length is to, compensation fund and the total is still very different, and in specific claims big discounts to buckle--the vast majority of patients get properly are unified the execution of the standard minimum compensation of 2000 yuan. Imagine melamine widespread, domestic consumers are shaken, dairy enterprise and its subordinate industry association will seem more was on pins and needles, of course, with the ordinary consumer care about personal safety is different, they more is to pay attention to the healthy development of dairy industry itself, and therefore spare no effort to make public opinion to save fortunes around. Have to say the domestic consumer is kind, or they won't because of the compensation fund to give up the minimum legal rights;
But the crisis public relations is a dairy industry of success, otherwise they wouldn't be repeatedly trauma a time after the rapid rise; However, in this commercial miracle back, exactly to the public what was left of the children-when family members to TaoHai connect minimum compensation, the "only" the compensation fund itself increasingly like dairy industry keeps a low profile of a delaying tactic; When compensation fund again face the public questioning, the parties involved in things of the so-called "state secrets" in the face of tough, did you ever think of, fans behind the strange missing funds, how many fans a kind of innocent children quirky sick? Who to give them a fair, they can also where to go for a statement? In "stone baby" network entry, the compensation fund of detailed information impressively in column, in the country of product industry into a huge breasts crisis of confidence, the move was once regarded as the industry after by the self-salvation, however, over soccer jerseys how after the actual situation? As the compensation fund QianTouZhe, work with the birth of faith who mutual shuffle; As the compensation fund raising of the dairy industry association about China; As the compensation fund managers, China life insurance Co., LTD SanBuZhi ask...... By countless innocent children health life for compensation fund, is there such appeal remained a dead letter? If only responsible for matchmaking and no CARES about details, so how can the regulators QuXinYuMin? If only responsible for recruiting fund and not enough to fund flow, this industry management to you for misunderstanding "display"? If the fund managers have also to fund the real knew nothing about, how is not doubtful whether of hidden what inconvenience narration of black screen? Based on this, the most provocative and helpless result is but, those in compensation for damage to raise children in the name of fund, in the end just "for making others". In recent years, food safety accidents are not poor, even those who have just born baby, will suffer, "fall at the starting line". And this shocking than food safety accidents, and the relevant responsible persons of the punishment of the slight but significant-only to lead the milk products often scourge industry as an example, baby milk powder the parties had different big officer, SanLu dairy has a name change production. Medical compensation fund insider exposure, the more surprising to see, don't say first shall be investigated for legal responsibility of, and even the most basic damage compensation is also may meet but cannot be asked. Who knows, the chaos of the situation is not clear behind, whether veiled another huge crisis? 
If the industry's credibility so spend up, how to ensure the healthy development of the industry itself? As the state council unified plan to crack down on illegal carry out in-depth food add and abuse of food additive special work, Beijing, Shanghai, zhejiang, guangdong, food safety work in the leading cadre achievements assessment, in the new round of food safety before the defense began, might as well put old clean-this wipe first need to uncover melamine compensation fund "mystery", avoid public nightmare back to life again.

