
the results in the United States was the subprime crisis

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The fed quantitative looser monetary policy, is clearly to the world, announced that the United States is money spinner global creditors to depend, dilute the creditors of the wealth. All of the United States to limit exports of China policy, and big make so-called trade friction, only one objective is to start the financial machine in China, this paper money war, some experts recently announced the Yang "RMB appreciation helps to solve inflation theory", is one of the most dangerous step. The appreciation of the renminbi is just cause the Chinese asset prices and price system of rising culprit. From 2006 to 2008 the people's currency appreciation nearly 25%, China property market stock market is a fever gone mad, China's high price pattern completely laid can see, that the appreciation of the renminbi to solve the high-profile inflation lie speech, is how pathetic. Monetary socialist dogma, not save them from that high prices and high price's mire, 10 times its reserve and raising interest rates of crazy, but will China's large small and medium-sized enterprise force bankruptcy, that high prices and high prices are still laugh at poor goods currency socialist dogma. Because they did not fundamentally see, the price rises, and that high prices to the real process and reason: by the way to money spinner, to solve the crisis of excess products bring, the results in the United States was the subprime crisis, will be in house prices to a and a peak at the same time, a large number of industrial enterprise into the pit of death. The fact that they put on in Japan, in the United States have put on, in China still was going on, it's a world of offensive been staged, and the script is the main idea of the same, but in all countries of the crisis of the performance, it is various. Japan's stock market bubble burst, America's subprime crisis, the Greek sovereign debt crisis, a a financial crisis, a and a site declared the currency dogmatism bankruptcy, however, these bankrupt lessons that few wrong people--not awaken NBA Jerseys again and again raise interest rates, its reserve, in favor of the already just make the bunk dangerous situation, become more complicated. Whether the currency of endogenous and exogenous or theory, could not catch the essence, this is the United States is not willing to recognize China's market economy status of the important reasons is that let monetarist athel loren, fighting to China's dynamic market economy. Remember the former finance minister connery words: the dollar is our currency, but is your problem.

