
a transition period of market economy

But, what kind of situation will be investigated for responsibility, how to pursue, no details, so is a lack of maneuverability. If the state council can let live JianBu and the ministry formulated the stable prices responsibility of several terms, and really out by the state council to be investigated for several the mayor's responsibility, this is implemented. As early as in Beijing on the introduction of the detailed rules for the implementation of the state council document no. 10, limited only for every family new a house, there are some property NFL Jerseys developers and experts say, with administrative means to control property market, not good way. The problem is, our country market economy is a transition period of market economy, a lot of pure market practice and not be able to receive effect. 
For example, who all know, this year the central to the real estate regulation, determination, unprecedented, although documents written in the main parts of the city is to prevent overheating in housing prices, but actually we understand the heart, this time not only can't rise, must also fell to just go. The authority of the central government defied, obviously not wise choice. Tough as RenZhiJiang also has repeatedly called for developers to "from" peer, others still listen to a implication? If house prices if really don't listen to say hello, have to rise, can only under executive orders. You also don't laugh, executive orders sometimes means work than the market, even if is personified content. I had to executive order market regulation strong real estate industry, and doubt, but very, I also quite can understand the central government's difficulties. Beijing a friend told me that he this April regulation in a residential area before bought secondhand room, regulation 5 month, recently to intermediary find out, total house not only didn't drop, still go up more than 10. Is this what is the row, I also didn't make understand, thought at least Wholesale MLB Jerseys second-hand house prices are falling of April than. Now, the new policy again come, this house prices do not fall have to fall. We have many policy can wait? It is said that, house property tax pilot may in Beijing, Shanghai, shenzhen, several first city first, other hotspot cities is possible after joining. And raise interest rates, may be imminent. The current policy from high pressure situation look, this round of real estate regulation, at least in the middle of 2011 before is unlikely "of the beam.

