
At the beginning of the year, the euro to "the judgment"

2012 years of the first week, European leaders over Christmas vacation, put the nervous and difficult work. The French government said, in view of the euro zone in early new, there are many challenges, Mr Sarkozy will be on January 9, meeting with German chancellor Angela merkel, to discuss aid matters, and delay the Italian and Spanish debt problem will be the main issues. Into the key moment 2012 years ago 3 months, and the debt crisis, the eurozone 17 countries 157 billion euro debt is about to expire. And in the second week of this month, Italy and Spain will through tenders bonds to raise funds.best sunglasses The auctions, is of great significance, the results will directly reflects the debt crisis of the next development direction. If bonds issue goes well, borrowing costs down, means that the debt crisis of the last three years was finally control, with the support of the European central bank for the banking industry and the strict financial discipline, the tension of the market should be eased. And if the results instead, means that the crisis has further to the euro area the spread of the core countries momentum, Italy, Spain and France will be the next storm center. At the end of 2011, the Italian 10-year lending rate is still around 7% a high of more than 5% in Spain. The eurozone members have the sackings. The Spanish economy minister said on January 2, 2011 Spain budget deficit in GDP can be more than 8%, the next few months, the Spanish government will launch aggressive reform plans, through $19 billion tax increase to relieve the pressure. The Greek government spokesman also said the government can avoid restart JiuBi through hard work. And France now most worried about the AAA rating is lost, Mr Sarkozy in May's general election is to be distracted. And save room for choice and the euro zone when Britain after the opposite, the eurozone members home also was lifted "should continue to use the euro" debate, the advantages of its vaunted in dollars halo disappeared gradually. In the euro was born 10 anniversary, "death" to euro sentenced to more and more people. British think-tank the centre for economics and business research (CEBR) predicted, the euro has a 99% risk of live but the next 10 years. "That 2012 will be the beginning of the eurozone collapse." CEBR chief executive Williams says, "we expected before the end of the year at least one country will leave the eurozone. Greece will certainly out of the euro zone, and Italy withdrew from the possibility of the euro area is becoming more and more strong." To this, tongji university, Shanghai futures research institute President assistant LiuChunYan in accept international financial news reporter interviews that, the euro is a technology innovation, but have not established in the economic development of the unity based on, "now the euro is not in despair, Europe and adjustment of leeway, not destruction." LiuChunYan said the euro was born, the countries of the European Union will not join the euro completely, means euros from the day of birth has rift. Recently, this division is deepening, will aggravate the European economic recession risks. Because the present European countries of the implementation of the fiscal tightening measures will be on consumption, a major impact in the short term will dampen the area economy development, expected in 2012, European economic growth is very slow. To change this situation, will have significant progress of technology.new era hats Because every time after the crisis in the history of the development of economy is the support of major technical progress. Of course only the politicians took out enough courage will not be enough, and must persuade people to support the welfare cuts. LiuChunYan said: "the debt crisis, it is essential to the economic development of the social welfare now enough to meet demand, so it is not a liquidity crisis but pay sex crisis. Pay sex crisis must depend on the development to meet the social needs, economy and the existing monetary policy can only solve liquidity crisis. European governments are in a dilemma, welfare reform affect voter approval ratings, financial crunch and can lead to economic recession. Although stress is heavy, but as a leader, they must hold good fiscal policy tools, quantity, time to make timely adjust nodes, etc."

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