
This year's Nobel economics

Dale Mortensen and Christopher Pissarides the winter of 2005, I will take a week two early, and then take the bus to MIT to listen to the macro lesson there. Class is famous DaronAcemoglu teaching. You will think that such a famous professor class, must be under full of people. But it's not, only five or six people under a total, half of which is not of MIT. This is the professional macro class, not going to the future of the men do macro, is not in this class waste of time. Acemoglu taught not he better known about political economics or economic growth of research, but teach a (I think) very boring topic,MLB hats also is when I started out his research things: search model. He is the door only a few people class, unexpectedly wrote hundreds of pages of notes, serious degree, amazing. In that class to what to go to school, I have to the most Acemoglu, this is not his fault, and completely is my personal interest reasons. But the course let me remember that the two names and an article, Mortensenand Pissarides (1994), yes it is this year's prize winner of the two. Although I was searching for the layman literature, but I the words should not: if in all existing in the literature search for elected a required, that I guess this a most should be Mortensenand Pissarides (1994) it (opposition?) . Peter Diamond PeterDiamond even winning alone, I think he is qualified. And Mortensen and Pissarides write articles to in a special class can meet different in macro, PeterDiamond articles in a grade in the macro met, in second grade in the macro could find, in partial micro public finance class can also met, in partial macro public finance class can also run into. A grade class met in the macro is Peter Diamond version of overlapping generation (OLG) model. Although OLG model and not PeterDiamond invention, but today in the classroom teaching of each graduate students OLG model, mostly from Diamond (1965) derivatives. Second grade the macro class, also is what I just mentioned Acemoglu classes, nature also have Diamond of the article, the Nobel committee is obviously also because he's the only contribution to search model Diamond hair of the award. But, out of the literature of ignorance, and Acemoglu to Mortensenand Pissarides (1994) repeatedly, let me always have seed illusion, PeterDiamond and not the two important. Facts have proved that this illusion, just because of my ignorance. But I dare say, Diamond said to search for the contribution model, is not better than his OLG model, and I'll say he's contribution to public finance more famous. I read when dr. After one year of public fiscal course, four professors taught. Public finance lessons from severe theory of optimal taxation theory to the extreme application (the United States) pension and medical reform check. Read the article also from the PeterDiamond start, to PeterDiamond check. Let me try not exaggerated said: Diamond on the optimal tax theory contribution,buy sunglasses even as Mirrlees (1996 laureates), he is also the optimal tax theory of contemporary the most important one of the founder. As for about endowment insurance, if the required documents about the endowment insurance in the PeterDiamond article take out, you will find that, not to leave half a literature. Search for the application of the model model is very wide, I don't have the ability to evaluation (who is willing to write, and willing to lend me this platform hair, can tell me 1). I read about the labor market, also read some about money, are thick to understand. But I know a little: in search of model there before a macroeconomic model is no unemployment, only voluntary choose not to work. A search after model, macroeconomic model before, the real unemployment-want to work but no work.

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