
Obama authorized bank freezing Iran the property

Integrated xinhua news agency, the China Daily reported the United States President barack Obama who 6, announced a executive orders, authorize the bank and its branches to freeze the Iranian government, central Banks and other financial institutions all property, further sanctions against Iran. The United States government had only for domestic Banks to counter Iranian financial activities, not frozen property. Says the international financial system for Iran "at risk" Obama reported to congress: "I decided to license applying additional sanctions, these measures against Iran special central bank financial fraud and other Banks to be secret Iran sanctions party transfer behavior." According to Obama's statement, it is necessary to expand American Banks and overseas branch authority sanctions, because "Iran's anti-money laundering mechanisms existed loophole", "the international financial system because of Iran's behavior and faces continuing and shall not accept the risk of". According to the Treasury announced on the day of the statement,baseball hats the new sanctions against the government of Iran will freeze in beauty all assets, including Iran and the Iranian government has various ministries or control all the entities and businesses in the United States a assets. In addition, Iran's central bank and the rest of the country all financial institutions (no matter whether to belong to the Iranian government) in the United States will be frozen assets. Before, U.S. financial institutions just be required to have refused to central bank and the rest of the country with Iran traded financial institutions, new sanctions asked the U.S. financial institutions to Iran in the receiving related assets shall be confiscated and to freeze, not returned to Iran. Although it is not clear the new sanctions measures involving specific amount, but, AFP reported amount not too much. The tense relationship between the United States and Iran has for decades, both financial exchanges limited, the new measures represent more symbolic signal. In addition, to be considered and the U.S. sanctions list have a contact person, Obama also authorized the frozen their assets. The White House says the sanctions are "separates" about the new sanctions against Iran's leadership of the news is coming, they worry it may mean that Israel will implement a military strike on Iran. 6,, the White House spokesman karni rejected the idea. "The us sanctions against Iran has been steadily increasing number of activities, the sanctions is also the one of the process steps." Carney said that U.S. sanctions against Iran are "squeeze" Iran's economy, and increasing the tension between the Iranian leadership. "Without a doubt, isolating and the effects of sanctions against Iran for its domestic situation even worse." 5, Obama said in an interview at, the U.S. government will do all it can to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, but the U.S. goal is by diplomatic means to solve the problem. He doesn't think that Israel has made up his mind to launch a military strike against Iran, and warning to military action against Iran may to America's economic and security interests adversely. With the increasingly tense situation in the gulf region, the United States government to step up a resolution imposing sanctions on Iran, tried to weaken the government of Iran for assets and the ability of the oil revenues, forcing the return to negotiation table, and the western countries to discuss the stalled nuclear topic. However, Iran's position without loosing signs, insists its nuclear program is for nuclear energy development, not weapons manufacturing. And Iran has the business enterprise or punishment by the U.S. sanctions Iran's new measures based on congress passed last year a bill. In addition to the measures have to be given, the law also requires the President Obama punishment and Iran's central bank or financial organizations are business relations and foreign organizations. Obama's government has yet to carry out this one requirement. However, the Treasury 6, warning, keep business relations with Iran by the United States government still faces enterprise of punishment may. Some senior government officials say, the relevant department is to study how to carry out the punishment measures to ensure maximum increase in Iran difficult at the same time,NFL Jerseys avoid rising oil prices, spread to economic recovery. Analysts judgment, the United States government at this time tightening sanctions, the reason is that the domestic and international situation progress. From domestic aspects look, republicans accused is stepping up Obama's reelection to Iran policy not firmly. Popular republican presidential candidate mitt romney said previously, the democratic government nuclear policy too "kind". From the international aspect see, Israel released many signal, wants to Iran "pre-emptive". The new measures to try to force Iran compromise as soon as possible, in order to avoid conflict in the region may. 29 years ago or push a pile JiuAn ruling executive in addition to the U.S. to constantly sanctions, the European Union said last month, stop and Iran to sign a new contract supply of oil. The sanctions measures designed to hit Iran's economy, make the difficult to pay in dollars and euros for trading currency products and charge $to the settlement of oil revenue. Reuters that us this "freezing Iran property may be driving 1983 U.S. naval base of the judgment of bombings carried out. In 1983, is located in the Lebanese capital Beirut us military base in Lebanon's hezbollah armed bomb attacks killed 241 people. The United States identify, Iran's support for attacks. A Washington federal court judge in 2007, Iran should be killed soldiers to pay $2.65 billion for compensation. Since then, the families of the victims to try to get New York citigroup frozen $1.75 billion Iran's property. The boycott the verdict, says the money is by the U.S. legal protection of foreign exchange reserves, the court shall have the right to confiscate. In addition, the European Union sanctions against Iran may has more effect. 2011 years ago 10 months, the European Union from Iran's daily import 600000 barrels of crude oil, which accounts for 20% of Iran's exports, is one of the key export market for Iran. AFP, in response to the sanctions, Iran are now in America and beyond to seek more business and trade market opportunities.

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