
Let go of real estate is the drug seizures restore drugs

A person should let go of real estate, the purpose of which is to realize the rapid economic development of the target. This is actually a kind of "in order to development and the development" the ideas, the domestic many scholars and officials has been little from the "for development", the means of thinking when purpose cycle. Let go of real estate, it can let the rapid economic development greatly, because everyone snapping up, hoarding real estate, rich buy themselves, have no money to buy the loans, real estate sales has expanded, and large areas of land tall buildings occupy, the result is the real estate industry fire, construction fire, building materials production and supply industry fire,polarized sunglasses real estate ZhongJieYe fire, decoration decoration industry fire, GDP growth of double-digit growth, per capita GDP will soon catch up with and even surpass the U.S. and British and other developed countries. However, the GDP growth have what meaning? Can steer a country to perish. Because, the whole society funds and tie up to real estate and the confluence of relevant industries, everyone involved in crazy tide of real estate speculation, huge GDP under, is covering the whole of the reinforced cement leave unused mixture, a large number of green land lost, lost and evaporation of water grain production function, reduce the rain and snow, oxygen decrease, also can not eat, want to buy food from the international market, blocked buy it, or buy can only take high price, or can only eat genetically modified, finally, China became a desolate, is the modern civilization abandoned, Africa is also poor poor land, people had nothing left the house, the elite made a fortune immigration abroad,new era hats to stay is the right to drag out an ignoble existence. Don't "economic development" as an excuse to make real estate boom crazy, the real estate industry should not assume "economic stimulus" function, housing must take "the enough living" in the limit of (as to how to live is not enough, we can discuss), cultivated land area and green area must maintain a ZuiDiXian.

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