
The parents donate the Wu sub- organ to help many people to call it in another way on the hoof

I am shot by such a news:"Two heavy degree the keratitis sufferer Be heavy to see bright;Two urine poisoning disease sufferers had new kidney;A cirrhosis sufferer had a rare hope, these were lucky, all came from an university student in Wuhan, Hubei with only 22-year-old year who dies because of the traffic accident.His parents endure pain silently to donate his organ, they believe and pass a way like this, son still on the hoof, always on the hoof ……"This story presses me to start on journey.On the second day, June 11, I arrive Wuhan from Peking and try to find out to die parents.But the staff member of Red Cross in Wuhan after hearing that my interview requests express very difficult, this doesn't want to face medium to the husband and wife and have already refused all interviews, someone takes camera to sneak into the spot while even being to obtain organ surgical operation to carry on, and the flash light is one Shan, all rushed through by them to go out.Finally, I toss around from this family's relatives there wanted a fixed telephone number.They live at Be more than 150 kilometers apart from Wuhan of the Jing retail sales mountain county in the city.I at two rain-storm brief of empty block in arrive city mountain, 8:00 p.m., dialed that telephone."The nothing important can say of, we just did at 1:00 a very ordinary matter, please don't come to bother our life!"Father, Zhang Tian Rui, connected to listen to a telephone, his voice was very big, the voice listens to up some exasperation.I again and again explain purpose to him, but he didn't hestitate a ground of brush-off.Can be me to tell him, I the son who compare him greatly at the age of 3, he is silent a burst of.I say:"Do not be me as a reporter, be your son's classmate."His Wu lives a words tube and seem is with nearby of wife's company measured severals, then, be like descend very great decision, "that you come over.""Graduated me to seek a matter to do, you and daddy all need not so hard."I have never thought, in the moment will appear such a parents.This year of Zhang Tian Rui is 49 years old, he is dressed in a navy-blue old vest, black and thin, full face beard residue, always wrinkly eyebrow, the crease on the forehead be like with the knife engrave go to of.When I stretch out a hand toward him on my own initiative, feel to be like to hold the rock of the coarseness of a cake of.Mother's beard is long and red 48 years old, is a short little woman, when she lifts trouser-legs will see the right leg only have a left leg half thick thin, the poliomyelitis influenced her whole life.She starts to walk road come very slow, one feet Gao Yi Jiao is low.At a retail sales before the building, Zhang Tian Rui starts to pull book Lian door, facial expression wood however ground to say:"This is our house, all houses are."In fact, this is a more than 30 square meters spreads noodles, the house is symbolically separated into two halfs by a small wood cabinet.The outside half is almost been dirty by several tens of the coal gas bottle filled up and only stayed a passage.The house inside is a coal gas flavor everywhere.Inside 10 square meter or so half the place that is truely this family to live.Zhang Tian Rui sits one can with the bamboo chair that the half lie up, the beard was long and red to once pull brick of the wood Deng of size sit down, I am a guest, let only left one depend in the chair with back.The beard is long and red to hang a head to say:"The home only has 3 stools, the bowl is also not enough, so the son isn't big the friend to take in house, have no the place sit."This is that one is so small and has no covered room, remove a refrigerator of thin green and one set 100 dollars money buy back of second-hand color television, again the nothing important is presentable of appliance.A pair person bed and a single bed along the wall one by one in order puts.The beard is long and red to hand that wooden small bed, "originally the son sleeps here, so big kid, oneself has never lived a building."Ground to a stop for a while, she immediately after sighed a way, "can't, too difficulty."Even this is simple and crude house of is not their properties either, but monthly 500 dollars rents.When their month wages only has 4510 dollars, this was unemployeed to the husband and wife.In addition to energy, they again have no what beg a rare skill.Zhang Tian Rui does to have to transport work and climbs an as heavy as 30 coal gas bottle of kilograms of Gao Lou Huan each time, he can acquire 5 dollars guerdon.But wife because is disable and sick, can do laundry to cook a meal at home, there is almost no income.One of their kid nameds Zhang Lei, this year is 22 years old.In last month, he just ended in the Chinese medicine medicine university of Hubei to continue to educate college nursing professional school career and also completed in the practice task of the city mountain Chinese medicine hospital.This family still owes school fees-4800 dollars of school a year.This money, they soon will the Zan is enough.Future life's hasing a liking for pretty has already hoped head, waited to hand over money to get hold of a graduation certificate, Zhang Lei probably would become cure to protect profession in sparse lack of male nurse.Sit at them fill the air the home of coal gas flavor, Zhang Lei empty hard plank bed at I back.Pass by, Zhang Tian Rui gives the son the 400 dollars living expenses monthly, afterwards the commodity price rose, Zhang Lei's living expenses also rose 600 dollars.To Zhang Jia, this money gets Zan best for a while, Zhang Tian Rui has to carry on the shoulder 120 coal gas bottles for this.The beard is long and red never this money 1 time once remitted, the son who can give Wuhan for every 10 days sends out 200 dollars.I ask him:"Has Zhang Lei ever complained?"The mother silently shakes.Father but stare at the cart of the wall side a rust vestige spot spot.Every time round go on vacation, Zhang Lei pushes a small car to send spirit for father in neighborhood."He is different from don't the son of is so intelligent and study well, but is pretty obedient also pretty honest."Zhang Tian Rui slowly says.The beard is long and red to suddenly think of, a few weeks ago, the son is in the home Be doing laundry for her and imagining:"Graduating me to seek a matter to do is no matter a good work to still keep differing work, you and daddy all need not so hard, daddy need not then move'altar son'."The one family once intended while having supper as well, if had an opportunity, let the young man rush and save enough money to the south, can return to this county city inside loan to buy his/her own house."You wake up, you show filial obedience so a father mother, wake up to see us."At 6:30 a.m. on May 31, Zhang Tian Rui is like similar start preparing to account for living of a day early and early every day.Zhang Lei also got up, he just ended in the practice of the city mountain Chinese medicine hospital and was fixing to go a hospital to take practice consultation that day.The colleague who listens to his hospital says that Zhang Lei is an obedient kid, is liked by doctor teachers very much.Such as isn't intentional outside, that consultation should write pretty beautifully.Zhang Tian Rui also remembers that son's mood is quite good,mens sunglasses is like usually similar be dressed in T-shirt and shorts, 7:00 went out.Can already Zhang Tian Rui who send"spirit altar son" really don't know start, Zhang Lei didn't come out too far.Only is could not leaving home the intersections of 1000 meters, this only 22-year-old young man is knocked down with the car by an agriculture.It is said that, there was light rain at that time, the stranger of good heart stired to call 120, and then with the umbrella blocked Zhang Lei of losing consciousness already.After 20 minutes, he drive send into city mountain county people the advanced case guardianship of the hospital room.In fact, at that time in addition to the head chafed last 1:00, his body surface has no obvious external injury.When Zhang Tian Rui and wives receive the telephone that the hospital beats, they take 2000 dollars cash with only home to rush through into a hospital.Once saw a son, this optimistically believed to the parents, the empress of Zhang Lei Ji sky can turn common sickroom.The beard long and red decision is serving as guardian an outdoors to keep the son company, let the husband go home to see a store.They don't dare to throw away their own small business as well for a day, regardless is a midnight 12:00, is still 3:00 A.M., restaurant or spreads earlier of owner as long as making a telephone call, Zhang Tian Rui has to send to a coal gas bottle right away.Can take care of doctor Chuang Yuan just but knew, his"pretty young and handsome young man" circumstance for facing wasn't optimistic.After carrying on a CT scanning to the brain, he discovers that Zhang Lei's brain stem has already suffered from severity harm.On June 2, the patient presents to fill the air sex brain to swell, the eye pupil becomes big.The hospital decides to quickly carry on opening Lu surgical operation for him, after 34 hours, surgical operation be over, the eye pupil narrows.But the second day, same of the symptom again appear.On that night, Zhang Lei has already canned not carry on independence breath, have to put on to breathe machine.After 25 hours, the doctor announces to the family members:"From clinical up see, patient already brain death."This to poor of the husband and wife have never a moment the kid who wants to give up they.Guard long and red pull Yuan in the beard in the sickroom the hand just, just mechanically repeated the same words:"Doctor, saves my son, even if being just a plant person is also good."That young man lies on the sickbed and look is like the appearance that wants to wake up at any time.The parents pull his hand and cry to call:"Zhang Lei, you wake up, you show filial obedience so a father mother, wake up to see us."Young girl friend's distance was by hand beautiful(use alias) machine to broadcast 《I thought loudly told you 》 that they once sang together in his ear.But the miracle didn't appear, having no a kind of voice could awaken Zhang Lei.Point out according to the relativeses, both the husband and wife bought a wild fresh-water fish to the market, then released fish in river Shui-li.Later on, they again accept the son's clothes pants well, ask a person to take to go "accept a soul".The beard is long and red to feel, oneself's being like is crazy, "as long as canning save a son, we don't refuse any methods at all".They don't understand and lie to still have a heart palpitates at Zhang Lei on the sickbed, how be announced "death".Doctor have to once and with a run explain the meaning of brain death to patient's family members who surround him:Patient without independence breath, the whole glint disappear, brain electricity static.After a few hours, this finally accepted this despairing reality to the husband and wife, the whole personal Tan pours on the ground.I have no dare again thin ask the then situation.But the sorrow in the house is more even thick than coal gas flavor, Zhang Tian Rui lived a face with the hands Wu, "the kid is our hopes, now, hope to become lather, what all have no.""Whether donate Be getting tooer many?Want to move knife on the kid body everywhere, painful."At 8:00 a.m. on June 5, Zhang Tian Rui Tan before sickroom"move can not move", the beard is long and red to be handed by own elder sister Chan to walk into doctor's office.She in whisper speaks her own decision to the present doctor:"The son has never hoped to cure like, we want to donate out his organ."This is the not big county city.A native son silently tells me:"Avoid as taboo this very much here, stay a whole corpseses, if spread go to, perhaps in the region even life all life not under go."But first, the beard is too late long and red to still consider these.When doctor explained "brain death" toward her, once mentioned foreign person to the brain dies of accepted a degree higher, the much brain death sufferers all carried on organ alms.At that time, this mother has already approached breakup, but this sentence seems to be suddenly to give her the apocalypse.In the home, both the husband and wife remaining that work hard every day, the only amusement life is to turn on that set breaking of 100 dollars television.They loathe to give up to buy a machine crest box, then and stealthily connecting an antenna is outdoor.Though can watch to one set and the city mountain county television station in the center, can details of the television drama inside"donate a cornea" but profoundly once moved them.Zhang Lei is declared the night of "brain death", both the husband and wife still guard outside the sickroom.The short little mother leans against the white ceramic tile wall of hospital, she stands unsteady, eyes also cried to break down, even seeing the words of newspaper isn't pure."At that time what felt to don't get, is painful."The beard is long red and foolish to sit on the small wooden bench, make reference to that evening, the eye inside almost had no light.She fantasizes someone to save a son, is the brain getting worse, can transplant one more healthy brain?Not ability, of course not ability."I think at that time, the kid of other people from inside in hospital, probably the liver is getting worse, the kidney is getting worse, they are also like Zhang Lei and wait person to save."When the beard is long and red make a contribution the mind of organ to put forward come, surroundings of the relativeses are all silent, no one means to agree with.This little fellow woman during a lifetime all the temper is gentle, only have this time, obstinate must make people shocked."Kid is I living, I have this right!"She allows of no a cent to say.At present, this has already canned not remember clearly to the husband and wife, they actually come to return time on this mind ground to struggle how long.The 2 people over the night embraces a headache to cry, Zhang Tian Rui decides to obey cuckoldry idea."The kid burned, is also ash, donated, didn't waste time this a life time last time."He is saying and starting from the cupboard in take out Zhang Lei have already been whetted a student ID card of side son, show me the above certificate to shine on.That is a young man of looks comeliness, smile over against the lens.In the whole county city, this is the first case that body organ makes a contribution.At the beginning, the medical personnels even don't know to make a contribution should what commence.An urology doctor puts forward on his/her own initiative, oneself once took part in in Wuhan the organ transplanted of training, can help to contact Red Cross in Wuhan City.At 11:10 A.M. June 5, Red Cross organ in Wuhan City makes a contribution the Luo steel of representative director in the management center strong take 3 famous doctors to living to arrive to city mountain of county city.This is his first time to serve as guardian the parents whom the outdoors sees Zhang Lei in the advanced case.At that time, the beard is long and red to out of spirits sit stunned outside the sickroom, "very pitiful appearance", Zhang Tian Rui then lies on the ground of hospital, "look utterly exhausted already".This rightness of husband and wife who in a hurry does decision still not clear they will soon face what.They even don't know which organs son actually has to make a contribution.The beard long and red in the mind thinks, donate to the cornea.Can the Luo steel is strong but discover, young Zhang Lei's healthy body.He tries to put forward, cornea, liver, kidney and a part of skins can carry on alms.Have already worked more than 20 years of staff member to say in the Red Cross to this, "advise to donate" anything but easy work.The most familiar circumstance BE, he will be cut up rough of the family members connect to push to take Sang Nian a hospital, "how did you find out here?Roll!"Can in the moment of both the husband and wife, in addition to being sad, responding is very quiet.Zhang Tian Rui thought in a short while and asked a way:"Whether donate Be getting tooer many?Want to move knife on the kid body everywhere, painful.""Donating an organ are similar to donating a few procedures of organs, all want to have operation.However, the organ donating is more many, do the contribution of more big.A lot of persons wait to help."The Luo steel is strong to persuade a way."Always donate, donate rather and more."Zhang Tian Rui uses a strength the ground put on tears, with wife at already ready to of the organ make a contribution to negotiate in the book Zhan to shiver to tremble ground to write down name and agree to carry on gratis alms."Still have what request?"The Luo steel is strong to ask."In the future can tell our person who is donated where?We want to know kid where on the hoof."Zhang Tian Rui asks.The Luo steel is strong to let this disappointed to the parents, in principle, make a contribution and be subjected to an of donating should"with each other blind".The disappointment location of Zhang Tian Rui nods, "that calculated, want ~only they health."When they come out one, the classmates that have been staying and waiting as well in the relatives of hospital and Zhang Lei recently all rounded to come up."Donate what?"Someone asks."Cornea."This can contain unclear paste ground to husband and wife of honesty answer."Do not dare to say with them.Who don't hope that own kid finally walks the ability is a whole body."Zhang Tian Rui sighed tone.The affair proof that takes place afterwards, their worry that the surplus is not.After Zhang Lei dies, someone lifts banana and apple to call on them, but ask a way:"Making a contribution the organ whether accepts money?"Zhang Tian Rui feels, someone's at the back Chuo their back bone.Also just because of such, they refused before now all interviews, feared be known by more people.The first evening covered at me, they usher in the house to me, then make front door tightly closing and again and again give repeated advice to me at the same time:"The person is too many, must and since departure seek us in the daytime."Decide while giving up the treatment to Zhang Lei, talked the father of coarse voice atmosphere to always stand to cry by the side of the sickbed, "son, originally you have to carry on the shoulder spirit for me, I would not like to.Walk this one step till today, I don't think as well.But donate organ, seem you are still on the hoof.I brought up you an and also was worth."The mother has already basically could not said words, she tightly embraces a son and use oneself full is the cheeks of tears to stick tight the son's cheeks.This is their last embrace.At 16:40, tube doctor Chuang Yuan with just pulled out to breathe machine, pushed forward Zhang Lei of"was asleep like similar" operating room.The electrocardiogram suggests that the heart palpitates that only has 22-year-old young man from 100 many, slowly declines to 30 many.At 17:00, the electrocardiogram becomes a straight line.Zhang Lei walked."I can not recompense him what, can make an effort to help others."Come from Wuhan City to together help 3 doctors of hospital and the hospital of people in Hubei province, from this young dead body up obtained a rightness of corneas, a rightness of kidneys, a liver and 2000 square Li the skin of the rice.These organ drive respectively wrap well, put in the azure ice bucket.Then, they are so like to treat a patient who just ended surgical operation and gingerly sewed up for body carrying on.Together match with in the operating room the Yuan of this set special surgical operation just also remembered, the medical personnel's end put on for this young man the white shirt and western dress that his aunt buys, the pen stood a pen stand of.This is the first time to wear so formal clothes in the Zhang Lei's whole life.According to the custom of the region, the family still invited a medical personnel to fasten Zhang Lei's cuff of sleeve, top of trousers and trouser-legs with the thick thin tape of some little finger sorts.After being the whole to end, carry on three to bow to the body to the dead's respect, 3 doctors and a nurse for the sake of the expression.The small team of this"have to than 120 still have to be quick" has never lingered in the county city one more minute, they take a part of Zhang Lei's life and arrive Wuhan at 11:00 at the mid-night on June 5.Only after more than 10 minutes, 51-year-old Wang Rong(use alias) becomes the first patient who is pushed forward operating room.This woman drive it has been a year since terrible cirrhosis exactly tormented, basic can lie a bed at the hospital.Her digest way has already canned not work, one in the last years, in addition to gruel and noodles she almost has never eaten other things, the weight drops down exactly 25 kilograms.Her arm is thin be like a bamboo pole, belly but be accumulated water be full of, drum get up.She once thought, "had never got to hope".The liver source is too little, Wang Rong's some friends of diseases exactly waited for two years, there are also more people, depart from this life in the middle of endlessly waiting for.Therefore, when the afternoon of June 5, this woman is notified that when going to together helps a hospital to take part in to go together with a type she absolutely can not believe that her own life will appear a turning point like this.The gone together with result suggests that she can accept organ transplant operation.At present, while being me to serve as guardian to see her in room in the advanced case though the her body is very and weak, accumulating of belly water have been already disappeared.Ever because of liver disease and hair Huang of white of the eye, also just and slowly faded to return to original color.Wait until to get out of the hospital, this livelong years all at endure hunger of woman, want to drink a bowl of lotus root sparerib soup most .She hears there from the doctor that the donator is a 22-year-old young man.I originally had to lie prone by the side of the her mouth just can force to hear her to talk, but mention this matter, she hard supports she with a pair of elbows 1:00 is from the sickbed and run out the biggest energy to say:"My son this year also 24 years old, I really feel his father mother is too great, too great!"I swayed to sway the camera in the hand and asked her:"Could you clap a photograph for you?"She nods to express consent.When the lens aims at her, she smiles very brilliantly, stretches out a left hand and compared a V word signal."Everything all will slowly get up."She says.The second day dawn, the sky is still black, the Rong Rong has already lain in the operating room of the hospital of people in Hubei province.Just- graduated university student this last year, is more 3 years old than Zhang Lei Da Dun, can 11 year agos, she have to the chronic kidney is burning.This poor family have to the entire family move Wuhan to cure illness, parents with sell vegetables for living.Rong Rong always the result is excellent, tested to go into this a wealth of"211 high schools"s in the city will be professional.Can is getting into the year of university, she turns to°from the burning kidney an urine poisoning disease and doesn't line up urine any further.Henceforth, she wants for each week the hospital is dialysis two, on the arm closely whole is the scar formation that left while acupuncturing.At give out my message in, this girl says that she likes to wear fashionable dresses.But her mother tell me, after starting to be dialysis, she has never worn short sleeve blouse any further.Sometimes, she feels that the cook didn't descend to go to, ask a mother:"Why do you want to save me.I am on the hoof, my close relatives all follow to be subjected to molestation together."Her mother flows to fix attention on tears repeat these words let me listen to, "a lot of persons all make me give her up, can that is my daughter!"Almost while withdrawing to walk Zhang Lei to breathe machine, the Rong Rong received to go to a hospital to carry on the notice that goes together with a type.The result is to transplant.At 3:30 A.M., the Rong Rong held to hold the mother's hand, then was pushed forward operating room.After more than 3 hours, the doctor comes out to tell an anxious mother:"The surgical operation is very successful."After several days, the whole family talented person figures out the background of this kidney while seeing to reporting of Zhang Lei from the network news.Rong mother Rong's rim of eye is getting reder:"BE parents which to don't know the mood of losing the kid.His Mom and Dad were very great, saved a lot of persons to shout!"It is close behind, and then have an urine poisoning about 30 years old disease the sufferer into operating room.After 4 hours, he successfully changes a kidney.Now, he has been able to get away from dialysis machine.Wait until clock to point needle to turn till 8:00 a.m. on June 6, the right eye almost and completely becomes blind of Lee can(use alias) at together help the hospital accepted cornea transplant operation.6 year agos, she because of a small catch a cold but be infected keratitis, at present, the cornea has been already festered, bore hole.Because only an eyes contain sight, she usually bumps on the wall to fall down.For the sake of today's cornea, it has been 5 years since she fully waited for.Two surgical operations of hours after ending, on that very day, she discovers that her own sight resumes 0.5, "can see table and tree".With other be subjected to donate similar, she doesn't know the information of donator as well."True thanks hears that he is very young, he, thank his family."She once meant to the medium, oneself and younger sister would liked to also make a contribution organ."If isn't this good heart person, I probably all can't see during a lifetime.I can not recompense him what, can make an effort to help others."Zhang Lei's another one cornea is together carefully deposited in to help one set green in eye bank in the hospital of refrigerator inside.Doctor says that canning not lead is much long-term, this young cornea will bring another patient with bright."I will make money well, look after you and look after a father mother."On the evening of June 5, the surgical operation that obtains organ just ended, in order not to the acquaintance saw, a few relativeses run quickly be bound good Zhang Lei by the plain white cloth list to carry into hospital down stairs of funeral home car inside.On the second day, Zhang Lei is cremated, cremated ashes send back old my grandfather grave, his back is an one pine tree wood, the in front grows sorghum and watermelon.Return to county city, the beard is long and red to keep doing to live.She hopes that she's a moments are all carefree to don't come down, so can't thought of have been already left of son."The mood is like the rainy day in nowadays, the ice is ice-cold cool."She pulled my hand to cry.Sometimes, she is wiping ground, faintly feel the son sit on the bed, "I and he says, being like him hasn't walked, just I could not touch him."Even walk down the street now, she sees a three people of other people say to smile process, the in the mind is also painful.These year, this has been being becoming sad for living to the husband and wife.Mountain county in the city has already had some living quarter Anne natural gas, see, sending the coal gas bottle this business will make not to become.They wanted to take Zhang Lei to go out a tour as well, but had no time, there was more no money.They hard-pressedly the recollection rise, usually pretty little chat with kid.I ask:"Zhang Lei has what love?"The father says:"Sometimes would like to read novel."Mother but answer criticism:"Have no, what the time once read novel."Then, two people respectively don't be overdo to go.Zhang Lei's book and clothes have already all"burn" to him.According to the local customs,Oakley Sunglasses Sale the younger generation didn't get married to still keep calculating child, can not exert a filial piety at the parents, the home doesn't establish to work properly a hall.The beard is long and red and hard to tackle ground of kneel at already crack of ceramic tile up, pull up a small wood box from the bed bottom, take out a packet that is in multiple layers wrapped up by the black plastics bag to bind, in put Zhang Lei while was living 5 only photographs.This is a white clean delicate young man, like to wear the shirt in white, before lens, always roar with laughter.I ask him:"Do you regret alms?""Donate, at least can also let the kid's a part continue on the hoof."Zhang Tian Rui answers me.He is silent a burst of, again the low voice says:"But the kid dies miserably, after dying still need to cut apart and spread the body parts around, call who is also suffered."He decides that going out is deeply well ventilated.The beard is long and red to leave me to sit a little bit nearerly, depressed voice to say:"I the over the night over the night could not sleep and shut eyes to see the son's face."She looked about toward the husband's direction for a while, "afraid his father worries, don't dare to say with him."On June 15, before both the husband and wife arrive at the Wuhan body of being located in Feng memorial park in stone door in Wuhan City to make a contribution monument, "Zhang Lei" is the 385th name of this gray stone tablet.They squatted down a body to go and slightly touched touch those two words.Before half year, Zhang Lei became friends with in the city mountain small he 2-year-old girl friend's distance is beautiful.Compare with for the existence busy Zhang Lei parents, the distance is beautiful to seem to understand this young man more:His nature good, speak of words come always small voice thin spirit of.He likes to listen to Chen Yi Xun's song and likes to play "evil monster" and sometimes also beats a dozen of table tennises.His smiling face always"have much of an atmosphere", in KTV, these two young men usually chorus "May sky" of 《contented 》 , because the lyrics of inside writes a way, "if I fall in love with your smiling face, how collect, how own ……"Be like a lot of in love with medium of the young man is similar, the distance is beautiful to like to fantasize his/her own future house, for example, "get married shine on and hang where face to the wall up", "the bookcase wants what style of".Zhang Lei always smiles to listen to, and to young lover assurance:"I will make money well, look after you and look after a father mother."Everythings all have already planned.Wait until Zhang Lei's work steady settle down, they see both parties parents to 2 and settle wedding day."In fine, with he together, how all good."This just the 20-year-old girl awkward and shily smiled to smile, the canthus still kept hanging sadness.20117:00 a.m. on May 31, 22-year-old Zhang Lei comes out family in the light rain, he pickeds up a cellular phone and make a phone call beautiful to the distance, speed up her to get up to go to work, don't be late.They are happily chatting in the telephone, the distance is beautiful to suddenly hear one stuffy to ring, have no any further in cellular phone voice.

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