
10 things every day health for life

10 things every day health for life. Actually want to let oneself not ill, is also very simple, want to pay attention to some of the good life details, a slight change those bad habits of life, can ensure that your body not born diseases. 1. Eat a meal nutrition breakfast breakfast is activated a day mental fuel, have to eat. Many studies have pointed to a meal quality breakfast can make people think sharp in the morning, response is flexible, and improve the learning and work efficiency. The study also found, have to eat breakfast habit is not easy to get fat, memory is better also. 2. Eat fruits and vegetables per day is this in 1991, from the national cancer institute and health promotion foundation and promote the sports nutrition. According to investigation, eat more vegetables and fruits,Dallas Cowboys Adjustable can reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Suggest you, put the vegetables and fruits on the visible, with to be able to take place, and remind yourself, fruits and vegetables can also put the fruits and vegetables slices, as a dessert, instead of those who will make you fat cookies, snacks. 3. The daily exercise 30 minutes many studies have shown that exercise every day for 30 minutes can get benefits of exercise, including: prevent heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis, obesity, depression, and studies have pointed out that sports can make people feel happy, enhancement self-confidence. If you haven't movement, suggest you gradually, and slowly increase the length and intensity, can from the most simple Walking movement began, every day go 20 ~ 30 minutes, continue to walk, can feel a lot of benefits. 4. Floss your teeth flossing your teeth, not only can reduce the risk of tooth decay, also can protect your heart. According to the American academy says periodontal disease, meet with gum disease than the ordinary people easy people suffering from coronary artery disease. 5. With the nature house inside the sound of rain listening leaves, or looked at the fish swim in the water like, can give a person serene tranquility state of mind. Experts point out that, combined with the feeling of nature can reduce stress. At home or the office of planting potted, or keep a crock of fish are good suggestion. 6. Quit smoking a cigarette smoke can produce more than 4000 chemicals, 40 with several causes skin cancer, smokers died of lung cancer is not the number of smokers' 16 times. Kick the habit of smoking, not only to oneself health benefits, but also of the family love performance, because second-hand smoke a cigar than poison, already by the WHO's top carcinogen, and children are often the biggest victims of secondhand smoke. More than a quarter of sudden infant death because parents smoke, lead to baby breathe secondhand smoke causes. Secondhand smoke can increase the number of childhood asthma, and worse. 7. Eat turn down the TV a study of children's obesity and viewing habits have discovered that, children in have a meal of the time watching TV, usually easy to cause the obese, and will extend the time watching television as high as 70 minutes. So whatever adults or children, while have a meal, had better turn off the TV, to eat, enjoy the food on the table. 8. To work will entertainment know only buried in work, easy to lack of enthusiasm, might as well take it easy.Denver Broncos Adjustable Prepare a scrapbook, collect comic, jokes and so on humor materials, take out every day from time to turn over and let his laugh several voice. Can also outside work in some interest in the training, lack of entertainment, is it difficult to morale. 9. Not too busy to family and a chat the American heart authority, served as a former U.S. President Bill Clinton medical advisor of ou ning Xu (DeanOrnish), after decades of research found that has close relationship with slow can prevent heart disease, and may even provide life strong resistance. No matter how external life colorful, everyone needs to have to open your heart, and share the close relationship mind. So no matter busy every day even with family chat, nourish the close relationship to each other. 10. Let oneself have good sleep good sleep quality than the amount of sleep the more important.

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