
Alert: evening drink soup is unfavorable meat

Many MM feel night don't eat staple food light soup, both nutrition and can reduce weight, so the dinner is a pot of steaming fresh soup to overindulge ourselves. So actually do not quite right, meat soup pot is fat, heat is not low, not suitable for night edible. Life's proposal you, should eat dinner of some light, try not to choose the following the soup. The sparerib soup anti-aging bone soup in the special nutrient and collagen protein can promote blood circulation, 50-59 years old this 10 years is body circulation to failure by filled the turning point of the period, the bones aging speed, drink bone soup can receive drugs hard to reach effect. Chicken soup of cold chicken soup,Dior Sunglasses for Women especially the hen soup in the special nutrient, accelerate throat and bronchial membrane blood circulation, strengthen the mucus secreted, keep clear of respiratory virus, relieve a cough, dry throat, sore throat and other symptoms. The chicken soup pot, it can put some kelp, mushrooms, etc. Fish soup prevent asthma fish soup contains a special kind of fatty acids, and it has anti-inflammatory effect, can treat lung airway inflammatory, prevent asthma attacks in children, the most effective asthma. Tips: 1. The soup over long time don't experts warn that long time heating can damage of the vitamin in pot food; Heat 1 ~ 1.5 hours, can obtain ideal nutrition peak, at this time,ED Hardy Sunglasses Women the energy consumption of the and nutritional value ratio is better. 2. Put tomato beef soup pot beef soup, put a two tomato, can increase the soup in the content of lycopene, and fruit acid can meat tenderizer beef fiber, make more delicious meat. 3. Pig's knuckles soup is unfavorable often eat the collagen protein can't completely to absorb, can bring to the gastrointestinal digestive system into trouble, even want to eat, with green vegetables, lotus root cooked together.

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