
Was that reflect your health

Person's vitality ups and downs, often from was displayed. The complexion of the thermometer can be said to be healthy, can reflect a healthy condition of body. The traditional Chinese medicine "listening, asking and", the first step is to see complexion, therefore, the good face is one of the first health standard. Describe the healthy complexion is called "white silk wrap cinnabar", which looks like white silky wrapped Spanish red, white inside deeply red; And not healthy people often show various abnormal face, such as the pale, flush, purple, yellow, black, etc. Pale: traditional Chinese medicine think mostly for the deficiency syndrome, cold syndrome or blood loss.Boston Celtics Fitted Hat Respiratory condition not good will face white; Long a causative agent, the massive hemorrhage, virtual chronic nephritis, also can make complexion is white; Have the tendency of anemia, because lack hemoglobin to present the white and yellow complexion atelectatic. Was flush: more for heat syndromes. Blood is hot line, filled with context, accelerate the blood flow characteristic red skin. High blood pressure patients often ruddy complex-ion; Tuberculosis patients with low heat, will the ophthalmic blushing. The complexion purple: more for blood, context block may be caused by. Heart failure, congenital heart disease, liver disease cause too much waste in the blood and so on, they will make the complexion into purple. Yellow complexion: traditional Chinese medicine thinks, bright yellow belongs to damp and hot, dark yellow is cold dampness; Yellow complexion, for cases weak, blood camp is insufficient; Yellow bloated face for the spleen deficiency is wet. Dark complexion: more of kidney disease or blood stasis syndrome, often used for serious illness. In addition, the long-term use of certain drugs, such as arsenic agent, such as cancer drug, can also cause different degree of dark complexion. It was luster and moisture degree is concerned, healthy skin leather fat (oil) and sweat (water) the secretion of clear, the skin will keep soft. Weather can cause the skin is dry, such as wind, cold, etc. Some disease also can make the skin is dry, such as diabetes, glucose level fluctuations can make the skin becomes dry, feel is rough.Buy Charlotte Bobcats hats Expert proposal, the complexion of the white man if no special disease performance, supplements is the best way. Can complement more fish, chicken, black beans, spinach and other food, if necessary, edible a few red jujube, medlar, longan, having the product such as blood. The complexion of flush should try to avoid excitant food, cold and heat stimulus to avoid face. Cold syndrome patients, can eat some more beef and mutton, pepper, ginger to fever, promote metabolism. For junk food, nutrition disequilibrium cause look pale yellow, will correct poor eating habits. Dark complexion of kidney disease patients with kidney function should be eating more food or drugs, such as walnut, edible fungus, black soya bean, black sesame seed, etc.

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