
After a drunken wake up how to improve physical discomfort

Chinese human intercourse dinner party, entertainment, little not to drink. But it is the taste of a drunken by, have what way can alleviate? Gastrointestinal discomfort drink celery juice. If drunk gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea nausea, can drink celery juice or eat grapes. Celery contains rich decompose alcohol the B vitamins. Gastrointestinal functions weakly, suggest to drink before you drink celery juice, can reduce the symptoms of red face when drinking. Grapes of tartaric acid can also solution wine. After drinking wine also can have some gravy, reduce the stomach wall cells stimulate alcohol.baseball sunglasses Eat vitamin C protect liver. Vitamin C can accelerate alcohol decomposition, protect liver, drink or eat vitamin C a piece, or citrus, melons, etc are rich in vitamin C fruit, and are conducive to the solution wine. A big glass of orange juice or water can also accelerate honey to remove the remaining in the body of alcohol. Headaches, dizziness drink honey water. Headache is a hangover inevitable one of symptoms, drink some honey water or tomato juice can alleviate. Honey can promote resolve of alcohol absorption, ease headache. A drink tomato juice 300 milliliter above, drunk giddy feeling will gradually disappear. Morning after the hangover, had better take a hot bath. Can alleviate dazed head goes up, general weakness of symptoms. If can drop a few drops of essential oil in the water, but also refreshing to. Voice is not comfortable drink more water.cheap nfl jerseys A voice is not comfortable, mainly caused by water is drunk, immediately a few cups of warm water, alcohol can dilute, protect liver, and add water. After the hangover drink sports drinks also is right choice, to drink, drink together was but also can prevent. Want to remind everybody is, don't drink tea water. For tea in the theophylline and alcohol acid metabolism product combination, form of material damage to the kidney.

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