
"23 road buses" 【a love story that tores heart crack lung 】

"23 road buses" 【a love story that tores heart crack lung 】feed``the young lady just trampled my feet?Apologizing can't?Feed``a feet of trampling of big man can die~!Is stingy`your this person how so```trampled a somebody else to still manage so to keep annoying strong!Apologize!Hurriedly of!You are dry what!Not apology originally the young lady have never apologized to anyone``can't~you love how how!See what see``color Mi Mi of`caution I tell you!Is dizzy``my color you`?Joke!(Saying is true of``I am really the color Mi lookinging at of Mi she``she is very beautiful``return to wear clothes especially`head the type has much of characteristics`wear of the clothes match of flawless`visit blade enough to spare`whole body charming foppery``)the car stopped``I saw her one eye`unreasonable!!Turn round and then got off`I this year is 21 years old however was already an outstanding computer to maintain a member``get off work at work to all want to do 23 road buses every day`this too the office worker on the car is basic I acquainted with however recently come out come a very not the wench of reasonable!The past had never seen her`~ today the weather really like```I most like the weather for 7 months although more the heat sunlight enrich especially``my this person also very oddness```the sun insolate not black I Hey Hey```sit on the chair of the unit and looking at a television and absorb`absorb smoke``drink some tea and drinks```is really comfortable``is not very favour recently```at leisure of very``at leisurely make me have cranky time``every day get off work at work almost can meet her``sometimes also wait Mr. to hand over together~see her each time, she will sweep me with the very ferocious look in the eyes one eye``I also ignore``finally came home```can take a rest to descend well``I rent a house by myself```the 4th floor I like this very much position```scenery good`the air is also very fresh``do the newspaper that tooks a look today on the sofa`colleague, Wang Feng, make a phone call for me``invite me and go out and play tonight``I like and go out and have fun very much```consent gladly``did not have a meal a short while to go out and eat together``tidied up a house```put a good position of my most beloved big black bears`change a set of clothes``go out``elder sister Lee just get off work``the young man go out``boon elder sister I walked`elder sister Lee is that my landlord is very simple to I also very enthusiasm```this makes me understand not equal to close neighbors of distant relative of meaning``feed small Feng over there``I at breeze agreeable market this```you come to Ford chafing dish 102 rooms``we at wear``very right away arrive``hanged a telephone, I quickly beat car`several minutes arrived``a open the door so many people small Hui`greatly just king Lee dew dew Zhang Xin````Still have several incognizant```fed small Lei to be late~~drink wine as forfeit``drink wine as forfeit!!The small Feng satisfiedly says``I am silly ha ha of smiled to smile```is the ah at the right moment still hungry hurriedly```I do the flank in the small Feng```feed small Feng you today how wear this clothes```you are to dislike red coat Yao most ```ha ha`this is different`this is my girl friend sends of``Li Guo stood up good good``today is the birthday of small week Hui``very happy that everyone can take part in my younger sister's birthday party`I respect everyone's one cup``my good heavens~~today is the birthday of small Hui```?I asked for a while``the small Hui is your birthday today```?The small Hui point nods``why don't tell me I even the gifts didn't prepare```the small Hui says``I said that I thought once this year the birthday that doesn't have the gift with everyone``I notified```ask much for your gossip`the truth is many``so don't tell you```want and Be not afraid of you say three four of`ha ha dizzy dead``that must also tell me in advance prepare cake so much~~~the cake has```greatly just raised``oh``be really of``oh```the everyone see me this all vigorously smile``greatly just stood up with me say for a while```in brief introduced for a while how many incognizant of friend``what we played very late```I drink of the fan collapsed and faintedly went home``a head of plant at the bed ascend``have never also forgotten and embraced me that big black bear morning gets up of time to have a little blurred`ha ha really can not drink wine``at the right moment go on vacation not to go to work today`I can kick back and enjoy well`the cola of home drinks up`I go out and buy cola```down the avenue I discovered that the individual is very familiar looking```a sees is her```I of mama ah``unexpectedly saw her at my house's down stairs```she also saw me``or one ferocious facial expression is another I am tremble with fear``she nearby has a friend male of``should be her boyfriend```what I ignored went to opposite supermarket``wait I to come back of time `` accident```make I very accident```I see she cry``very sad`and clothes have a little the dirty good elephant fell down`slowly unsteadily don't know this at my house's down stairs very short how many minutes in take place what``I suddenly have already grown a sympathetic toward felling``I walked past``young lady how``your this person how the ghost don't spread I walk to there you with arrive that``you what mean```I give offense to you``this young lady like how how use you and take care of?Rise to open to dislike!A head of fog water of I stared blankly for a while`had to go away``say true of I ate this dummy Kui for the first time!Be unexpectedly wildly sprayed down the avenue by a female kid!Going home to more think is more not in the right~~really make heart!The good heart oakley sunglasses outlet considers as donkey liver lung``calculate``at home sleep for a day``may be yesterday the wine drink many matters to really lack``at pluses that to go crazy old woman son of scolded to feel sleepy more to feel``evening my do-it-yourself point the thing that like to eat by himself/herself``boon``very delicious``have never thought my own cooking develop so quickly``ha ha also I by myself can feel```the second day morning gets up a to see form`good heavens at 7:00``hurriedly go to work and be late``in the mind calculate for a while``do work to need to hand over 40 minutes to plus to wash face to brush teeth` time well tight```quickly favour of tidy up ran for a while family``O.K.``a arrive to stand the card car came right away``seem to give me preparation of``admire many people of car`almost go to work of``the car arrived 9 areas``that crazy old woman son got on the car``seem to be a time bomb``really frightened she nearby explode at me`however have 1:00``she is really beautiful also good at wear clothes```relatively have qualities``however with her personality compare with come``I didn't looking at any qualities place!I discovered her different from the past the face is last one dead Ji!Seem to have relation with yesterday's business to fasten```person of car a lot of`have no seat``she can stand over there``ha ha``I stole to smile for a while`you stand over there~~I know that she is on the car each time to take more than 30 minutes' car```believe so many people can't have position of ha ha``I looking at her very satisfiedly``I at she the not after death far place sits```she a turn head to see I at that the United States Zi Zi of face```the face ascended and then changed countenance`make as if to eat me```by this time the car arrive to stand a card to stop a men stood to prepare to get off, she cannot compared with the speed of power of Yan ear to rob that position by Xun thunder`have not that man stood firm`almost drive she crowded heel head`that man saw her an eye don't also say what``I thoroughly took now``she hands over by Mr. to have no seat of`arrived people hospital she got off``I how don't know to have grow a specially loose felling ha ha`in fact I pretty like to do Mr. to hand over of``can appreciate the scenery of outside``still have the felling to do a car``I likes to do a car``got off work in the evening I arrived a station card to wait Mr. to hand over by this time she leisurely and carefreely walked to come over`station by the side of me``I suddenly have a kind of dyspnea of felling``true now I afraid she``make me surprised more is her and I talked``you didn't get angry yesterday?I talk incoherently of say```have no`have no I how can angry`I`I can have no so stingy```hum``get angry don't close my business as well, you ask for it!I have no language``the car came she pushed I went up first all of a sudden`` a seat she sits up to seem the lucky fairy accompany every day she each time Mr. hand over she has seat ignore person of how much``the car stand in 9 areas the card stop under she got off``I went home in the mind a think she still calculate have a little human interest``did to order to in brief eat for dinner`watch a short while television drink a bottle of cola``sleeping```3 weeks later, a day``rain light rain`I get off work and ran into her in the evening``she wears that day of fashionable whole body recreation``draw on a person very much``specially have qualities really beautiful``however not what to match is clothes be deeply sprinkled by rain````She cried``still cry very sadly so``at plus to have rain``tears and rain water mix together``can not see clearly that Qiao face``two of us quietly at stand card Mr. Deng hand over```I didn't dare talk with her this time``I afraid bombard with artillery!!!23 road buses in the distance slowly opened to come over``stop bottom`this time she didn't rob position with me``and action very slow I got on the car hasn't she come up``however still came up car up have two seats be together alongside of`I sat down first``she didn't sit by me``also didn't see me``station grasp safety belt in my hand`the car opened``she of the body rocked for a while`I feel she, the good elephant got sick``may be catch a cold``she is still crying``by this time I still said a ``you do down```she saw my one eye``do not move``car at turn of time she again rock for a while`almost don't hold tight safety belt``fall down very nearly```I can feel that she really likes weak``I said again a ``you do at wear I stand up```I just wanted to stand up``she pushed me for a while``make me sit down``then she does at I of flank``all the way a speech not hair```I ask her you how```you seemed to get sick``she still a talk not hair```I say`you seem to be in rain very for a long time you of the clothes all soaked through``she fierce Ba my one eye seeing of Ba``then grow crazy roar loud with me``!!:You why with she is together!Why!!Why to want so to me!Then the Mao arrive my bosom``cry more badly I can feel the body that her hair burns``of shiver of hands!I knew``BE is brokenhearted``probably last time be because this``the persons on the car was all seeing me~~my felling was very embarrassed~~I mean to say is misunderstanding`but I think didn't they explain of necessity``she is in my bosom cry for a long time``different meeting body for a while stand at my bad in``have no voice````Was quick to arrive 9 areas```feed``you come to``you came home`you don't get off?I swayed to sway her```she has no action``finished this how can do``arrived 9 area cars to stop many people to all get off``what I made an effort swayed to sway her``she still has no action!!I am panic``whether faint```I hurriedly embraced her to get off``then beat a set rent to send her to go to a hospital~~~arrived doctor in the hospital to see for a while`tell me that she catches a cold very seriously``need to go to hospital````You carry out to go to hospital for a while a procedure```I did a hospitalized procedure right away``sent into for her to serve as guardian room```then I ask doctor``she when can wake up`the doctor say that she belongs to deep slumber status now```beat an intravenous drop believes tomorrow morning will come to of```I thought for a while``like this not go`her family will become nervous of~~I touched the pocket of her coat``she has a telephone```I took out a telephone to seek for a while`also not know the telephone that is her home``I don't know that she calls as well what name`this how can do```I find out one to call telephone of Ting Ting``I beat past`a girl answers of~~I say you good`is the telephone that I use now your friend?There say a rightness``is small quiet``you is who``I say I BE``I am one of her friend`can her hasing an accident at the hospital now you notify her family?There panic``ask at that hospital```I say to is 5 hospitals``there say in that room``I say to nurse No.6 room``is right away you wait me``hanged a telephone, I sit by her``wait for a long time```her friend came``saw my one eye then run to her front of saw for a while``a little bit cry a chamber of say with me``she how``I say she has no the matter is to catch a cold however is pretty serious of``the doctor checked elucidation sky morning ability awake``have no important event``she says she how can so``you is who you how here``I say is that I send her to come of``she of time sprinkled a lot of rain``the nurse just changed a sick personnel for her to take``her clothes to cool get up``her friend says`you good I call the Ting Ting is her good friend`we are two to together live`are you a small quiet friend?I say to be regarded as``however isn't very familiar````that thanks you to send her to come over``my waiting she to see her at home have never come back me to think she together didn't also make a phone call with her boyfriend`have never thought she this kind of matter`````do not relate to``that I walked first to hand over to you here``good of`you to favour``thank you``do not relate to!Go home I feel the matter that takes place today is very interesting ha ha``I return to save the hero beautiful``ha ha on the second day what I got up very early``I did the breakfast of my specialty``prepare to send for her to``after all once had the number the good luck of the noodles``should look after her in this time``I invited leave```go to a hospital``arrived to serve as guardian room, I see Ting Ting beside asleep`I lightly went in to clap to clap her``the Ting Ting is awake to see me``I say''falsely!!```The Ting Ting asks``you how come``I say my nothing important matter to conveniently take for her to order to eat to the seeing of``has not she come to?Boon`small calmed down to say yesterday that the talk in a dream said well for a long time``I say that that she seems was brokenhearted``the Ting Ting took a look I say``you how can anyone know``I guess of``the Ting Ting took a look form``say ashamed can help me favour?I say what favour``she says that I wanted to go to work``small quiet you for me look after her for a while``I invite for her leave```good?I was like for a while`good``you go to`trust here handed over to me I feel that I seemed to change an occupation to return of the daytime change shifts of duty of ha ha the Ting Ting took a look the breakfast that I do``then said with me a ` pretty severe ah``nice-smelling```I smiled to smile Ting Ting to walk``I sit by her to start foolish``did not once know much for a long time`she talked``I how here``then see me``seem to be like to get an electric shock`` of a scream!Scared me``then moment disappear``this scream such asThe lightning flashes roll of thunder is general``then silly silly looking at me``say a ``you~?You what you``you were sprinkled by rain yesterday of fever``very serious``you knew not to know that you fainted``if not that I~~```she said right away a ``busybodies!I feel me to return Yuan than the Dou E!The getting up of enraged station that I annoy just wanted to talk``she a smile of the facial expression give°ed the words that I wanted to say to suppress to return to~``she said to thank you`then changed facial expression again and I said`you don't be fierce to expect Ba of`I afraid you~!Cheap stake!!!I don't know to say what like```I took breakfast to come over`eat eat!My a big man can't dispute with you``she tooks a look me again``have no poison~~~I just wanted to deliver a violent wind!She smiled again``thank you`then change facial expression again, you don't be fierce to expect of go or not!``I am a sick personnel to feed`~~my good heavens``this is what kind of person I really could not stood!I feel that I threw up blood quickly!I saw her one eye then run to go out to breathe one big tone then turn round into a house``the spirit is blunt to hurtle to say with her``you if I ignored you in this appearance!She saw my along while``Zheng Zheng``then don't talk`lower the head and looking at that breakfast``a move also motionless, I feel she seem and stand an injustice of``then I changed a very moderate tone and she says``like like``eat I personally to you do of`this is in the world the first edible I do of the girl of rice is the first``Hey Hey`she saw me an eye``be like the small sheep of gentleness``picked up a ladle an a small of eat``she eats of appearance good fair lady`cautiously see really pretty lovely of`but she ate to eat and start to flow tears and come```have no sheding tears of facial expression``can not tell sad`can not tell sad`breathed cry``I feel the whole guardianship room only have I with she of breath voice!I want to comfort``but don't know how open mouth``do not summon up courage and she says``whatever you once took place`you must strongly come out come```will not be bolted over there``your life`your road can not make the other people come to to decide should be decided by yourself by you``BE difficult to strongly come over here no matter``your nearby still have the person to love you`her title looking at me``a on every occasion looking at me`the tears flow of more badly`I the good elephant feels that I am that heartless person~~~like like``all passed by``looking at my eyes``believe my everythings all pass by not was going to think`let not happy become history``from the rise you want from lately return yourself```she still stares blankly of looking at me`make no noise``then asked me a `:really can?Can certainly```believe me``she ordered to nod``then took a look the breakfast in the hand``then looking at me to mercilessly ordered a head again~then change individual`madness of eat`just of fair lady image the good elephant is that I is dreaming!!!Finished eating to wipe to wipe a mouth with the sleeves``added to add the lips say with me~~you do of this is what trifle``really difficult eat!!#@$#!@##@$!!!!!@!#~#!@#%#@I almost poured``I just took a suck at spirit to talk``she smiled to say again``play a joke on you``pretty delicious of``I said spoilt daughter of a rich family``you now can descend ground to walk not?She looking at my face up return to to scold my time for the first time again of ferocious facial expression``say that this spoilt daughter of a rich family hasn't arrived that situation``you leave a hospitalized fee you of?Turn head to return you!This matter with no you``I return to by myself!I am on that chair shiver for a while`the ah calculated to leave~~~I door`slowly hobble in the hallway of hospital```feel this matter really oddness``ha ha make me can not understand brains``calculate don't think``I the hospital walk toward avenue~`suddenly hear have an urgent step voice spread to turn head a to see she has already nearby run to me``pull me of the arm take to cry a chamber to say`do not walk good, beg you then rush toward me of bosom``weep aloud```this descended me to can not understand brains more``I push away her to say that you would like to say for a while what is the row?She orders``then I say to walk to return to change clothes``then I take you to seek a place has a chat``she orders``just wanted to returned to walk`she for a while pool come down``a body still a body weak`almost fall down``what I made an effort hand her```I say you O.K. she orders``I still carry on the back you to return to``changed clothes, I took her to go to a teahouse```she and I say her business~~`it has been three years since I knew her``is that my father drags along a person to introduce we know each other of``at that time I just 17 years old because I live dangerously so go to school big 1 didn't ascend to feel in love with taste for the first time at that time``really fine he also usually takes me to go out to play very very to me``very rich my father in his home opened one appliance machine company``say that he and I are together of equal status to have already decided to let me to get married with her however now not just time I also decided and then married him`but 3 weeks ago be I see you of that`unexpectedly have a girl and he to quarrel to say why with I together I stare blankly I and that girl to fight one to give her the one punch is that he unexpectedly pushes me for the sake of what that girl made an effort`push me heel head`I grieve``still deliver a temper with you`from that later I at don't also manage him`I decide with he break up` yesterday he makes a phone call for me`say to still want to want me to forgive him with me together, we are in the telephone quarrel along while`I hang telephone``so also even if``different will making a phone call for me of a female``scold me``say that I seduce her boyfriend?Is really funny I grieved us to beat in the telephone a ```wait I to get off work and then meet you haven't told you``I call rather small quiet do a product packing in the R.O.C Lun economy`can tell me you call what name?`I call Yang Lei`BE a technician in apple science and technology`in fact your career not calculate what`just you want not to open just~~nothing important of``want to open 1:00 liked rich family young master that have how many don't spend of ha ha isn't you, you certainly say so```I`~~?Go to pull a line`your telephone how much number invite you to have a meal in the evening``ha ha need not```why don't do one the honor!?13*********Like make a phone call to you in the evening your favour go to my going home my friend will remember mine!Religious festival`finish saying she turned round and then walked`evening she really made a phone call for me``she and I say not to want to go``today occupy another day very not good`she and I say``feed really don't do one the honor is be not~you hand over by Mr. every day?Ah`like``I go to``you are over there``changed body clothes`I went straight to the place that she tells me to go to`every day dining~very deluxe place`very clean```a enter a house`I am everywhere see for a while` hear a corner sends out of voice``feed``this that come over``I saw her```whole body pink of dress``knee skirt```fatty short sleeve`look very recreational~~together and together of head Lian``long long shawl hair`the brilliance shine on a person``I walked past`smilingly looking at her```she started to clap to clap a chair for me`` sit```by this time served a young lady to walk to come over```Ms. Sir need point what``you order vegetables```she loudly of say```still you order``the lady have the initiative``you are vulgar not vulgar`whatAge`return a lady to have the initiative``I have no that set of`you hurry of``do not make people wait you here!Is all right``come to the pot fall pure deep-fried inside ridge of bean curd I will be two``you order```slice~~see you order this a pair thing``come to for me five smelt sour hot waist book just come to to me white jade fruits ice-cream like`you at come to order what```?That gives me come to cola```do not go~~she determinedly says`have a meal you to dare to want beverage with me!Come to 6 bottles of beers!You are 4 I 2!`Do not go I can not drink a drinking of big man of wine not wine```whether despise me?~~Today you if drink not to drop 4 bottles`you cover up a list!Is dizzy``if make me check me not to mind``wine~~do not with my painting!Went to say for these service young ladies``slightly wait``then turn round and then walked``elder sister``you can drink how much``can not drink don't hard stand~~do not say that I humiliate you!~~~Ha ha``say true one cup I blushed`true of``this meal we eat very happily~~have said to smile of```imperceptibly``the wine drank up``I can see of``she can not drink wine```2 bottles' drinking Be getting more blurred;Talk incoherently of play a joke on me``I was also made to receive ha ha``walk of time I buy of list``she swayed a long door``I follow`` door I say that I send you to go home``she tooks a look me``use you``I can return to by myself```say she from wrap in take out the quite a few 100 dollars piece's bill``fortress to I``I didn't know what like``you stem what```calculate``I pleased``do not with I compare row``how wear``I say that I invite you`can use your money``hurry of``then hard fill to me``turned round a dozen of cars to walk``walk of time say besides a words``thank you`I looking at a car to disappear``the house that I on foot return```think a lot of````Ha ha feel very interesting```I also have a little many``went home and then went to bed``the second day`go to work her don't take a car with me``because I didn't see her``I think may be don't take a car``in the evening get off work don't see her``may today occupy don't go to work`the third day``do not meet her``may be don't take a car``in the evening get off work don't see her probably today occupy don't go to work``the fourth day`the fifth day``a year later``my unit changed an address``I also changed a car to sit`9 roads`every day top and bottom the class all sit 9 roads``this in the last years`her shadow usually present in my brain``I don't know as well I how`why is going to miss her``I am very afraid her ha ha`I afraid she bombard with artillery me``I also had on the work progress to be last technique director general`the wages also rose``pretty happy of I think that the person can seek during a lifetime a like by himself/herself of the work is also very happy of``3 month later`get off work in the evening``on the bus looking at familiarly not ability at acquaint with of scenery``the car stopped``come up many people``come down many people``suddenly feel very boring``very dull``my in the mind started disliking to hand over by Mr.``at entertain foolish ideas of at the same time``I am foolish for a while``I saw her rather small quiet`` at I front the position of 3 rows sit in seat of honor``affirmation is her I of the taste isn't wrong!She when last car I don't know```I wanted to say "hello" in the past```but don't know how beginning``I feared that she would bomb me`ha ha``the in the mind had everything``thought a lot of opening remarkses`` all don't well feel```do not know what```the car got to my house's neighborhood```I should at under a stood to get off`` I didn't get off of meaning```she didn't see me``I feel that she seem and different before```however still very beautiful```see every time she is different clothes```very the outward appearance of vogue``reveal one silk was distressed``the car drive very long-term car top nothing important already person``she still didn't discover me``may have already could not recognized me``I sit in her back``the car open very for a long time```arrive one very out-of-the-way place```she gets off``I tailgate``she once wore a street``turn`at turn``I see she enter one wife and children medicine store```I wait in front in the street```different meeting she comes out```follow this this street goes forward``I see her and a man with very old age beats and receives``then enter young area of a residence I heel go in```she walks to``building way is rather young quiet``I loudly shout for a while``then I run over```feed``long time no see``still remember me?Yang Lei~``boon long time no see`you now O.K.?Boon I very good``disappeared you so for a long time``you go to that``do not hand over by Mr.`I changed to work``moved house now I is a person lives``I see of she suppresses Yu very much``face up lose the vitality in past``you now how`have an opportunity to go out with me to have meal``I invite you this time!This time should you order vegetables ha ha``she wanted to think`say``recent I more favour`have no time``to you how here```my a friend live``ha ha`I the back of the head of Nao Nao``why do you want to invite me to have a meal?I```ah friend was missing to miss you for a long time very much ha ha`you how give a smile``did you seem to be different from the past to have worry``said that I can help you with me``she tooks a look me`say``do you help me?To believe that I can help you``she is silly and silly looking at me``then soon once turn round go to by hand the Wu wear a mouth``then loudly say``you leave me needless your help```then turned round to go upstairs`my Zheng Zheng```ah calculate```I went home``thought a lot of her businesses for 3 weeks hereafter in the evening get off work``bus top``the small Hui make a phone call for me``feed small Lei``what's the hurry now``do not seek us to play as well```small Hui how so carefree at``how think of and made a phone call for me`ha ha``nothing important matter```to``small Lei``have you already had girl friend?``How ask this``have no currently``you remember last year I lead a birthday of time there is a girl toasting for you``still remember her?I think think````remember``how```ha ha I now just know``once our chat``I feel that she mutually won you``seem to be interesting to you``I also found out white now`I want to ask you``you how think``if feeling can also``you see noodles good`?I say````so ha ha``good`have an opportunity at say`I the day after tomorrow evening probably sometimes```by this time the car stopped to come up a person``is that she is that she is small quiet``I stared blankly``stared blankly snapback hats wholesale along while``feed``that the day after tomorrow evening you meeteach other````````etc.`I the day after tomorrow occupied to just think of`calculate``have an opportunity to just say with you``like me now a little bit in advance hang``feed``Du``Du```I the telephone hanged``small quiet still that appearance and wore last time of not and above``each time BE```she sat down in my front`do not see me``I this time hey ability once``I come forward and then say with her``feed```go to that ah?She sees I smile for a while```so Qiao```boon``can I sit this?(Her flank`)she orders``I```I didn't consider this time so many``I come forward and then say with her``feed```go to that ah?She sees I smile for a while```so Qiao```Boon``can I sit this?(Her flank`)she orders``I``````Ha ha have no a matter```she didn't also talk``40 minute later`multiply by to work a member to say`the terminal point arrived``the last class accepted a car```we who didn't move``did not also talk all the way```eventually~``she suddenly said a ```know``I got off with her``the station is down the street``this is one to leave very far place in the city center``ah``did not eat in the evening`very hungry``did not you also eat?Together good?She tooks a look me``do not make a noise``(do not know she how the spiteful temper all cans not see clearly at 1:00``)remembers a childhood I am usually horizontal to wear street`flow in the car in rush``very interesting``want with me experience personally for a while?She stared eyes```I started to pull her hand to toward street to run in front right away```in the road in the center``stop to run``come to go to``finally came over``have a driver to yell``not and desperately?We are two to mutually see a to smile`do not manage that driver at all```the big breathe heavily thick spirit```we sought a pimping restaurant``pretty clean of`a enter a house`I loudly shout``attendant``two```have already had a list?`She follows I don't talk as well``do not know in former days of personality did that go?Or now is pack of ha ha`the attendant come over to arrange us to a small list``very small``have the felling to grow a sweet``this time you order vegetables````She tooks a look me```shake```then awkward and shily looking at her own chopsticks```I don't know that she is just thinking as well what``anyway big not in the right``I must ask understand`opportunity to seek`that is all right``I order to order for me ha ha``come to 6 bottles of beers``you are two I am four``by this time she stared eyes``then took a look attendant``do not also make a noise```the vegetables want``the consomme whole family blessing is happy to lead nine gruel spring onions to explode mutton`ha ha`I ordered this a pair``quiet what don't you order?She shakes`at take a fritillary honey for us to braise Sydney like these go to hurry```the attendant point nod not how know this time have a meal to have no last time that kind of atmosphere```my wine feel to drink of delicious dint`however her 2 bottles I didn't also notice different meeting have no```small blush with shame``have some sway`the appearance is pretty charming of```time lead of soon``we didn't also c

article source:www.yoursunglass.comMilk Qi in Xiang pond in Hunan once concealed to use a melamine poison milk

Disorder in the market and take charge of dint not to is one of important a fire reasons

