
The sky is blue forever

The sky, it is a cloudy day to is blue today forever, on the veranda, see the firmamental cloud pressing very lowly and seeming to be to have a little son dark.Want recently live medium in a row some not equal to ideas,oakley sunglasses cheap I cannot help but sighing tone and soliloquize:The sky when just becomes blue!The sky is all sound of a kid of deep blue color to ring out in the ear forever.I turn round a to see, is my that 7-year-old little nephew, the positive Yang rises innocent smiling face of his that full face to looking at me.I come to fascination and ask him:You how can anyone know is the sky all blue forever?Wait cloud to walk, we can see blue sky of my heart in a move.Yes, the sky is a deep blue color of, only its color is blocked by cloud, wait until the sun to come out, cloud opens fog to spread, and then will be a greatly good clear sky!Living did it ever be not such?Sometimes those work in of not and satisfactorily, life medium of not equal to idea,Buy POLO hats be like the block us original merriment of moods, originally fine life.But as long as we don't sway and keep good heart feeling and believe firmly one fine day, cloud in the head quarter opens fog to spread, the life will be full of sunlight.Please remember:The sky is all blue forever.

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