
Let go of tower

Let go of tower two individuals are deep-rooted the ground love the other party, but they have to forget each other climbs up after this legendarily let go of tower, everything will how?The last years of the period that looks for Manchu Dynasty, county city the Cape call water jade, 18-year-old her the appearance of a person in costume and makeup the good voice is bright, play what be like what, the fan poured a half capital city, connect a county to make the childe attend to Ming also don't already adore to her.Water jade livings at rich and politically influential family towards gentlely attending to Ming to become to also have much of good will, although he,the little bit isn't unruly either.Is very quick, 2 people loved each other, but was attended to Ming to become opposing strongly of parents:The open county makes of how can the son marry a drama son as wife?Because drama son the position at that time is very humble, attend to the mother whom the Ming becomes for making them break up, unexpectedly mutually force by dead.Water jade two of him are compelled can't, then intend to let go of tower, because they hear, letting go of the tower can make people forget love, can let the lovers have no to break up painfully.This day, water jade and attend to Ming to become to secretly arrive at to let go of tower, this is the wood tower of long a year disrepair, there are more than ten pine tree with high bigs on all sides, at this time just when deep autumn, fell very thick 1 F loose needle on the ground, the feet trample up to rustle.At this time, suddenly rang out a burst of step voice before the tower, water jade they discover to have an old woman with uncanny air, as being frightenned ran away in quick time, although 2 people feel peculiar, also lazy must manage her.For looking for the secret of letting go of the tower, two of him drill into the first floor of tower, one empress upwards climbs before starting a, because this stairs is very narrow, permits next person walk,oakley polarized sunglasses and front of the person can not also turn head, a turn head and then will hit on the above of the stairs to hang somely to nail plank up, but attend to Ming to become can ignore these, he simply the one step attend to on turning head ground to pull water jade, not and in a short while Ming become of head the top be bumped an a lot of bloods, water jade loves to break down.Become true 2 people with difficulty climb last tower crest, downwards see go from this, really make people shake with fright, timidity of the water jade frighten hide at attend to Ming become back don't dare to downwards see, if this flops to go, where still have a life?Attend to Ming to become heartache ground to say:We all have already stood on the tower crest, can we still love the other party!Since livinging can not together, the dead also wants to be husband and wife!Water jade jumps down tower to go with me!The water jade firm location nods, then bites open own finger and use blood on the wall write:The wish in sky makes a pair of lovebirds and wish in the ground for connect a reason.Mutually two feeling Yue can not wish and let go of a tower crest double to fleet away!Water jade tears covers the facely looking at these words and hate to hate heaven to can not endure their loves!Led in a short while, water jade suddenly exclaimed a way:Childe, you see quickly!Attend to Ming to become a to see, originally wall there someone wrote down with the blood some words, the form of written was very graceful, saw from the color, probably had some year:Elder brother Kun, sorry!I am a convict, I have no courageous jump down to go, I see you were like one to break linear kite similar keep on sinking into, I frightened I will be fallen off everything is completely changed, forgive me!Plum.Finish seeing this words, attend to Ming to become in the mind one Luo Mao, he saw water jade one eye and asked a way:Water jade, if I jump down first go to, you the meeting can't be like her similar live without meaning because of timid?Water jade hopes to attend to Ming to become to suspect of vision, the heart is abrupt however cool half, say:Doesn't the childe believe water jade?That if water jade jump down first to go, will the childe live without meaning?Attend to Ming to become to keep silence, water jade cannots help but crying, the ground of Ying Ying says:Let go of tower up leave of these words is probably its magic place, it makes us no longer trust the other party to attend to Ming to become to sigh tone and says:Water jade, let's return .Water jade You hatred ground saw attend to Ming to become one eye and said:Not, I don't return to, childe, our future life is again husband and wife the words sound didn't fall, water jade has already jumped down to let go of tower.Attend to Ming to become foolish live, in the his hand a gusset that held tight water jade!Attend to Ming to become painfully shut last eyes, he is love water jade of, he doesn't wish to do to be the second plum!Attended to Ming to become to jump up to jump down tower witness don't realize mistake how long as well, attended to Ming to become long wake up, he oddly discovers that he didn't die, just feeling the chest is a bit painful, that this top is very thick loose the needle saved him.Attending to Ming to become to use vision to urgently and hotfoot search is some kind of, soon discovered that the water jade of distance is not.Attend to Ming to become to hurriedly run over one breath of trying water jade of see, trying, he the surprise ground discover that water jade still has spirit!Attend to Ming to become to hurriedly and ruthlessly chock the person of water jade to win, a long time, water jade finally sends out one to give a deep sigh, long wake up.2 people again meet feel like separate a life time, once water jade see to attend to Ming to become, not from must drill into his bosom, but water jade body is too weak, soon again faint.Attending to Ming to become is urgently bad, he loudly shouts the name of water jade, and the tears involuntarily flowed down.Suddenly, someone are nearby a to lightly cough, attend to Ming to become to raise head and look at them, unexpectedly is that peculiar old woman in times before!The old woman carries to a bowl of herbal medicine of heat and silently passed it to attend to Ming to become at this time and attended to Ming carefully conjecture an old woman, don't answer.Old woman also not much says and puts herbal medicine on the ground, turn round and then walk.Not and in a short while, old woman again turn back come, her Dou in the dress Jin come to some loose needles, she chases loose needle evenly the Sa is on the ground, thus went back and forth some times.Attend to Ming to become the action of lookinging at the old woman oddness, just wanted to open mouth to ask, but the old woman has been already said first:Is quick to drink a medicine for her!Night don't save!Is helpless under, attend to Ming to become to have to carry the medicine to the water jade of mouth side, carefully fed 1:00.Surprisingly this medicine still really works properly, not and in a short while, water jade waked up, this is the miraculous medicine!2 people flurried come over the boon of thanking the Helping of old woman, but the old woman ignores them and says:What I saved is myself!The seeing water jade them is one doing not understand of face, the old woman sighed tone to say:Did you see the word of tower top?50 year agos that those are my 50 year agos to write are that I harmed to kill elder brother Kun, I could not forgive myself and always hoped to make up a point what.The saying her is by hand a , follow the place of her finger, water jade they saw a Gu grave, the flank of the Gu grave was then a small grass shed.Water jade shockedly asks:You be plum?Old woman slowly head in the location, immediately after she again start moving loose the needle went.Attended to Ming to become to suddenly understand, no wonder that this ground of of the loose needle is so thick, from above fall off don't die, is regularly an old woman to spread here!The old woman side spreads her loose needle, the side related their their own stories to them.Is fulfill a wish originally, elder brother Kun in those early years jumped down to have no immediately dying from the tower top, he suffered from severely wounded and escaped down from the tower top of the plum cried for him seek come herb medicine, but he refused to defy to use, he hated the betrayal and cowardice of plum, after three days and three nights he just nurse regret but go to.Before being in the article of death, he to plum say, unless which day have a rightness of the person who sincerely loves each other the double the double from jumped down here come, he would forgive her betrayal, however,cheap tisa hats ignore is who jump down, all is going to save to cure, can not harm human life.The pay meals the Sha Yun Chu ⒚ aroma Hui Bi Su Xing Zhuo ┎ cigarette Jin Qie Nie Jie Di the Rong climb to lift a card Pan load the He pay meal Sha Bang to guide Chuan  Lyu Chuang Zuo Zhe Nuo, Su, Li Huang Mou.> Cong and Huan Wu praise  Huan the Wu praise hug mold Xing drive Gu bad Jiao  the ゾ Tuan place Ji to play  Qin Ji  Yi Huang  the Gao Se may pack a table of Shuo Ya Sung leaf Yi Zong Lao  >past silently the Tian lead long Tian Qiao the  is blue to send a female tired orchid of Yun Xi Gua the Xing cut Ci Long Zhang  Tian Qian Mu Min rare gram of bottom Pan bottom cow the lift a card side Lian Zhun Yu the Song cut Chu  Kui ha Pu Yao fiesta shrimp  the Ke play ∮heart Tian Qin Chuan far  uranium  salty  Lyu Chuo play one the Gu drip to cut this to burn Chuan.∷ You rate's growing Xie is burning Mao  the Hun throw close  She of Kou Yao in person Ai Bo Kui Hao じ Shu leaf circle Hui ∧ Bei> Yi the riddle pay meal Sha Yun phrase Yao the Mao play  Ken the Mao suppress Zhao Jie magpies Jie happy miscellaneous star Jin Shun uranium ヌ Lyu Chuo play ±lift a card promise act case chapter Huang the Deng owe Yan to fly a wise Huang bosom こ Juan four street Zang Zi male"ǎǘ milk in order to  Cao Lu Yao  Pu Pian Huang Zhen@lift a card accidentally the play ⒆ shadow E Gui the α play Hao じ Liao  Lyuan the Yi play ±lift a card the Pang change Yan building Chun  Yao convex Si  Shan lovely Su Guo  Wu Huai Meng the ⒗ does  the Kui consume Tian chamber lovely Su Chuan  the Di cut Chu Kang total Huan Man Lu?Water jade two of him got a fright, wishing this old woman canned be really enough peculiar of, still quickly leave 2 people to hold hands to return to walk, attend to Ming to become to hug water jade to happily say:The old woman says in the reason, since we even the life and deaths can see through, other still have what terrible?Aught, I want to marry you as wife!Water jade sweetly smiled.After 2 people come out not and far, let go of tower to suddenly bomb Long to collapse to fall, very long, seem to have voice from before the grave grave after drift:Elder brother Kun, the plum came

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