
Knock three times, I love you

Knock three times, my loving your this story is what orchid Ni tells me.Do you know a beard?She asks me.Yes, last winter, I once had a meal with her, is that is very gentle and soft in the impression, very delicately beautiful, has much of the woman of artistic talent.Like her?Yes.So, you should know her story.The beard is a young woman writer, just from the university graduate in a little while.Excel to write modern poetry and essay, the style of writing is flowing freely and vivid, the pen bottom was full of feelings.See from her style of writing, should be a delicate but affectionate girl.The beard hasn't got married and settles down the south with parents, at a literature party of Taipei, she knew to stay the week in Taipei.The week isn't a writer, the culture and education reporter of some report, canning write can talk, and still make uniform a hand really fine comfortable painting.His rich talent moderate breezes adopts to comprehend to draw on a young beard, but, the week has already made the gentleman have Fu.The story that the mankind mostly wish had met earlier, but, mutually know but can't hate a night forever.Beard and week from acquaint with to arrive to mutually know, from mutually know but love each other.This of is one endless of but frustrated road.I believe their this road walks very hardly and after all is full of an antinomy,oakley sunglasses outlet struggles, painful, pressure and crime.The society of Taiwan says not lately new, say old not old.On the other hand there is the fashionable person to cause false alarm very much, there is extreme conservative on the other hand and also.Beard and week clip to sew in the existence here.The week is a fragrance of books family status, the wife also fastens a famous door, and has already had one son one female.No matter on moral grounds, responsibility up, all disallow him to have an extramarital affair, re-marry let alone the divorce.As a result, they only repress this feelings and allow of no to allow its deluge to open.They usually at the party or meet in the crowd, four eyes are opposite, work properly Xi 1:00, innumerable words, but often suffer from can not get off the heart.Hence, once, the week said while being them to have an opportunity to get along with alone:That is just three words, 3 from have history, someone, will tell each other of three words:I love you.I can not personally say these three words to you moment by moment, but, let let's have a little tacit understanding.If I knock three times table, mean I am saying these three words to you, if I clap you three times shoulder, is also say this but word, if I make a phone call to you, the bell rings 3 to hang up, that is that I is saying these three words to you;Even, if I blink three times eyes to you and play three of startings and spray three people's smokes to all be saying that I love you.How romantic expression method!Then have well long a period of time, they live in the three times.Knock three times, I love you.Clap three times, I love you.See three times, I love you.The bell rings three times, I love you.Blow three times whistle, I love you.Sigh three people long long of spirit, I-----Love------You------.This kind of love, has its miserable, there is its beauty, there is its poetry, there is its cruelty, have its to revel, there is its pain and sufferings.No matter how it is, week and beard so two feeling the silent degree wear day.Beard for being loyal to this unknown love, unexpectedly the Bing backed all pursuers, always the husband's younger sister lives alone.Is gradual, 2 people's bosom friend friend, all knew this feeling.But they after the engraving of innumerable bone longs for, more and more feel love between each other, already thick must turn not to open any further.Hence, the week starts making a showdown with wife, the beginning and parents company measures, and the beginning struggles for 2 people's future child------This is another road of hardship and is almost ruthlessness but snow sprinkle.Week for the sake of beard but courageously fight, the beard endures to excoriate for the sake of the child in week, end, the week acquired the approval of wife's divorce on the whole.The some day, beard and week invited to totally enter lunch in some restaurant in Taipei so much last July.The beard takes airplane to go up north.That day, her mood best, because so like for several years, finally have a day to clear the clouds and see the sun.Finally can open to date!Who know, this lunch, but the week didn't attend, and, he forever also can't attendance.Week in that morning, die because of knocking down.So, a living person walked and disappeared.But on the hoof person, but have to continue to keep on living.The beard doesn't know oneself why still on the hoof, those day, she livings not equal to dead and for surrounding all matters and the things, all turns a blind eye.Heart-broken taste, only heart-broken lead of the talented person know.Those day, she didn't feel, don't thought, there is no consciousness, on the hoof just for the sake of on the hoof, painful of the first floor didn't love any further and didn't hope any further.The death destroyed everything, love, dream and hope.Then, in the week clay-coldly the seventh night, many good friends in week, all come together together, open memorial ceremony for week.The beard also participate in this memorial ceremony, she resembled Huang to have no according to, the heart-broken absolute being harms.In the moment is all old to acquaint with, but, who knock three times to her again?Clap three times?See three times?Blow three whistles?Sigh three people long annoy that night, whole city ablaze with lights in Taipei.But on the memorial ceremony in week, a consumedly of living room, but all of the sudden lights extinguish.The light put out, the one was dark.In the consternation, everyone's light again oneself Be getting brighter.Then put out again, again bright, again put out, again bright.A connected to put out three times clearly!The beard almost took off to scream hysterically!The Shan is a three times, I love you!He came to lead!He saw her!He once said!The Shan is a three times, I love you!The Shan is a three times, I love you!He expressed his meaning, he brought his care, enthusiasm and consolation.The death isn't a terminal point.The beard lived to come over again,cheap hello kitty snapback and then face living, and then start writing.Death cans not obstruct love, either!This is a story of love!I finish listenning to, unspeakable touched, unspeakable and sad, also unspeakable surging.Love if can outstrip life and death, how great of matter!Only wish dead but have been already worked properly, the person who love each other's using isn't died separate.So everlasting sometimes exert, this love continuing have no unique period!This not is also grow beautiful?Bring up a pen, what I could not control feelings writes down a few words:Can not together die, but ability together at!Can not gather together, but can love each other!Not ability this present life present life, but can have no Zu is no hindrance!Give a beard.Give a week.For the sake of their love.

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