
Philosophy story-I think and what kind of the person cooperate

Someone once covered Bill cover time the successful Mi is definitely.The Bill cover time says:Because having again is more of successful the personage is working for me.Chen An of super success' learning have been already mentioned as well:Is first a successful man to work and cooperate with successful man again, the end lets the successful man work for you.The successful man is a lot of, but I am incognizant, also have no way to work for him, but let the successful man work for me in my life, in the present stage, I even have no this real strenght.Only cooperating is what I like most and appreciate most .I also the dint diagram ask for help of a relaxed environment and aggressive team and cooperate with more person's equities, in order to conduct a business that resists risk for oneself in the future.The person whom I like to cooperate most should has a few characteristicses as follows:A, unwilling.In 21th century,wholesale oakley sunglasses the biggest crisis is to have no crisis, the biggest trap satisfies.The person wants to learn to visit a world with the telescope, not sees a world with the near sight.Fortunate circumstances want to want to seek a way out for oneself, adverse circumstances want to understand to find out road for oneself.Two, the learning efficiency is strong.The educational background represents in the past, the learning efficiency controled future.Know from any detail, the study and the feeling Wu of all Human bodies, and want to know to draw inference from one example.Is more fundamental, study, in fact learn is two words with Xi.Learn once, do 100 times, so as to truely control.Learn, do, it is a process of integrity to teach, only attain the degree for teaching, just calculate truely and eat deeply.And in more time, the study is a kind of attitude.Only humble person just truely learns thing.Ocean of so become ocean, is because it is lower than all rivers.Three, the action is strong.Only the activity would have a result.Acting is different, the result is just different.Know not to do, equal not to know and did to have no result and equaled don't do.Don't make mistake a mistake, will be definitely wrong, because not making a false person didn't definitely try.Being wrong is unimportant, must be good at summary, then do, until the correct result comes out.Four, want to understand to pay.Want to think to be outstanding must definitely pay first.Fussy about every detail person has to 2 catties from cradle to the grave.Having never ordered to offer spirit isn't likely to start a business.To first make the other people know with the activity you have the value to exceed to gain, the other people would open higher price.Five, there is strong communication consciousness.Communicate a limitless limit, this is also a kind of attitude, rather than a kind of technique.A good team certainly has to have a common vision, don't can get on the first.While needing to be had no not at of the communication , from target to detail, even come home etc. in the court, all at communicate of the row of contents.Six, sincere and generous.Everybody has a different position, isn't likely to request benefitses to are all consistent.The key is everyone to want to frankly and earnestly talk it over, don't save the situation by making concessions.Believing the trustworthiness is cooperative of best sill.Seven, there is the most basic morality.Ever there is a reporter while composing in home, his four son Suis fought want him accompany.The reporter is very vexed, tear to pieces the bottom of a magazine, say to his son:You put together the world map of this top first integrity, father accompanies you to have fun.Led in less than five minutes,new era snapback hats the son came to drag along his hand to say again:Father puts together like, accompany me to have fun!The reporter is very angry:The child wants to have fun to comprehend, but if tell a lie words not good.How probably so quick put together good world map!The son discommodes very much:But I really put together good ah!Reporter on seeing, indeed as expected such:Can't?Did the home appear a child prodigy?He asks very curiously:Are you how to attain?The son says:The back of map in the world is that a person's head be like.I turn over to put together, want ~only this person like, world integrity.So work to be a person first.Was a person to work well, his world is also okay.

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