
Dangerous intense emotion

Dangerous intense emotion Mu the son is very beautiful, and beautiful of have much of qualities.Describe with the face of the angel and the shape of the devil she at 1:00 also not excessively, the appearance of Mu son pure amiability and sexy of shape, have been drawing on numerous men's eyeball.Mu son good natured, ignore whom talk all amiable manner, a pair of pure clear eyes are full of a smiling of gentleness idea.The Mu son is all lovely obedient kid since the childhood, never provoke.The Mu son university graduates behind soon, a lot of pursuers come to come with a marriage proposal and have rich of, have no money of, have handsome of, ugly.But she is always unconcerned, she wants to wait for the prince charming in her heart appearing and marries her to return to with the most romantic way.Soon she really met the prince charming in her heart if fly, much more handsome gold, and the taste is special, he has 1 set in conducting managing, the clothing chain store run by him is the one and only in this opposite secluded small city, and his clothing isn't only advanced, but also each clothes to only have 1.Wear his clothing store buys of the clothes unexpectedly became the symbol of pregnant.But if fly is the special management method that depends him to deliver a house.If fly to like a woman, certainly is to like a beautiful woman, he doesn't think he this is to spend heart, he feels that his life should is full of intense emotion forever, is full of unusual feeling, and he feels that this is to enjoy life.Each young girls loves of beauty, the Mu son is no exception, she also specially likes to be dressed in foppery, and she also wants to dress the vogue vanguard to she.Mu son the odd moment is favourite be if the clothing boutique flying to open, it is that see not to buy to go to her each time, because yonder clothes all the cost a lot isn't what she can start to consume.Loiter about at a time, the Mu son has a liking for a clothes, she in mind and secretly decides, she goes fetch the wages in next month to all buy this clothes, mercilessly extravagant 1.Really waited until she pays wages of that day of,oakley sunglasses outlet she jubilantly arrived at if the store flown inside, take she likes already a long time of clothes, she almost called to get up, but end she tooks a look price and disappoints of put to return to, she last time to see the price wrong while seeing, little saw a zero.Her wages basically buys not to rise this clothes.Disappoint very much at her of come out a clothing store of, if flew to walk to come in, wipe a shoulder but lead with her, if the vision flying was drawn on by her beautiful looks.The Mu son just came out doorway, was called by the attendant to return to.If flew to please her to pour his office to say to her:You can not Tao penny money, literally wear me the clothes here.The Mu son doesn't understand of looking at handsome of if fly.If fly to continue to say:You can do for me to live a mold especially, what you want to do is to be dressed in me the clothes in the store, beat appearance for my store, if someone starts to ask your clothes where buy, certainly you have to say to is my store in.Mu son the in the mind is surprised, does the world over unexpectedly have a good matter like this?Blurt out, why will you elect as me?If fly to smile:You are that I once saw the most beautiful girl, my missing my clothing in the store to wear would be definitely very beautiful on you.Face if fly of cry up, the Mu son heart is full of pleasing, proud of, dulcify to even feel mad with joy.Absentminded, oneself imitated a Buddha to become the princess in the nursery tale, putting on the prince was particular to her clothes. Ever since the Mu son put on if the clothes that fly a clothing store, her surrounding friend and the colleagueses all envy her, in addition to envy to still have jealous of big someone at.A day, the Mu son takes new come back of clothes, if the flying moreover gives her some money and is used as and lives a mold especially of wages, Mu son she declines don't , she says, give the value of those clothes of mine enough high of, how return can want wages!If flying has never demanded her to receive and just lowers the head a face unhappily by hand a piece to tear to pieces money and urgently get Mu son to keep stamping foot.What he cared nothing about continues to tore, the Mu son quickly comes forward to stop, and promises to receive, if flew to just happily smile, that smiling face makes the Mu son feeling very warm.If the flying is 2 times that of the wages that the Mu son goes to work a month in the factory for the service fees of Mu son.This to financial situation the not good Mu son is really a not small income, her life because if fly but be full of the poetry painting of nursery tale sort idea, the in the mind of Mu son always to if fly to appreciate very much, the multifarious contact lets she to if fly heart to living good will.Every time of lane as long as see if fly, her hearts all become very panic, the Peng Peng really jumps.She knows it in heart her is fall in love with if fly.She feels if flying should also have good will to her, can if fly to her combine have never once meant what, this makes the in the mind of Mu son more or less have some disappointment.Ever since the Mu son is dressed in every day if the clothes that fly a store inside go to work, a few girls envy her very much in the colleague and have more of the girl lead to beat her there of small report, the leadership unexpectedly and indiscriminately criticized her.Always work very hard be responsible for of the Mu son feel that oneself was subjected to an unprecedented injustice, she doesn't know that she did amiss what, the other people will envy her like this.In the Hou for her and the leadership to cry about of, that sees at ordinary times the leadership making amiable unexpectedly started hand and foot to the Mu son, Mu son at flurried with fear in.Gave to lead a box on the ear, leadership of face abashed was red, in a twinkling cut up rough.Threaten to stop the job of Mu son, the always gentle Mu son is also like at this time a head of is incensed of fawn, her concussion of call:I didn't do, my resignation.The Mu son lost a work like this.Her mood isn't very good, don't know that day how she arrived at if the store flown inside, he with if flew to say matter that she resigns, if fly to finish listenning to behind very angry.Say to her:Not stem to, hereafter come to my store in sell clothes for me!The Mu son point nods, she is also hasing this meaning, she also hopes every day and if fly to meet, help him to do some affairs.Mu son at if the clothing store flying goes to work soon, heard to once humiliate her that leadership to be lived head with the hemp sack set to interrupt a leg, lived into a hospital.She feels to really feel avenged after knowing, but that time, she still doesn't know is if fly to make people dry.Mu son at if fly here after going to work, her life thoroughly changed.The Mu son usually needs to accompany if fly a business person who get in touch with the myriad shapes.Usually come in and go out an entertainment area, pass in and out green environment of light red wine these factors slowly develop a vainglory and desire of Mu son, she starts knowing to enjoy, beginning blindness of pursue vogue, but this a series of thing desire satisfy, all is if fly to his, gradual of she suddenly realizes that she cans not get away from if fly, can not get away from him to enjoy for her materials of manufacturings.At Mu son birthday is that day, if the flying opens a large birthday party for Mu son at a hotel, in the public in front, if fly to chase a diamond with not thin value set on the ring finger of Mu son, Mu son touched of cry, she feels that she is the most happy woman in the world that day.Another she infatuates with over there of night, if flew to get her early night, also thoroughly got her heart.The after the event Mu son asks if fly them to when get married, if fly very surpriseBE arriving a Yi areca the sheath pry throw a Pao mold in a sudden the  suppress ash  Lao Du  Qian Xu で Lu small D Jiao  Su the Shi sort squat down × to play young Pan  Bo of  to play  Bo the Mu Chang cantillate Mo H Ze sand Yan г Hun Chen Sou the load consume Zhui to judge mold  ash  Chou remnants Mu hip with Pian Huang Se  Yan Huan four E Mu Yao Α :The Qiang leads long ∧ Xi  hatred Yun  sword ∧ Qian Gu Qian Mei Tian Qiao Lan border Qie Fu Huai Chai Xie Mu Se thirst Qiao skill Yi Shuo silly Mo H Ze sand ditch Zhuo jelly Juan Song the  correct Ci Wu to dredge  Huan Cheng Bi male ψ cow  Jiao  vinegar Pan  male θ Jin  Xin Dun Mao Xue Gu Huan Zhun Jian sword  Xun Lei the Xi fade in person invite He the Hui force Gua  Mo  Gao Se gram  Huan the Da wish  Sou Fu Chun Mao the Lai anger to entertain a pure pay of Yu  to rush ditch to live D Qiao E hospital Xi  Jiao  A member ┳ cloud  3:Dye tired  vinegar Pai Ze Shan Tong the Lu shout a  Huang Gu Wu Yue repeatedly the Cou  coal dye Pu Xie プ invite the sea  pound ⑿ Gua to make Xie Nao Qiu Pi R Huai Wo Shao Zheng Rang praise  Jie wood tired  Jiao 〗 all the Hai A Li aluminum follow 36 close oil Chu ξs to reply an emperor Di  to take  . Lintel  the Duan keep in mind Lu  the Ying  feed ┏ Yue Huai Huo the Xuan  flick Mang  past chamber Mao back R Cong Lan umbrella 2 Huan alliance ⑾ swollen invite popular eat Xin Shua  Ju Die ⒆ right remnants Zha Xian beginning the Ze Shan back  coal receive  Qian Pian Huang Se  Ze Shao  Lei Xiu disorderly hospital the Xi  tremble そ dimple  Xin luck  the load shout escort ⒆ young Pao Dian D Jiao  Jie Pai Hu  Li Lun evening meal Chuo ⒆ cherry  Ze Shan oriole You the bag call Qiu Mao Ye  mother totally dredge ⒆ Yong Tuo Ji  Jian the Niao forgive 4 Yous and hospital Xi  An Zhi the ξ reply an emperor Di  the Bian blow mother Xin Xun  Dao have  Ke Yao  Zhe E Qiao Fei box the Wei blow is  Hui Ning R Huang Hui  Zhi  after the Bian phrase protect  Ze Shai  Yue Hui loyalty  Yun Yu  Bian the Chun drag along  the Я play  the  pry  meal Jian shout Huang Lu beautiful Xie Γ Di ヒ all sea  Ze the Cha call Ban Huan  Si load the sweat  change Xiu  rabbit emperor Long 5 the Nuos punish  Huang disorderly Huang# Lin clever Qiao Xing Nai Jie the Hui keep You the ┯ leak  Nai the Chi see window Du Yu  Di Xiu the close  hope  dark Mei sodium  Jian K the Mao hope Tuan umbrella R Qiong  mother cover Zi ∈ currency Bo hatred  Huang ┢ sword the  go ┢ Jiao fatty island Xiang АU Pao hospital Xi  Jiao  the some ξ dares flick Xing Bian Chu  the Ze delete deeply  Zai Ji  bag  :The Yun Zhu Jiao  the ⑾ is about swollen the house of Hao  look at to wait the Ze Shai  bag  Xiu to bake Kuo Huan Zan to chat Yu uranium  which hospital B the Yong  Xiu send an emperor Qian wine Fan. Fei first the ブ decoration love Ze mulberry the  Ze harm  Nao Xie Yu shore Song male ψ cow  road the Zi  and Huan Fu Biao consider  to say Nuo Pao  5 Deng  Cai of  shallow Nian Zheng fierce Gui  the Long grant the clean Hu of dizzy  changes Rong to be like D Jiao  Zhao  the Mu white clap E evening meal Zi Zhi cherry  the  cut Ci Cui Hui to drink a ナ bath around:Expect the Mao Jiao  Qiong Pi lie ゴ Qiong  Chuan H Ze Shao the words flood a bottle of  Jiao  the load consume a Hui job mulberry"Ga wild mulberry ≡Bin Zha Qian Lao the Ci Da shake low Zhao っ of K to throw Mao to play  Li Lyu Jiao  Huan Wu silk Bo mother latitude Υ is the Chui sparse?Gradual of the Mu son discover that oneself's noodles permitted to change with shape all and became an ugly duckling from the goose in daytime, she changes of as skinny as a stick, imitate a Buddha a touch will spread, the cheeks ash is dark, the eyehole deeply plunges to go, lips have no blood-red color, mouth also point, distressed down and out, long long of hair, deliver quality withered Huang, forehead, eye, the corner of mouth contained crease.Have a liking for to go, than she the actual age is old ten how old, can't see the breathing of youth any further on her.Face oneself like this, the Mu son grows crazy of broke all mirrors in the home, flippancy discomfort and mind is not and rather since the spirit of that later Ling son.The Mu son tried to quit poison in the past, but she could not stand that kind of the pain that drilled heart, imitated a Buddha numerous ants were chewing to eat own marrow, she could beg if fly, at if fly in the middle of the derisive vision her to feel that she is like a humble mendicant.Absorb later on, she will hate himself/herself very much and hate of bump a wall with the head, she is very self-contradict, painful,wholesale obey snapback but detection control not oneself hope earnestly the wishes of drug and again and again quit poison in bitter bitterness the flounder arrive the temptation of canning not hold up against the drug each time.She knows to leave if fly, so as to change an oneself current life.She knows that as long as she keeps off if fly, quiting a period of time that poison lives probably can quit a drug.But she is to don't want to go, the erosion of the drug has already made her have no courageous face family and friend, she wants to set free and wants to thoroughly and cleanly set free, in order to a 100 but she thinks of old parents, she doesn't think because of her dead, the parents are sad that the desire cuts off her drug addiction to make again at this time, her brain inside what can not think, either, she takes out a cellular phone with the tremulous hand and stirs to beat if the number flown, stiring of a time per time dozen

article source:www.yoursunglass.comGuilin adds 3 foot-hand -and -mouth epidemic advanced case fixed-point hospitals

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