
Buy a house is to give your children the best of the future?

By many exciting today, so I write article letting off steam. The first thing the stimulus, the morning of June 1 son in kindergarten activities. If I was a teacher, the help innocent children, looking for a big playground, give the children send some toys, then let's adult with BangBian, if is the boy with a toy gun, girls can send some flowers, let the teachers and students and parents spend a pleasant morning have to. But this all desires, are a bunch of 2 B leadership to ruin. Son of the kindergarten is on the university affiliated nursery school, at ordinary times the principal may see the university leaders. This will borrow kindergarten, can and leadership NFL Jerseys to close. The director of the university of vice President to come, so activity was arranged in the auditorium, and then the whole celebrate the June 1 children's day becomes the leadership's day celebration. Nausea is the opening song and dance, the whole a thematic ah, let a help children exalted sunflower high made songs. More let me sick, when introduce the leader, let a help children to flowers, those 2 B have sat on the President on stage, comfortably accept. This fucking exactly who the feast ah, you these ZhuangSunZi should give their kids the flowers, even if the kids flowers, also should be given those hard teachers and parents, and your ya stand of fart relationships are not. The whole a celebration, to feel a is for the leadership, 2 it is to a minority of the kindergarten to use of leadership. The children, it is to let a leadership happy, brown-noser prop. The second stimulus is next to two parents of dialogue: both women comrade, a see be a law-abiding, particularly concerned about the future of their children, a comrade said, of the house of the high school children so-and-so, in order to tsinghua attached, listen to the name should be a famous one, spent 700000 sponsorship money; Next to the comrade conforms to say, this day? I a colleague after child, to a good school, also spent 200000 bought a accommodation of class quota. (from later talk, I understand that the Beijing children did not accommodation, just QiaoLiMingMu school collect fees more just) this elder sister both more say more excited, not only talk MLB Jerseys about the child's school, also go further to the children's house. Speaking can feel they frown. Children in school will be a sponsorship money, buy a house also want to millions, and marry, have children, and so on. I believe they may be the school's doctor or famous professors, their husband may be the school's director and director of the chief, and so on.

