
"DuiZhi reduction," with the replacement of excuses the spilt milk

Taste Chinese company through its website of a food safety undertaking and apologize. Also called soup stock is really pig bone to boil, in store DuiZhi reduction is alone door process. Taste is because thousands had misread nongda nutrition evaluation report and to be inappropriate expression, to consumer and nongda apology. Taste the thousands to speak, but with the public in question, people really don't know it. Apology is apologize, need is sincere and reflections; But in the flavour of the thousand apology crisscrossed justifications, says soup of bone to boil that pig greetings. Such as to how to make the public to apologize? Even more shocking is, say again store soup is made DuiZhi reduction process in alone. So, taste will not only all of the best sunglasses problems thousands are left clear, but also borrow "apology" took the opportunity to give yourself a high-tech (DuiZhi reduction) propaganda. Taste the crisis public relations does make thousands of amazing things, but it is hard to be trusted by the public. Because the logic of the rebellious sense of taste, it's easy to find the so-called DuiZhi reduction just enterprise of self-preservation excuses, and give the public when it is helpless as ever. From the Da Vinci to yonghe soya-bean milk, from Kentucky to taste thousands, whether false foreign brand or foreign goods lineage or pure pure real estate brand in the market, mix, capital profit of nature are the same. Public JieGaiZi, exposure and product quality good faith the problem, if not eager to follow up public opinion, capital is basically the trivial pretend. Even if for public opinion forces, had to give the public a statement, is also the king skirt around him, slow release to the public mood just. Say then taste thousands, soup is a pig bone is to boil to boil, is DuiZhi is DuiZhi, really not, falsely also really don't. It is hard to believe that the public, the original ecological pigs bone soup can become powder at the end of the powder, and add water to store can become raw ingredient pig bone soup? Cheat who! Besides convenient fabric bags or other packing in the profession the lyophilization dishes, really don't see the pig bone soup can give DuiZhi out. Even if is freeze-dried food, it also walked. Therefore, the so-called DuiZhi is absolutely true, but reduction is talk big. For who can tear off the trickery, taste thousand can only use alone door process to cover up. As is known to all, alone door process but secret is not exported to secret recipe of name to covering, very accord with China's traditional commercial culture. Therefore, taste thousands of great effort crisis public relations, does evil spirit to machine. However, this all around but the simple fact, thousands DuiZhi not only taste soup reduction. Taste soup can't thousands reduction, and the fact cheap new era hats is must be restored. That is sincere apology, public soup DuiZhi process, get consumer understanding, recasting to provide the market. Otherwise, taste thousand in China, is really the spilt milk, from now on for market eliminated. 

