
Collar open 10 s

BQ magazine-response about 2010 interview collar BQ: you know the earliest and begin using micro Po? A: about 2009 in the first half, in the rice no, then do you have a meal, just sina open collar, I past wrote. BQ: a began to use the bo what is the purpose? A: the earliest use the Po's purpose is very simple, is understanding of that help text in micro bo all loafers on mix, that I New Era Hats also mix bai. Write this I found, I too should write the bo, I want to write the bo, the bo write me. @ LiChengPeng once said: collar is big for @ the and set. I think this, and will cause collar hero raised hackles, collar is not for me and set, relatively speaking I comparison for collar this way just. For I, not love to write deregulation plan, like writing phrases, short and sharp language, pay attention to the language that the explosive force, warfare and destructive. Martial arts can seal the sword hou, never consumption to ten sword to seal throat, to accumulate funds to the moment, why want to MoJi to ten language to the? As the home that sow the land. I'm good at language segmentation and split, broken transitions trite, let the words straight to the core, text, if not straight, that is a silly force. So, the bo be my language tool. And generally not to hurt others tool, only hurt myself, I like to play with guilt. BQ: you usually pay more attention to what kind of information? A: the bo is right of center and the commanding heights, I only pay attention to who the discourse right exercise more to psaltery, right gained important than right!!!!! I to social events are usually not interested, in a blog only pay attention to have strong words ace, look like me can put language play up namely advocate. My little cloud, let me give you when during to mark? BQ: 2010 years in the micro bo you attention a event??? What??? You are how to participate? This matter what kind of great significance? Answer: the attention of tiny micro bo sina @ said MLB Jerseys competition, because I am the judges, tiny said will vigorously promote the development of the micro bo, because it is the net friend to participate in, the power of the astonishing. BQ: micro bo to your life state has a what kind of impact? The bo to you or what help? A: the bo is the language expression is an important organ, lose it will lose part of life, or, in some time, lose the whole life. However, I am not a micro bo control, and I fear in addition to the giant Bob won't do otherwise.

