
Forget GDP, remember the history

China's booming for Japan is the good news. May sound strange, but Beijing health is beneficial to Tokyo. The other side of the yellow sea lies Japanese investment and export of the biggest target countries. The prosperity of the Japanese islands of China is very important. Therefore,MLB hats if China surpassed Japan to become the world's largest economy, don't worried, although the relaxed and comfortable cannot close the wounds of the past. Hatred of the two countries began at the beginning of the last century from Japan to China brutal invasion and occupation. Chinese believe that, only for the Japanese China suffer for minimal responsibility. In addition to expressing regret, the Japanese government has not had any other said, this is not enough to comfort wounds of China. Japan has never fully admit its responsibility, no such as Germany after world war ii, as it was in the collective apologize. And, the Japanese textbooks to this historical period with the description of the Chinese are completely different. Therefore, the two countries still lack and love each other. Recently the relationship between France and Germany is quite the opposite,Discount sunglasses the two countries post-war summit Mitterrand (Mitterrand) and cole (Kohl) are buried in the two countries millions of soldiers battle of verdun handshake for ten minutes hands. Two Asian neighbours between what seemed to lack.

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