
"The second generation" madness fierce in tiger

The new campus in hebei university to the supermarket at the door, a car licence for FWE420 ji of black car knocked down two in the business after girls, cause injuring another, the driver not only didn't stop, but continue to go to school dormitory building by his girlfriend. To return to his students and security guards stopped, in be blocked, the high-heeled wrecker said: "have the ability to tell you to go, my father is li gang". The reporter many know, the man's father is really resources city a deputy director of the public security bureau. Think that year, "hangzhou racing case", "rich two generations" hu bin in children after hit-and-run, although appear as if nothing happened, did not care about, but also just was holed up in the car area to wait for the traffic police handle, and not the "official second generation" that not only escape leave the scene, also madness says "have the ability to tell you to go, my father is li gang", visible, "the second generation" than "rich the second generation" NiuQi. "The second NBA Jerseys generation" madness is an example, their parents' generation is so mouth not choice of word." June 11,, anhui province maanshan huashan area tourism bureau chief WangGuoQing drive step to hubei road near big embellish hair stores, and students HuMou altercation disputes, and beat the HuMou, when he called for a way "also overbearingly says" you know who I am? I am a leader! "And in May 19 days afternoon, ChengGuanOu tourism bureau chief in lanzhou city ZhangDeLi together after traffic friction, is also HeWen each other:" do you know who I am? I'm chief! "And these words bearing on the shenzhen maritime bureau party secretary LinJiaXiang" you know who I am? I was sent down the Beijing, level and you as high as the mayor "the words, and display power" very as tiger "imposing manner. They say vomit more bottom spirit. As the saying goes" money talks ", in China the "ranking of nation, that is" a power the devil himself ". Power not only collected a large amount of resources, who decided to how much resources distribution, more can make reverse black and white, let the guilty not guilty, and innocent people guilty, judicial become their slaves." The second generation "li gang's son, probably from the power of the commonplace down and all the power for submission, and in baoding that a mu 3 points to place, accustomed to the apparent pride, for power can deal with all the things a thorough marrow of superstition. So, he didn't dare to own is probably a middle-level officials of torre-li gang carried out, although others even li gang is who is not clear. The master said" cruel fierce in tiger ", today we say "second generation in the fierce tiger", "the second generation" not only use the authority of the fathers up social resources, in all walks of life make monopoly, pimps, opening the current car lived, Shanghai, and full prosperity, also play privilege on the road to tyrannize, apparent pride baseball hats in society. The more frightening, "officer two generations" of power has inherited, have you noticed, 80,, and 90 of those wet behind the ears after the second generation "occupy the bureau chief, the position of the county magistrate," one officer, the whole family into heaven ". If not will QuanLiGuan into the cage, not from officials lay on arrogance, li gang's son madness is not the first one, the more won't be the last. Eyes, from li gang's son, the check li gang exactly is a what person, is the best way.

