
the only possible approach

Now Obama still has a year from the 2012 election year, Mr Obama would hike will not be as small as bush can't get away from Israel lobby political conservative constraints of Israel? Now, though, a jewish organization agrees with negotiations to resolve the israel-palestine problem, but there are some radical for example Zionism organization has expressed strong support for Benjamin netanyahu refused to Obama's 1967 boundary claim. According to the report now has a jewish gold master in warned Obama re-election campaign team, jewish voters though don't doubt that Obama's commitment to Israel, but to Obama deal with current problems of Israel expressed dissatisfaction. 2008 election, Obama got more than 80% of the jewish voters support, in 2012, these discontent, are likely to make Obama lost jewish vote and financial support. Mr Obama, Israel not to accept his advice is expected. This may have some political show colour, but Obama also has to do that, because the proposal is actually the israeli-palestinian can end the war between the only possible approach, although now use up very difficult nearly hopeless. In the spring of Arabia announced support after the revolution, Mr Obama must to the Arab and Muslim world says his sincerity to slow down the area of public anti-american sentiment, ensure that the new Middle East policy have a good books. Obama's influence have how old? In his criticism Syrian President bashar al-assad, given the choice between one will dwell in the second day, Syria to police continue to peaceful demonstrations people shot and killed more than 20 people. But Obama and no influence is not, after all, he is the world's first great power of the President. Obama of osama bin laden in killed when said, the United States can do it wants to do all things. Due to the Middle East and the israel-palestine problem of complicated, the United States or whether Obama has done, to be on the fence. To say Mr Obama would hike rebelled against Israel, that's just the republican myth, even if Obama didn't want to be President, he can't also dare not to do so. Obama about the israeli-palestinian peace process of this proposal, although is not new, but fundamentally, accord with the United States and Israel's long-term interests. Whether you can do it, in an election year of a year before the rest of the time, Obama can do much, that is another thing.

