
WangJianLin donate 1 billion big reconstruction gratitude temple who provoked?

Nanjing municipal party committee and the city government held a big reconstruction gratitude temple donation donation signing ceremony, the dalian wanda group President WangJianLin with individual name to the people's government of the nanjing donated RMB 1 billion, used in large gratitude temple rebuilt. For 22 years, wanda group and WangJianLin individuals for society each charity donations accumulative total more than 2.7 billion yuan, is China charity donations of one of the most private enterprise, the China charity prize won four times. See, WangJianLin donation amount really so much that make scenario-in, admirable. 2.7 billion, the highest in the domestic donations, money donated always think is a good thing, the donated 1 billion, voice behind from different levels, some say, flower 1 billion give money made temple fattens monk, shouldn't the words "charity" title and insulted charity too, some said the donated money to hope school, donate it to the bottom. Hear to Wholesale MLB Jerseys hear to, like the 1 billion WangJianLin donations should be made by the public to distribution! Donations this is a good thing, contributed, not only no good, donate $a 10 was the countless people questioned. Not to donate, means that precious cultural heritage loss, I think, the money has WangJianLin I take out, WangJianLin money is not the ground jian, dare to scold WangJianLin people have the same assets may not necessarily donations, scold and question is preaching to the converted! For a "earthquake relief model" of the title, not WangJianLin himself on the mark, "charity" two words top how may then profane, only in the next person in a little more absurd representation of the dirty talk. Why recent fewer donations? Community will not cold, because donors, so everyone can't donations, donate much speculation about, donated by less Chi nose. Take the lead before a donation, now leads all dare not contributed and donate money to be afraid to be high property collected, difficult to buckle on bad hats, rather calm not to donate. Of course, not every entrepreneur will donate, not every entrepreneur love New Era Hats publicity. 

