
Orange hotel WuHaiFa "for a thief XiWen" breakthrough guild regulations

Orange hotel CEO WuHai suddenly angry, in a personal blog published "for a thief XiWen" by Forbes publicchinese "reproduced, this letter for 2915 words of the open letter is a concern," cancel the dozen don't strike back regulation, can not receive very excessive guest, can not protect the suspected criminal guest privacy "; The industry recognizes the lack of decision and breakthrough happened,snapback hats inscribe for February 15 morning. ?He is standing to do the money made a good hotel. ?As part of WuHai spot. In China is part of the low quality consumer has got ".. throbbing.. "services, there is the accent is HuangZhong big voice of lu. (can see the author on jan. 27 publication "if your security shall have the right to refuse to rude" guest ")? WuHai, graduated from the wealth in 1997, established the business trip, from March 2000 to March 2006, senior vice President of successive ctrip.com wealth trip chairman, art dragon vice President, etc. A motto 2: the loser Curtis, a case to do a * * * * * don't make arch. Temperament middleman. ?Buy meters of this, WuHai did his tiny head bo. He said: "for parents to buy rice is head of the record himself, and remind yourself often see their parents." ?In March 2006, wu founded with "designer" hotel for unique positioning of the orange hotel group. In February 2012, reach six city chain altogether 22 chain stores, including the headquarters of the Beijing has 11 stores. With the vogue, contracted cool is famous for its design, the relative price of benefit; Including five crystal high-end stores "decided to challenge the international five star hotel brand", every night room charge about $five hundred. ?Read long letter. His anger and sincerity abound: "I didn't do a respectable industry, it can't really help my colleague so that they have to be treated with respect, can't help them feel very weak...... in the future to break through some industry rules, hoping that a line a little a bit less, shu xin colleagues leave some tears!" ?To name just from August 27, 2009 to early 2012, happened store employees were stolen and play up the injuries were higher in 2011-have up to 5 up visible of Tennessee. ?Part of the reason that harm is: don't allow outsiders yellow CARDS, strictly abide by sending out of the ministry of public security identity check in regulations, can't meet the guest too requirements, etc. He "understanding" public security department deal with such services too common examples, and don't want to through the retributive violence means just get back, they decided to start the company up and down "protective fighting back or justifiable defence". He wanted to negative effect, "especially said I don't protect the privacy, crime abandon but I will choose to do so, the social deformity let person is more likely to stand in the seemingly the weak, but not to go on criminals" empathy "understood the innocent victims of pain." ?Try to put some orange personified service system. I have a good friend T, junior high school graduation for ten years after the nightmare is that year, often for him to take the corporal punishment of the guidance director teacher. Three or four years later, he wants to hire people even have revenge murder and idea (though never act). He recalled that year, why should it be punish bullies, because despite the brothers are good students, facing the school walks,polarized sunglasses he can't upset and impact on family education the big picture... ?Two years later, his brother and father knew nothing about it, and it was very angry and pity. T were only 12 years old, in order to avoid trouble studies, just like China hotel services also part of a staff of settling, have desire. ?T have not hate, but his regret. The five or six years, almost never afraid of anyone or anything, he a personal face many things, to court, apply for transfer, accept the long-term treatment, inner firmness not compromise. This "upgrade", the orange hotel early "ten years". We have reasons to wishes! ?Voting with their feet, please for the hotel service industry of the original practice of radical orange come on, if go to Beijing, tianjin, ningbo, hangzhou, nanjing, dalian, consider an orange hotel.

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