
Individual and system

Last Friday a domestic scholars from renmin in preparation for its "with a fully independent intellectual property rights" of a new generation of emu train in the United States to apply for a patent, the news caused uproar in dong ying, the China news again on dong ying mainstream media headlines, local media have accused China of company infringement of intellectual property rights, this is a typical "export turns sale in domestic market" news, fry in foreign news, domestic water wave not jing. I began to contact the scholars from renmin vice minister of propaganda department, mentioned what she started to say after I expected in the polite, patience, after hearing after, I asked: "before the company when publicize emphasis on a new generation of emu is a completely independent intellectual property rights, are you said China company has already mastered the propaganda of high iron before nine core technology, I have the ability to design and system integration of?" Telephone that suddenly was silent for a moment, she suddenly and very excited to say "I'm just a little leader of the propaganda department,baseball hats the leadership let we said what we said, let us do what we can do, I which know exactly which son? You don't have the skill to media I find fault, go and ask the leadership ah, I a batman easy to me..." I suddenly some awkward, also very accident, I feel I didn't ask what problem out of bounds, dealing with before a intuitive she's gentle one, interview results very natural, I was hanged a telephone. Friday night online met university classmate A friend A, talking about the classmate B, A recent everyone said are worried B if you are free, and B more call, chat, don't let him die-hard. Classmate B can say is we university department of 10 boys lucky, after graduation by yourself into a powerful department, almost every one of the university's graduates are ready to go to the department to work. Graduate less than 3 years, B place unit is the most developed in the south of the capital city of the center of new employees to buy a house, down 60000 yuan, after the mortgage unit subsidies reimbursement, at that time, the house prices rose to a flat already 25000 level, B into a comprehensive well-off society, last year the B get leadership appreciation, in a group of young people into the unit in the first match of the car enjoy the treatment. In our university students in these hard and shall not do mortgage slave, B is undoubtedly the most is the envy of everyone. And strangers imagine different, B's work can't make him feel happy or a sense of achievement, but always felt guilty and unrest, always think of what you have done against conscience. As one of the most mysterious domestic department, where the strong department general B stranger is difficult to become aware, many have never heard of the existence of this department. In the few chat after graduation, about his work appeared in the description of the most vocabulary is to monitor, monitor, and long-term detention, torture...... And in his view, some people itself is doing nothing wrong, some just does odd rights, have a plenty of for their own rights, some just published some "democratic free" speech, and these in the leadership appeared to be unstable not the harmonious factor... In a and B in the chat, he said was troubled times, feel that they do "one day was karma". Many times B mention work are all faltered, and outsiders do not know exactly what he daily work, can make a simple peasant originally bright to be like this. Sometimes some things the contact between the it is hard to say. B it seems he may have been worry about things that happen eventually. In April this year, since the B can remember in the country has been run by XiaoMai spread his family's father in a night stock on the way home killed, the eent when nearly 10 p.m., highway driving much, had been unable to find witnesses and driver. In the stranger things seem capable of accident, seems to have become god in B to his reward. In B opinion, he became a department for evil helper, god is in use this method to alert him. As a party member, after the incident he QQ signature turned into "I now believe special life". B arrange the past his father to resign after, out of the system inside,sunglasses shop but by their strong opposition, after all in others, it seems, the future work and now B is bright, how many are elusive. On Friday evening A chat with A and B city university students work A says the state is very bad B now, "like A changed man," perhaps in other people's eyes B is just A batman, he was just complete the system gives his work, and the system has given him A lot, he has the obligation to do to his content distribution system. Sometimes I want to B is probably think too many, in some place to work without their ideas or no self can perhaps any easier. Lenovo up in the day of the state-owned enterprises, because often deal with leadership, every day is trembled with fear. Ability to work hard in there or is not important, it is important to consider the mind of the leadership, is like an old colleagues say it was "to serve good leadership, and all else is like hell", after all system inside each person's fate is held in the hand of your leadership, no matter you are the clerk, vice minister or a party rulers. "Want to know what's in leadership, you want to what is not important, the key is leadership think what" until now I remember just into the office of a old colleagues taught earnestly. Leadership also has the leadership, the system of everyone has their sorrow. Evil system, personal find it hard to resist, more can only flow. Maybe B is wrong at too have self, or think too many, after all this is a it rich era.

see more:The stock market money time
Jin yong, apple, gem and state-owned enterprises

