
Yuanmingyuan disaster of the 150th anniversary of the torture

After 150 years to build yuanmingyuan, on October 18, 1860 by the English law after coalition forces looted Friday. So far this year, is a 150. Time doesn't heal the wounds of the Chinese people. In recent years, as long as the touch of yuanmingyuan and news, and they cause greatly small controversy, as the lake bottom laid seepage control film, the first auction, hengdian reconstruction beast of new yuan Ming park, and to the memorial to politicians and the Spring Festival of yuanmingyuan do temple fair, and so on. A century MLB Jerseys and a half in the past, many historical facts but the public don't know much. And in front of people, not just a how to commemorate the disaster, is more about the "reduction memory and looking to the future", "historical stub and garden reengineering", "true education and national Renaissance" and so on a series of torture. The destruction of the summer was described as a "a dynasty QiChuang figure", is defined as the Chinese nation great shame in modern history. The site of the residual carrying a true education course of function, however, the real yuanmingyuan for the Chinese nation of the value and significance of only is this? If you know the history of yuanmingyuan, if you of ancient Chinese architecture and landscape culture remain a little interest, you must answer is "no". From this period geographic observe the yuanmingyuan doom "in the article, and it is easy to know, from the destroyed in British law yuanmingyuan coalition" to fire site into ruins ", in addition to the main "fire disaster" is what western invaders outside, the rest of the "wood disaster" and then "stone disaster", "soil disaster", basically we americans do it on his own. If the former is the Chinese nation great shame in modern history, then the latter more were sorrows and helpless. If want to make Chinese people remember true countries hate it, should in fact is 1860 ~ 1900 this forty years of yuanmingyuan site, then three park in ruins, a fruit peels off the tablet Jie after sight. If, say, today's repair or reconstruction appropriate can destroy the evidence of imperialism, so and actually, the so-called imperialism in the evidence of early americans "wood disaster", "stone disaster", "soil disaster" process destroy it completely. Fortunately, there's several residue remains, as later generations bard sad the place of hate. Someone said "ruins is also beautiful", someone against the site, claims the same reserves, saying that people actually on the true education base is residue that part. He probably won't know, 2001 years ago, a village in or yuanmingyuan inhabited, the cultivation of farmers New Era Hats scene, the end of 2000 the government put a great idea to get 785 homes, 13 residents in garden unit migration out. If the same reserves, it is neither possible is true education land, also can't be "the ruins". The burned is the royal private backyard, the residual is the people's education bases, the restoration of the garden is a public leisure park. In fact, today again to see yuanmingyuan, use has undergone a fundamental change, the three positioning should not have the debate in principle. To say the stub history, the national memory, actually should be more to the teaching material, the exhibition, interpretation, the publication of form for public understanding of historical facts, interpretation of history. True education sites in not so large area, it is hard to imagine, a bunch of don't know much of the historical facts of the so-called public face the same reserves yuanmingyuan ruins, facing a big holes, a Wolf land, they can understand how much, feeling? 

