
Who is the housing bubble of the biggest losers

The national development and reform commission of experts and Andy xie debate: house prices drop half is the national disaster? First statement, I don't agree with any side of the issue, although the argument by Andy xie more spectrum some, but it is difficult to predict prices, prediction of the price of the house made it even harder to turn, predict China house prices inflection point is brutally hard, for a variety of reasons. Don't dwell on, you know... But house prices halved the definition of national disaster, apparently some alarming. Let's analyze this is who of the disaster:. 1. Developers: come out to mix sooner or later will have to be, use of monopoly resources,MLB hats bank lever, price discrimination (and a variety of other gray means) from the low technology industry grab excess profit, it is not normal; 2. Local government: not the land, but had to sell finished, they also should look at the local government, no income will cut spending it, civil servants the industry also is not born should low risk, high return; 3. Construction, decoration, cement, steel, and so on related industry: the world has not the end, this why and why go to, the market economy is supposed to have periodic, the market heartless, but fair; 4. The original cheap house buyers: these people may be half have paid the loans, so no effect. House prices up and down, as long as don't buy don't sell, is just floating clouds; 5. High homeowners: good ah, owe the bank money need not return, the United States the poor is so dry, the bank still have to reduce the interest on loans, cut loan; 6. Bank: miserable, a large number of mortgage defaults, can't, who call didn't put the pressure test well, also didn't like Wall Street these mortgages as all packed and sell, risk shifting? 7. The ChaoFang: unless the house is timely sold all, or maybe wu wear, but rich people should be able to pay their game; 8. Homeowners has not been looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, looking forward to the mountains the sun is out, and the world is the poor liberated, just wait till this day! 9. The motherland the huaguduo: I hope they don't have to be two chi bitter, were two chi sin, need not put most of the income every month to a developer, local government, bank, can have more freedom to choose the occupation, this is the future of China's economy: creativity! Young people's creative! 10. GDP: there is no doubt that short-term must be losers, but a bigger question is: what is the purpose of economic development? What is the purpose of real estate development? Only to the GDP 8? Are we completely put the cart before the horse? I'm not going to sing failure of China real estate, but this a few ideas I always adhere to: 1. House prices should and income consistent, while the national income is only one over ten of the United States, and house prices even more than the United States, this is not what to be proud of,Discount sunglasses 2. Monetary policy can change in the short-term financing costs, but in the long run, the impact is not big to the house; 3. Use of administrative means prices are very dangerous intervention, use tax means to regulate the demand, to the local government to provide a stable financial income, is in the long run. Lin Lin always a words, the carnivore don't know could hear?

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