
Success in life by a meeting

The meeting is about in my life is one of the things the most disgusting....... It is simple, China greatly small meeting are leaders YiYanTang, and the assembly according to read the story, I read, read the those "important speech" to read a lot faster than leadership, how much more will not always very high level of leadership read, read the writing material GeGeDaDa secretary of the leader is. Do not love the meeting, is about taking the most jobs in my leadership doesn't like the reason." Remember the state soccer jerseys family planning commission in the provinces do magazine, the somebody else to lose face, let me enjoy treatment, enter "the center XueXiZu", darling, people in authority it seems that it's a proud of affair, is deputy place class above personnel in the. Especially enjoy the treatment of the new, more fart dian fart. My old man's house pour good, didn't wait a speech, first slips away. Nature has in official on the career I completely end. It is simple, the chief leader would like that don't want to listen subordinates? Words can be summarized: being a Chinese, winners each have each success, not a winner is roughly similar: do not love a meeting. In my opinion, China's meeting 99.9% actually are not necessary to open. Let's original is to lead, though, when the congress decides to??????? 
Those who be touted as a "people's representatives" is actually the actor, is to go to a clapping and raise your hand. Words such as to make large lee recently what "independent candidate", is not understand rules, you think about it, the director of the actors choose how that might make you this not obedient guy participation, then clearly is creeping a long live ShanHu lens, you NHL Jerseys pour good incredibly still standing, the film also how to play? So I'm sure, as long as or in the performance, the crowd actor can not be "independence", and have to be unified arrangement and stability is of overriding importance? History is "love the people do not love jiangshan" guy, if take this "mountain" every day will the meeting it, don't say a beauty, a poor village can let I immediately left the fucking status. But my friends laugh at my ignorance immediately: that ZuoJiangShan meeting with you how to this meeting of chien-ming wang, the somebody else enjoy is the kind of QianHuHouYong applause such as tide atmosphere. 

