
Economists is what things?

Australia has a "economic Society" (Economics Society ofAustralia), it in July this year to members economists have a survey (577 in total, the number of specific members should not so much, but considering the American economists number also their early 10000 s, like a small countries like Australia with 1000 or so economists about the same also), some information to answer "economists is what" the question is a reference significance. First is education degree. The home economics in Australia, with a master's degree at 29.2%, and has a doctorate degree of artificial 37.4%,MLB hats 19.1% of people have left honor degree (senior undergraduate course, if is a first-class honours the very ox nose, such as Australian prime minister Kevin rudd is the Chinese before a first-class honours bachelor's), or general undergraduate (12.9%), there are several middle school. In short, to become a economists, generally need to pass strict training, and the concrete is a higher degree in economics about. A lot of the work required to do economic forecast and analysis, the need to establish metrological model, such as you look at the fed's economists wrote articles and built the model, I think a lot of people are difficult to read. But there are also some demand is low economists, such as Bloomberg of some economists, may request was economic on TV blow hot cowhide, don't do what measurement analysis. In addition, according to the survey, 81.2% of Australia home economics for male, female proportion of economists to very low. This and measurement and logic thinking about the requirements? Or because Australia married women a lot of choices at home with the children? In addition, work distribution. Australia's economists have 37% distribution in university, 35.5% work in a government office, 25.7% in the private sector. In Australia, economists basically distribution in academia, government, and in the business world. The situation in China plus, China's enterprises most do not belong to the private sector, the school as independent of government entity would have a problem. The most interesting is that economists point of view. Some problems in economic circle to broad agreement, such as: 71.6% of the respondents economists agree that the government should an economic cycle balance financial budget; 75.6% of the people agree with economic recession large-scale financial expenditure; 75.9% of the people agree with economic recession loose monetary policy; 73.8% of the people think that the Australian government microeconomic management's main goal should be to correct market failures; 75.7% of the people think, to participate in the company management price monopoly sentenced to life in prison punishment is the right; 84.9% of the people think that, in any major infrastructure projects before commencement, should have the independent third party cost effectiveness analysis, and the analysis report all over. But there are also many problems no consensus. For example: about lower minimum wage can improve employment, 37.6% of the people don't agree with, 45.1% agreed with, and 17.3% of people can't say agree or don't agree; About with massive tax cuts to deal with the economic crisis, 35.5% of the people don't agree with this kind of practice, has 42.6% of the people agree with this kind of practice, and 21.9% for the people; About whether inflation mainly by the money supply influence,New Era Hats 39.2% of the people don't agree with, and 39.5% agreed that, 21.2% of the people ambiguous, this once again proved "economists in inflation of the source analysis twittering"; About individual income tax should be based on the family income, not just personal income, 28% of the people don't agree with, and 38.2% agreed that, 21.2% of the people did not know; Trade deficit has negative effect on the economy, 37.9% of the people don't agree with, and 33.1% agreed that, 29% of the people not sure, this is a no solution; Enhance the federal government relative to the power of the state can improve economic efficiency, 35.1% of the people don't agree with, and 31.7% agreed that, 33.3% of the people don't know, the questions and answers are very interesting. In short, economists on many issues will reach a consensus, but also in many divided on issues. Another question is very interesting, 45.1% of those polled economists think they in Australia in society respected degree than before the poor, only 23.6% of the people don't agree with this statement, I don't know that this problem is to point to the beginning to the 2007 years? Or the last decade even decades of trend? In China?

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