
Women delay retirement is the premise of voluntary and social justice

Women delay retirement is not a poll questions the premise of the women delay retirement is voluntary and social security WangChuanTao fair by the all-china women's federation of women's institute released the retirement age problem research report that, for men and women workers retirement age, have an average 58.1% of the agreed to attitude, 69.0% of female cadres, 60.6% of female technical personnel, 48.4% of women and 52.5% of men. Women delay retirement, is the trend of The Times. Population the life extension, it will not make the retirement age is becoming more and more in front; Social security gold deficit huge, women delay retirement, can help nfl hats alleviate the pressure of the pension; Old comrades have "heat", should try to play; Delay retirement, in fact has been in many western countries in place...... All of which, proved the necessity of women delay retirement. But public opinion seemed to understand that this, "58.1% of the people the agree with attitude" illustrates this point in the investigation on the basis of the approval ratings retirement, also seems to be the real legitimate and justice. But, women in the retirement age problem, not a public opinion polls can solve it. Any one poll, also cannot cover all of the public opinion. Widespread in the legal retirement age is male worker at least 60 one full year of life, female cadres at least 55 one full year of life, women workers at least 50 years of age. So, those surveyed belongs to the cadre or a worker? What is the age? Is what industry? Some question, reflect the opinion polls itself cannot equal to all public opinion such a fact. Only by a half of the approval ratings to delay the retirement age women, likely will lead to "most people dictatorship". To be sure, the women delay retirement age, is a matter of social problems. Female cadres think of their retirement is a kind of power, money and position of cheap nfl jerseys resources, and multiple loss, women workers may like to stay at home in the sun to see children; The body good, think oneself in the prime of life, can't stand the monotony of life after retirement, natural like continue to work; Some poor health, it may be like retired early. One thousand people might have one thousand Hamlet, women when retired problem, its complexity, and it is difficult to measure. Since the problem complex, might as well the legend of the elastic retirement system. 

