
The high speed has 7 days hiding behind the traffic jam

The hidden in hebei, besides the direction of Inner Mongolia in the territory of the situation is still spreads in heavy, congestion in the seventh day. Beijing is a lifeline hidden high speed, seven days bring immeasurable loss of congestion. The reporter to interview, the answer is because cheap oakley sunglasses 110 national highway construction territory, in and out of the vehicle to Beijing crisscross control, a word is caused because of the Beijing not release such large-scale traffic jam. In fact, this large DuSaiDian not congestion in Inner Mongolia, but in hebei east garden of the first FenDao mouth. Straight from here is the badaling high speed, road is the 110 national highway linking Beijing. Last August 31, the author and hide during the day in Beijing area highway pulls stuck four hours. The cause of the accident is not traffic congestion, but in the east garden of the export of the single word set up ahead of the release of the card, because the single word release, cart to difficult, so extremely slowly, and not the police to congestion of persuation and the police just sit in his police car looking at people's congestion, no exercise police ensure smooth traffic duty. And after this man after the back of the throat, the hidden in front of the Beijing YiMaPingChuan for high speed, those who have set up a passenger on the Beijing road separation facilities no vehicles. Hidden from the highway snapback hats before breakthrough, hebei pulls traffic congestion has for many years the hugeness, ten to seven plugging, and each time it has been to a few hours of a car, the traffic jam was already seven days to, this is the national any a high-speed could not have occurred the special phenomenon, ask freight driver pulls all talk about the color change. Some say the local police to cause is offers traffic jams. From I for, including a personal experience is stuck in traffic for 12 hours. Ask the police that pulls Beijing traffic, but the past 2 km then found a few strong man in hebei is article with a car territory almost all sealed off the road, fundamental and Beijing no relationship. Each offers drives past blocked by found that not all because accident, it was artificially set obstacles. Not only is the performers vehicles, sometimes out of Beijing will also pulls vehicle caused major congestion, a return of the late at night, see the opposite a cart to stand against the pulls section expressway central, next to the car can only to extremely slow speed to trickle through. Beijing a few tens of kilometers stretching behind the traffic jam. A explained that this jam is due to the high speed hidden the flow of traffic in big. A reporter from changping traffic team understands, at present the hidden high-speed traffic flow in the peak day reach about 17000 cars. People think that the far more than its can load level. But at the same time we also want to ask: is this the highway traffic will more than the northern shandongreninsular? We know few northern similar traffic, even if the accident will soon be ruled out, how may often lasted for several hours stuck in traffic? And northern highway traffic will reach the peak 670 thousand measurements for every day, is the hidden 4 times of high-speed flow. Also, to the south of the shanghai-nanjing expressway company 09 quarter report, 1-march, shanghai-nanjing expressway traffic of jiangsu section on more than 49000 vehicles, it is the hidden three times the speed flow. With what only a quarter of the northern high-speed flow, and 110 national highway of high speed will hide the shunt so regular congestion!

